need to get our hands on his actual financial statements. And if we can tie him into money that he’s laundering through the casino, all the better. That’s information we can turn over to the authorities and they can deal with the casino.”

Rita reached over and patted his hand. “Sweetheart, I know you’ve been going stir crazy here at home. You can enjoy a couple of nights at a nice hotel in Gatlinburg. The mountains are lovely this time of year, and it would give you a chance to do something to help your sister.”

Thinking they had all lost their minds, he focused his attention back to Nancy. “So, you just want me to pretend to be a groom-to-be and go into the wedding chapel to get the lay of the land?”

“Well, now that I think about it, it would make more sense if you went in with my friend. The two of you could pretend to be a couple that’s looking to get married and you’re checking out wedding chapels. That would look more realistic because I don’t know that many grooms go in by themselves. So really, Nolan, all you have to do is just make one or two visits to the venue and see if there’s a way that you can get my friend into the owner’s office when he’s not there so she can get her hands on the computer files.”

Shaking his head, he tried to think of a good reason why he couldn’t participate in the madcap scheme, but all he came up with were reasons for helping. It’s not like I’m doing anything else. Dad’s right about me having the skills to instantly assess the situation. If Nancy’s friend is an accountant, that means she has no undercover or covert experience, so she could definitely use someone like me at her side. I’d love to get out of the house and get up into the mountains for a few days. I might even be able to do a little bit of easy hiking.

Throwing out a rueful chuckle, he grinned as he lifted his glass in a mock toast. “I’m probably going to seriously regret this, but okay, Nancy, you’ve got my help.”

She sighed in relief and their father chuckled along with Nolan. Rita clapped with glee and turned toward Nancy. “This is wonderful! Tell him who your accountant friend is!”

Nancy hesitated and dropped her gaze to the table as she fiddled with her fork, her voice taking on a strangled quality. “You might remember her from high school, although she was in my class, so she was two years behind you. She was also my best friend back then. Lynn. Lynn Cox.”

Nolan jerked his gaze back toward Nancy, his mouth opening and closing several times, but no words came forth. Finally snapping his mouth shut, he blinked heavily for the third time. Lynn Cox? The pretty, quiet friend that always followed me around? The one who threw herself at me the night before I left for boot camp and kissed me? Hell, she came at me like she was the first kid out at recess and I was the monkey bars. As the memory assaulted him, he winced. And then I set her back on her feet and told her ‘No way, no how’! Not because I wasn’t interested… He winced again. Damn, at that age she was jailbait.

He sighed heavily. Lynn Cox? Oh, fuckin’ hell… what have I just agreed to?

Not realizing he spoke the last question aloud, his dad chuckled again and his mom piped up. “Why, Nolan, you’ve just agreed to be an undercover groom.”


Lynn Cox sat in her friend’s office, waiting for her to come in. She was not surprised she was waiting considering she’d known Nancy Bell since elementary school—and Nancy was notoriously late. But, since Nancy’s mother was the part-time secretary, she had someone to talk to.

“I was trying to remember how long you and Nancy have been friends,” Rita said, her smile bouncing between the computer screen and Lynn’s face.

Returning her smile, she replied, “Nancy and I have been friends since we sat next to each other in second grade. I was terrified to meet new people, and Nancy jumped in, immediately declaring that I was her best friend.”

“Oh, that’s right! I just remember all the years of sleepovers where you two stayed up late, whispering long into the night.”

Rita was right, and Lynn was glad Nancy’s mom had no idea what they talked about. Their whispered late-night conversations started with boy bands they loved and moved to boys they loved. And, of course, for Lynn, that had always been centered around one boy—Nancy’s brother, Nolan.

Even though years had passed, she wished she could forget the embarrassment of longing for a man who never knew she existed.

“How are your parents? I feel like I haven’t seen them in forever,” Rita said, interrupting Lynn’s musings.

“They’re good. Still traveling as much as they can. They just got back from a trip to California because my dad wanted to take pictures of the redwood forests. Mom wanted to spend some time on the beach, getting inspiration for her next novel. Plus, they got to see my brother. When they get back, they’ll only be home for a couple of weeks before they head to Italy.”

“How exciting! Your parents always were so adventurous.”

Lynn smiled and tucked her long, dark hair behind her ear. “Yes, they love what they do.” She was used to people being impressed by her parents. Her father was an internationally acclaimed nature photographer and her mother was a best-selling romance novelist. Her brother started out as a model when he was in high school and now starred in a television series. And me? I stare at numbers all day long.

As soon as people found out what her family did, they immediately assumed that her life was just as exciting and creative… until they discover I’m an accountant. Yep, I totally missed out on the creative gene.


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