A popup notification from my email. I switch to that tab and read Ron’s reply.
I sigh. Of course she somehow managed to do exactly what I hoped she wouldn’t do. I don’t have much to say to her right now, so I close the tabs. I’ll reply tomorrow, after her update.
I hover the mouse over the shut down button. I should just turn it off and go.
Yet, I find myself opening up the browser again and typing in “gifted serial killer.”
I click on the first article and read it while breathing shallowly. I’ve read it a thousand times. I’ve seen that blurry photo of that young white man smirking at the camera as a girl lays crumpled at his feet. I know this article, that photo, his name by heart. Vic Blanchet.
Sometimes, I dream about him. I see him killing someone, writing them as a number on his list, and walking away while whistling a happy tune. Sometimes, I am him. I touch someone and when they fall, I feel a sense of exhilaration that nothing else can match. But that quickly fades and is replaced by a longing for my next hit.
No, not my next hit. His. The one before me, who had this gift. Those are his feelings, not mine.
Not mine.
I let out a shaky breath and hold down the power button of the computer. Vic’s face is replaced with blackness.
Leaning back in the chair, I pull at the gloves on my hands. I tug them a little off and then back on. My hands are sweaty underneath, so the gloves stick to my skin as I tug and tug.
I get up and go to the window. More kids are out playing on the fields now. Don’t they feel sad about Adrien? Although to be fair, I’ve seen a lot of death—so much that it doesn’t faze me at all anymore. Maybe a lot of these kids are like that too.
The window is closed so it’s starting to feel way too stuffy in here. It doesn’t seem like this room gets used that often though, so I leave the window closed and leave the room.
I go down the hall to Li’s office and knock on the door. There’s no answer.
I knock on the door next to Li’s office.
“Come in,” Li says through the door.
I open it. Li and Shikoba are sitting across from each other. A white floral teapot, two steaming cups of dark tea sitting on saucers, and a tray of hard-looking cookies are on the table in front of them.
Both Li and Shikoba smile at me, Shikoba with his head turned back to see me.
“Chrys,” Li says, “come have a seat.”
I close the door behind me and sit down next to Shikoba, who’s in the middle of the sofa directly across from Li.
Putting my hands in between my thighs to sort of hide the gloves, I say, “Has Valeria spoken to you yet?”
“About the future?” Li takes a sip of tea and the cup clinks on the saucer as she sets it back down.
I nod.
“Yes, that’s what we,” Li gestures to Shikoba, “were just discussing.”
“We also think it’s highly likely this is coming from Bluewater,” Shikoba says, angling his body towards me. “There’s nowhere else close enough that makes sense, unless someone is camping out in the forest. But, as far as I know, the range on gifts is not that large. Hunter has the largest range I’ve heard of.”
“That’s why we are putting together a small group to go out and investigate the town,” Li says.
“I have a friend there in Bluewater,” I say. “Maybe she can help your group.”
“Someone gifted?” Li asks.
“No, she’s, uh, normal. We were going to come to the camp together but Valeria said she wasn’t sure if you’d let her stay, so my friend decided to stay in Bluewater.”
“Of course I would have let her stay,” Li says. “She can come here now, if she wants. As long as she’s okay with being around us and keeping the location a secret.”
My heart beats quicker. Li would let Ron stay here. We can be together again. And maybe we can stay here for a long time, even after I have my gift erased.
I can’t wait to tell Ron, but I put that aside for a moment. “Anyway, my friend sent me an email today. She managed to get close to some giftists and she thinks one of them might be holding a gifted person hostage, but she told me she’ll let me know for sure tomorrow after she checks tonight.”
“That sounds dangerous,” Shikoba says. He leans over and dunks a cookie in his tea. “You should tell her to hold off. We can send others to investigate it.” He bites the soaked part of the cookie.
I shake my head. “It’s no use. When Ron decides to do something, she doesn’t change her mind. But she’s not reckless. She’ll be careful.”
Shikoba sighs. “I just hope she’ll be okay.”
I turn to Li. “When are you planning on sending the group to town?”
“I was going to send you guys out tonight but, hearing about your friend, I think it’s wise to wait until after you hear from her. Let us know what she says.”
“You guys? You mean I’m going too?”
“Well, you are the face of this investigation, aren’t you? Plus, your friend is there, so you have an even bigger advantage.”
I nod. It would be nice to see Ron again.
“Who else are you sending?” I ask.
Li exchanges a glance with Shikoba, who’s nibbling on the cookie. “Just you and Hunter.”
“Why Hunter? Why not Valeria?”
“She’s…” Li shifts in her seat. “Her state of mind is too fragile right now. Besides, Hunter will be more useful. If, on the off chance, there is some trouble, he can calm everyone down long enough for you to escape.”
“Okay, but why can’t you or Shikoba or Elise come too?”
“Too many people heading into town at once will be suspicious. Plus, Elise has