remarkable. I am told when it rains that the desert here bursts into bloom but I have not yet been present for that season. However the rock formations are quite stunning and the mountain peaks take one’s breath away. I hadn’t expected to enjoy the views so much.

Megan quite liked the way he described things.

She wrote back of the play she had just seen and some tittle tattle from the last ball she’d attended. And he was charmed.

He wrote:

My housekeeper, Mrs. Suarez, is quite a good cook although her meals are a little spicier than those to which the Eastern palate is accustomed. But I have learned that when one consumes spicy hot foods it causes one to perspire, and the act of perspiration cools the body. I am sorry, that is probably not a topic for a lady, but I feel I can tell you anything, and I found the whole concept intriguing, and seemingly true! Although I must admit, especially at first, it was a little hard on my digestion and I still cannot eat some of the really hot chilies.

She replied:

We went to see Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream and there is much confusion among the characters with all sorts of comings and goings but it is quite droll and true love conquers all in the end. Possibly with a little help from potions, but they actually seemed to cause all the mix-ups.

It has been dreadfully hot here and quite sticky. I was thinking I might wish to try some of your chilies!

The letters continue to flow between them with increased frequency. Somehow, before she quite realized she had agreed to Paul's scheme, she found herself packing to leave.

“My one regret,” commented Paul, peering over the top of his morning paper as he reached for his coffee, “is that I cannot come with you to see Ted and walk you down the aisle! But this Nuttering case,” he shook his head, “it could be the making of my future!”

And, as always, his future must take precedence over mine. And to think this whole affair was his idea! Megan sipped her tea without comment nor outward show of her irritation. She knew her brother well enough to understand his seeming smugness and self-importance stemmed from the insecurity of having lost his father and mentor just as he was starting out. And, having heard him discuss “Nuttering” ad nauseum, she knew how completely consumed he was with winning for his client—apparently, at all costs!

CHAPTER TWO – Fare Thee Well

As she made the farewell rounds of her friends, Megan elected to turn the unexpected tidings of her arranged marriage into a lark and adventure. All wished her well, some a bit envious of her fortune in marrying a Railroad Man.

Several of her friends, including Gemma and Sonia, were already married and starting families. Gemma was enceinte and dearest Sonia had recently been delivered of a beautiful little girl, although Sonia herself was not recovering well from the birth.

Her husband had taken off to make his fortune mining for silver and gold shortly before Sonia had realized she was with child. He had written on a regular basis, but suddenly the letters had stopped and Sonia was becoming concerned, especially as her own family had disowned her upon her marriage and made it clear she was to make her own way. Even presented with a grandchild, her parents wanted nothing to do with her. She had married beneath her station, against their wishes, and she was a disgrace to the family.

In fact, Tom had a reasonable income from his Grandfather and had left her well provided for, planning to send for her to join him once he became established out west. He merely wanted to save her from the initial hardships of moving into the unknown. And then they had discovered her condition and agreed to postpone any move until the child was old enough to travel. Now it had been almost a year since she’d seen her husband and she hoped to join him soon—as soon as she recovered her own health.

So, Sonia’s eyes had lit up when she learned where Megan was heading.

“Arizona Territory? But that is where Tom has gone. A place called Tombstone. Oh, you can find out what has become of my Tom! His last letter said he had found an ore vein that looked to be very rich and he was quite excited that the claim he had staked might be sufficient for him to return to Philadelphia a rich man.

“But that was the last letter I received from him, just before my darling Camellia was born. I wrote to tell him about her but haven’t heard back. Please, won't you look for him while you are out there?”

“But of course I shall!” Megan promised. “I am convinced, from his letters, that Mr. Bristol will be pleased to assist us in learning what Tom is doing that keeps him from being able to communicate with you.”

Sonia, laying weakly in her bed, sighed tremulously and thanked Megan repeatedly. She also expressed gratitude that Megan had never deserted her nor forsworn their lifelong friendship when her parents had cut her off.

Then she had requested one last favor.

“I know it is an imposition, but of all my friends you are the one to whom I most look up and whom feel I could entrust my darling girl’s education and upbringing. You have always been faithful in your religion and put yourself in God’s hands. Won’t you please be my Camellia’s godmother?”

“I’ve always loved you like a sister, you know that, Sonia! I would be beyond honored to stand as godmother to Camellia. I look forward to sharing with you her introduction to our Father.”

Sonia moved quickly to arrange the baptism ceremony, to be held at her bedside in view of her continuing weakness. In

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