the drive home her father seemed a little too interested in what she and Joe had talked about. She suspected he was up to some sort of matchmaking.

Under other circumstances, any girl would be glad to have Joe’s attention, even Lovey. But at the moment she was utterly distracted by someone else. Lovey glanced over at Royal again, anxious to end the encounter with Joe and be on her way.

“I was—” they both said at the same time.

“Sorry, you go first,” offered Joe with a chuckle.

“No, you.”

“Well, I was just gonna ask if I could call on you later this evening? I’ve got some things to run back to the farm, but I’ll be finished around seven.”

Lovey was caught off guard, but in an instant she decided it would be in her best interest to accept Joe’s invitation. If she wanted to throw her father off her trail so that she could spend some time with Royal, then time with Joe would be the perfect shield.

“Uh, that would be nice.” Lovey started moving toward the door.

“Great. I’ll see you at seven then.” Joe tipped his hat as Lovey brushed past him and out the exit.

She walked slowly toward where she saw Royal’s parked car. Royal caught up to her before she reached it.

“Just let me throw this in the back.” Royal popped the trunk and tossed the sugar in. Lovey hoped that Royal wouldn’t ask any questions about her brief conversation with Joe. To her relief, she didn’t.

The first few minutes of the drive, they were quiet. Lovey thought Royal seemed a little nervous, which she found completely endearing. When they’d made love, Royal had seemed so sure of herself, so confident, in contrast to how she was acting at the moment.

Lovey wanted to cross the electrified space between them and touch Royal. Noticing Royal’s long fingers clasping the steering wheel tightly reminded her of how amazing those hands felt as they caressed her naked body. The interior of the car suddenly felt twenty degrees warmer. She couldn’t stand it any longer. She leaned over and brushed the back of her fingers across Royal’s cheek. Royal glanced over at her with a look Lovey couldn’t quite decipher. She pressed closer, lightly kissing Royal’s neck just beneath her ear.

The car swerved and dropped off the shoulder momentarily before Royal pulled the heavy sedan back onto the road in a cloud of dust.

“I don’t think I can drive when you do that.” Royal blushed.

“Then maybe we should pull over, because I’m not sure I can stop.” Lovey kissed Royal’s neck again as she ran her fingers through the short hair at the back of Royal’s neck.

They approached a dirt road on the left, and Royal pulled off the main highway. She drove for a couple of minutes so that they were well off the pavement before she pulled the dark auto up under lush hardwoods into the shade.

In less than a minute they were snuggled into the broad backseat of the car kissing. Lovey felt as if she couldn’t get close enough to Royal. They were seated beside each other, locked in an embrace, and Lovey moved her leg so that it was almost across Royal’s lap. She wanted to be as close as possible as they kissed.

“I was afraid you’d be sorry about what we did the other night,” Royal whispered close to her ear.

“What we did just made me want more. More time with you.” She felt Royal’s lips curl into a smile against her cheek. Then Royal’s lips drifted down her neck as she felt Royal unbutton her blouse. She began doing the same to Royal’s shirt. She felt Royal’s fingers inside her top; lightly teasing fingertips moved across her stomach muscles, which flinched in response.

Lovey wanted Royal’s hands under her skirt. The fabric was loose fitting below her waist, so she shifted so that both legs were across Royal’s lap, within easy reach. It was only a moment before Royal began to explore Lovey’s inner thigh, slowly easing the light cotton fabric of the skirt up her legs as they continued to kiss.

Royal’s fingers paused before reaching the aching place between Lovey’s legs. Lovey pulled Royal into a deep kiss as a way to signal her consent for what Royal was doing. Lovey had never really considered herself a sexual person, but at the moment she clearly was. She was in the backseat of a car and wanted nothing more than to be completely undressed and under Royal’s attentive touch. Pleasures of the flesh had taken on new meaning for her.

She wrapped her fingers around Royal’s wrist and pushed her hand further against her throbbing center. That small bit of confirmation seemed to be all that Royal needed. She leaned into Lovey and kissed her deeply. Lovey felt Royal’s fingers pull the thin satin fabric aside to caress her tender flesh.

“Oh, Royal,” she breathed against Royal’s mouth. “Royal.”

Royal began to thrust slowly in and out with her fingers. As she leaned back against the side of the car, Royal’s mouth drifted down to her breast. Lovey pulled the fabric aside to give Royal better access as she filled her fingers with Royal’s hair.

After spending nearly forty-eight hours doing little else but thinking of Royal’s hands on her again, she climaxed quickly. She arched into Royal as the orgasm washed forcefully over her.

“I can’t believe we just did that,” she whispered into Royal’s hair. Royal’s lips were tenderly kissing the contours of her exposed breasts.

“I can. I’ve been able to think of nothing but you since you left my room Saturday night.” Royal raised up a little so that Lovey could see her face. Lovey pushed damp hair off Royal’s forehead, that same sexy clump of hair that seemed to be forever covering those piercing blue eyes.

Royal’s hand still rested on Lovey’s thigh under her skirt as she leaned in and kissed Lovey softly. She trailed her fingertips down the center of Royal’s chest, inside her open shirt. As

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