From Mourning to Joy

Belles of Wyoming # 34


Marlene Bierworth

Copyright © 2020 Marlene Bierworth

No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without written permission of the author, Marlene Bierworth, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, character and events are the product of the author’s imagination. While the author has tried to be historically correct, her goals in this book are great characters and storytelling. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locals, is purely coincidental.

All books titled or quoted in this story belong to their respective authors.

Mourning to Joy ©2020 Marlene Bierworth

Cover Design done by Virginia McKevitt,

Table of Contents

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Belles Books

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13


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Belles of Wyoming Family

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The Belles of Wyoming is a multi-author project. Lots of styles and adventures but all sweet historical romance. Join the fans on the reader’s page and see all the titles in the series as they release.

The theme is a New Beginning - winter release of 2020 – and my contribution is From Mourning to Joy. A story of grief, touched by the miracle of love, and resulting in happily-ever-after joy. Join Janelle and Bernie for this heartwarming story in Belle, Wyoming.

The Belles of Wyoming

You can see all The Belles of Wyoming Books on our Amazon Series page.

Our beautiful covers were designed by Virginia McKevitt of Black Widow Books.

Christmas 2018 (Theme: Holiday)

Book 1, Christine Sterling, Wynter’s Bride

Book 2, Marianne Spitzer, Holly's Christmas Wish

Book 3, Cyndi Raye, A Tin Star for Christmas

Book 4, P. Creeden, A Pony for Christmas

Book 5, Julia Ridgmont, Natalie's Surprise Engagement

Spring 2019 (Theme: Renewal/Redemption)

Book 6, Christine Sterling, The Homecoming

Book 7, Ginny Sterling, Blessings of Love

Book 8, Cyndi Raye, Mercy’s Gift

Book 9, P. Creeden, Moments of Grace

Book 10, Julia Ridgmont, Emeline's Redemption

Summer 2019 (Theme: Summer Love/ Barn Raising)

Book 11, Ginny Sterling, Lightning Strikes Twice

Book 12, Julia Ridgmont, In the Nick of Time

Book 13, Jenna Brandt, June’s Remedy

Book 14, Lynn Donovan, The Wrong Bride

Book 15, Marisa Masterson, Grace for a Drifter

Book 16, Rose Castro, Lucy’s Luck

Book 17, P. Creeden, Steel Blue Bride

Book 18, Cyndi Raye, Stealing Her Heart

Book 19, Cheryl Wright, Eleanor’s Dilemma

Book 20, Jo Grafford, Wild Rose Summer

Book 21, Patricia PacJac Carroll, Summer’s Love

Book 22, Lisa M. Prysock, The Prairie Princess

Book 23, Marie Higgins, Whispers of Yesterday

Book 24, Amelia Adams, Butterfly Kisses

Book 25, Margaret Tanner, Flynn's Debt

Book 26, Mimi Milan, September’s Switch

Book 27, Julia Ridgmont, Daring to Love Again

Book 28, Christine Sterling, A Matter of Marriage

Book 29, Ginny Sterling, Change of Heart

Book 30, Christine Sterling, The Barn Raising

Winter 2020 (Theme: New Beginnings)

Book 31, Patricia PACJAC Carroll, Setting Things Straight

Book 32, Marianne Spitzer, Charity’s Promise

Book 33, Marie Higgins, Too Many Secrets

Book 34, Marlene Bierworth, From Mourning to Joy

Book 35, Marisa Masterson, The Teacher’s Star

Book 36, Lisa Prysock, Hazel’s Tribulations

Book 37, Lynn Donovan, Nellie’s New Attitude

Book 38, Julia Ridgmont, The Trouble with Lucy

Chapter 1

January 1882

The wooziness Janelle had fought off with some success the past two hours was winning the battle. Her forehead dripped with sweat. No sense casting the blame on the red-hot cook stove – she had a fever. As Janelle pivoted, her feet felt like chunks of stone and she staggered against her body’s imbalance. Reaching for the back of the chair to stop her world from going around, she dropped her son’s supper plate. Through blurry eyes, she stared at the precious pile of steaming rabbit stew then leaned over and vomited in the middle of it.

Davey jumped up from the table where he played with small blocks of wood, which he envisioned to be pieces of new equipment moving around the barren fields hidden beneath a blanket of snow. He arrived at his mother’s side in time to stop her from toppling head first into the pile. But the strength in his small arms could only shift her weight in a new direction, landing her body a couple feet from the stove. The boy stared, the threat of tears blurring his vision. He fought the urge to cry. Sucking up his lower lip, Davey bit off the quivering sob. Today he turned a whole six-years-old and furthermore, he was the man of the house. No time to entertain the baby that hadn’t grown out of him yet. He rallied his nerve, knowing his Ma deserved better.

She merely groaned when he shook her body, and the blank eyes rolling to the back of her head frightened Davey. He dragged the oval braided rug close and pushed for all he was worth, until she rolled on top. His mother was thin, least that’s what Pappy used to say – pint sized, like a little gal who ought to be his sister and not a grown-up Ma.

Pappy would be surprised to see Janelle Rimes now. Since he’d gone off to Heaven, Davey suspected Ma had lost even more weight. She claimed not to need near as much food on her plate as a growing boy. Pa used to say, a strong wind would blow her clear into the nearby town of Belle or maybe even

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