new entrepreneur will have time to assist me as well, help keep the clients coming my way, and the bills getting paid. With your contacts and world-view you’d be my best asset.”

“So now I’m an asset?”

“You are everything and anything you want to be, as long as you’re mine.”

“Are you proposing, Craig Landers?”

“I guess I am, Jolene Sumpter.”

“Well this twin is very interested in pursing that dream. I’ve never stopped loving you.”

“That’s all I wanted to hear.”

With the heart ornament pinned in the space between them, Craig leaned in and claimed her lips. The world seemed to stand still and Jolene’s heart filled to capacity, completely mended and overflowing.


Miracles did happen – with a little co-operation from His extended hands – Mrs. Claus and her kick-side amateur, Sandra Fredricks. Heritage Inn chalked up another successful match and all of heaven danced at the victory.

The End

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