man holding out a shawl. “Did someone mug you and take your clothes?”

“No Ma’am,” Henry replied with a smile. “I am responding to a dare. I am not the kind of man to be dared.”

“Well that’s just plain stupid,” Nana said, wrapping her shawl around his midsection. “Your pecker is going to fall off.”

Henry considered what she said. His teeth chattered and his lips were already turning blue. “You think so?”

“Get in the back Henry, we’re going to the ranch. Jeremy is going to be mad at you.”

“All right. Let me get my clothes.”

Her mother peered out from the back window and gasped. “You’re putting a naked man in the back seat with me? No way.”

“I’ll sit with him,” Nana said. “He’s a bit young for me, but I suspect he’s single.”

Gabriela burst out laughing as her mother hurried to sit in the front. “Come on, let’s get to the ranch. We have a wedding to plan.”

Her parents and brother each had a cabin. Gabriela and Jeremy were going to stay at the same one she’d stayed when first coming to visit until the wedding.

That night after dinner, Jeremy took her hand. “Come outside, I have a surprise for you.”

It took a few moments to get her coat, scarf, and gloves on before she left with him. They went to the snowmobile and Jeremy drove away from the main house.

The cold air made her cheeks sting, but she loved holding onto Jeremy as they zipped across the expanse of the land.

At the cabins, one in particular had the indoor lights on, and he pulled the snowmobile to a stop in front of it.

Gabriela smiled. “What’s inside? Wanna peek first and make sure there’s no dead body?”

They walked hand in hand to the door where she gasped. The main area was sparsely furnished with only a table, two chairs and a bed. On the table were two candles, a huge vase with beautiful red roses, two goblets and champagne chilling.

“Merry Christmas,” Jeremy said with a wide grin. “I hope you like it.”

She blinked tears back. “Oh my goodness. I got you a backpack. I feel so lame.”

“There are also chocolate covered strawberries,” Jeremy added.

“I put gum in one of the pockets.”

“I need a backpack.” He kissed her and pulled Gabriela tight against him.

“And I need you naked and on that rug.”

“Is that all you think about?”

“Pretty much.”

About the Author

Most days USA Today Bestseller Hildie McQueen can be found in her overly tight leggings and green hoodie, holding a cup of tea while stalking the lawn guy. In the afternoons she browses the Internet for semi-nude men to post on Facebook.

Being a full-time writer is no joke, the co-workers are dogs, no one cleans the office and the only human contact is usually carrying a package and in a hurry to leave.

Author Hildie McQueen loves unusual situations and getting into interesting adventures, which is what her characters do as well. She writes romance because she is in love with love! Author of historical and contemporary romances, she writes something every reader can enjoy.

Hildie’s favorite past-times are reader conventions, traveling, shopping and reading.

She resides in beautiful small town Georgia with her super-hero husband Kurt and three doggies.

Visit her website at




Other Contemporary Romances by Hildie McQueen

Laurel Creek Series

Jaded: Luke

Broken: Taylor

Ruined: Tobias

Brash: Frederick

Montana Cowboys

Montana Bachelor

Montana Boss

Montana Beau

Montana Born

Montana Bred


Even Heroes Cry

The Last Hero

Melody of Secrets

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