‘I’m such a freak for being turned on by that,’ she mumbled and he laughed.
‘My favourite kind.’
No one else was there except Pickles so why the fuck not?
Orgasm rolled through her then and she let it, grabbed it and opened herself up to it fully. Kate was pretty sure she was loud enough for the neighbours half a mile away to hear but she didn’t care. At that moment, he asked it of her and she wanted to give it to him.
He’d sulked the entire time she packed. It hadn’t taken her very long, she was used to being portable from the weekends spent at his house anyway. But she knew the minute he left the house, she’d have to have a talk with Pickles.
When Dix had gone out to load her stuff in his truck Eve had smirked one time too many and followed it up with, ‘I’d appreciate it if you’d take more care when screaming when my husband is fucking you. My daughters don’t need to be exposed to a porn movie every time you visit.’
Katherine had taken a very hands-off approach to the woman up until then. Mainly she didn’t care enough to engage but it was also about trying very hard to respect the mother of Dix’s kids. But they weren’t there and the time had come to make things very clear to Pickles.
She turned very slowly and took a deep breath to keep from throttling Eve. ‘Fuck you, Eve. Your daughters aren’t here and he’s not yours, he’s mine. He hasn’t been yours for a very long time. He’s. Not. Your. Husband. Nine years now you’ve been divorced. Stop pretending like I’m the one who’s threatened here. I’m not. You’re no competition for me. He didn’t want you then and he doesn’t want you now. If I scream the rafters down while he’s fucking me, it’s none of your business as long as your children aren’t here. And we both know how good he is in bed.’ Kate smirked and grabbed her coat.
‘I’ve been nice, I’ve tried to respect what has to be a difficult time for you. But you’re using your children to hurt the man I love and that’s where I draw the line. I used to think you were a dynamic and successful woman, but now I think you’re pathetic. Any woman who harms her children so cavalierly deserves nothing but derision.’
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ Eve’s voice had gone thready.
‘Bitch, please. You know exactly what I’m talking about. But that’s between you and Dix and those girls. I’m going, but let’s be clear that it’s because I can’t stand your baby-voice and put-upon helplessness another minute. I can’t stand to look at you knowing what you’re doing to both your daughters and Dix, who may have been a shitty husband, but we both know he’s a stellar father. Lastly, don’t cross me. Don’t confuse respectful with soft and helpless. I don’t need to manipulate teenage girls to get what I want. I have what I want. We’re done here. You got me? You want to go to war? Bring it, you self-centred twat. I eat bitches like you for breakfast every day of the week.’
Eve had gone very pale and her mouth opened and closed over and over as she struggled with a come-back.
Kate just laughed. ‘I know. I hide my light under a bushel, don’t I? You thought, since I never slapped the fuck out of you like you deserved, that I was worried or a pushover. You were surprised this morning, but you still underestimated me. Don’t do it again.’
She turned, heading to the door, and heard Dix on the porch. She wondered how much he’d overheard, but he didn’t say anything about it as he helped her into the passenger side and they drove off.
He was silent until they got near the airport. Pouting, she knew. She let him because she understood it and because she respected him enough to let him work his shit out.
‘I can’t believe you’re not going to tell me where you’re staying. That really pisses me off, Katherine.’
Didn’t mean she was going to tolerate this little tantrum when it spilt onto her lap though. ‘Stop it. I told you, I don’t know where we’ll be staying yet. I’ll let you know when I find out. You have my cell number. You have Leah’s cell number. It’s not like I’m running off forever.’ He looked like a four-year-old who’d had his lollipop stolen and God knew she shouldn’t encourage this side of him. She kissed his forehead and smothered an urge to smile.
‘I’ll be calling. You’d better be back here soon. I want to be with you on New Year’s Eve. That’s just four days from now. You promised me we’d be together.’
‘I did and if you think over the time we’ve been together you won’t be able to name a single time I’ve broken a promise, so stop sulking.’ She nodded. ‘Now my plane is going to leave without me so I need to get moving.’
‘You gonna tell me what you and Eve spoke about before we left?’
‘I have to say I’m amazed you waited this long. We just had a little bit of a chat. I’m sure you heard at least part of it when you were listening on the porch.’
The flash of his teeth in the darkened car told her she’d been correct.
‘I’m not a patient man where you’re concerned. I have no moderation. Don’t be gone long.’ He hauled her over and kissed her soundly.
‘How could I go without kisses like that?’ She brushed her thumb over his bottom lip. ‘I love you, Charles Dixon. Good luck fending Pickles off while I’m gone. You know she’s going to try to seduce you or whatever it is women like her