Clara didn’t really mind. Gracie had become a good friend and had a loving nature. But while she could manage most chores with competence, she had exhibited no special talents which would make her useful as a servant or shopkeeper’s assistant. Most of the sisters agreed marriage to Jack, now that his wages were sufficient to support a family, would be an ideal outcome for the couple.
Sister Bridget commented that she did not believe either Kathleen or Maria would be good candidates. They were still at the orphanage because they lacked maturity, and someone setting off on an adventure like this would need to have her wits about her. Both girls had secured decent jobs, one as a waitress in a family café, and the other as a daily help for a growing family.
“I believe Maria also has a young man courting her,” she added.
Mother Evangeline ticked those names on her list and scratched a brief note next to each before she looked up.
“We will need to pursue safe housing arrangements, preferably boarding houses with reliable matrons to provide that option, but I believe each of the girls should be allowed to think about all the choices being presented. Many of them may have no interest whatsoever in leaving this town. It is what they know.
“And while for some this may be a unique chance to possibly better their lives, it could also prove to be a nightmare of the unknown. We may find that none of them wishes to go.”
Sister Benedicta nodded her head thoughtfully. “Considering some of their backgrounds, I suspect the sense of adventure has been drummed out of them a bit. But I confess to being intrigued at the possibilities!”
Sister Frances had remained silent, carefully following the discussion. Now she spoke up.
“You know, Sisters, I think you are somewhat underestimating our charges. I’ve watched them grow from frightened and timid waifs to poised and self-confident young women under our tutelage. It has been as much for our own convenience as theirs that we’ve allowed some of the older girls to remain with us. Their maturity is a good example for the younger girls.
“While I do not agree with the extremes to which the Board has gone, I think we need to balance security against complacency. We do rather cocoon the girls.”
Laughing at the somewhat shocked and then chagrined looks being exchanged, Sister Frances added, “I mollycoddle them myself. So many have overcome such hardships! But look how resilient most of them have become!”
Sister Bridget nodded. “Yes, even poor Emily has improved immeasurably, although I doubt she’ll ever be able to manage on her own.”
“At least we have several years before we need worry about that. But will her sister go off without her?” Sister Benedicta spoke with concern.
Mother Evangeline brought the threads of the conversation to a close. “I would gather we all concur that including my brother’s proposal should be included in the options we discuss with the girls.” Heads nodded in agreement.
“And your thoughts on whether to approach them as a group or invite them individually?”
Sister Agatha spoke up.
“You know, dear, these young ladies will immediately talk to the others as soon as they leave your office. I think it would be best to have them all in at once. I suspect some of them may have ideas which we haven’t even considered.”
“Thank you, Agatha. That is what I thought too, but wished to have your input on the matter. So we are agreed that all of the eligible young women be ask to join us so we can explain the proposal?” More nods.
“I suggest,” Sister Benedicta put in, “that we make it a somewhat social occasion and provide tea and cakes. The rumors have been flying around about the Board’s new edicts, and you must know that the girls are somewhat panicked that they will be thrown onto the streets. I think for us to assure them that if they are not part of this group heading west, we will ensure they have proper lodgings and positions and not turn them loose on their own would reassure them greatly.”
The sisters closed their meeting with a prayer for guidance. The sooner they started the better, so Sister Frances headed to the kitchens to discuss the tea party plan with Sister Beatrice, and Sister Bridget requested and received permission to ask Barbara join her to pen personal invitations to each of the girls.
CHAPTER 12 – Westward, Ho?
As Mother Evangeline walked into the room, followed by Sisters Benedicta, Bridget, Frances, and Agatha, the girls dropped into silence.
“Good evening, my dears,” Mother greeted them. “I'm sure most of you have a pretty good idea why we asked you to join us. And thus you are also aware of the gravity of the situation, which I will clarify in a minute.
“But first, as is our custom, let us invite The Lord to join us.”
Hands reached out to grasp one another as heads bowed.
“Dearest Heavenly Father, please look down upon us and guide us in Your wisdom to the best solution for the situation in which we find ourselves. Please open each girl's heart to her own mind that she may make the best decision for herself and those she loves. We thank You for Your everlasting caring and love.”
There quickly followed a chorus of “amens” and then the girls looked up again.
“All right, I know you've all heard the rumors flying about concerning a new edict from the Board of Governors. We will not be discussing the edict directly, but how we will be responding.
“We,” she glanced around at her fellow sisters, “believe