Witch’s Brew Series

Book Three


Table of Contents

Title Page

Living Hell: Chaos Ensues (Witch's Brew, #3)

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Living Hell

Copyright © 2019 by N.L. Hoffmann

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Cover Art: Y. Nikolova at Ammonia Book Covers

Editing: Kim’s Fiction Proofreading & Editing Services


I have far too many people to thank... First I would like to thank my friend and beta reader, Amy for helping me talk through ideas and keeping me motivated. Without you things would never be done!

My friend CJ for always being there when I need her. Our writing sprints have helped me through many blocks!

As always, thank you for my beta readers that always have the time to read through the books (Maria, Ruth, Christy, Christie, Amy, Pamela, Tanner, Trista). I love you guys!

I would also like to thank my favorite author, Darynda Jones for always listening, encouraging and helping out when I ask. You’re a brilliant writer and I wish there were more people like you.

As always, I want to thank my husband for dealing with the many long nights of my writing. You’re a special man and I love you.

Thanks to my mom and dad for the constant support and sharing of my books. I love you guys.

To an amazing girl who is growing into a truly beautiful woman inside and out. Thank you, Lilly, for making me feel like a better writer.

Chapter One

Oh, my gods. I just kicked Ethan in the face!

We were just sparring. I didn’t mean to kick that high, nearly knocking the poor guy out.

Rushing over to him, I bent down. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to kick you there.”

Quickly, he grabbed me. I squealed, grunting when I landed on top of him. He started laughing. Trying not to laugh myself, I struggled to get up, but he kept pulling me back down.

“We’re supposed to be training! Not playing,” I said, smacking his arm.

“But this is much more fun. A pretty girl on top of me. What more could a guy ask for?” He rolled me over so I was on my back and he could gaze down at me.

I squirmed, trying to get out from under him. Judging by the look in his eyes, I could tell sparring wasn’t on his mind anymore. “This isn’t fair, Ethan! We’re supposed to be serious right now.”

“We’ve been serious all week, Sophie. I need you.” He lowered his lips to mine, brushing them softly.

Pushing on his chest, I grinned. “Someone feeling neglected?”

Supporting his weight on his arms, he suddenly dropped down to his elbows, causing me to squeal. “You have no fucking clue.” He moved his hips, grinding himself into me.

“Mmm...” My eyes rolled back into my head.

I made him hold off while we trained. It was the only way I could concentrate. Too much Ethan on the mind clouded my judgment. The situation with my ex, Drake, was serious. Not only possessed by a demon, but he was now on a killing spree, leaving a slew of bodies in his wake. Someone had to stop him, and I made it my mission.

Ethan wrapped his sweaty arms around me and rolled.

Feeling something soft underneath me, I looked around, realizing he had transported us back to his bed in the hotel. “Hey! You cheated!” I laughed.

Nibbling on my ear, Ethan chuckled, his hand gliding down my side to my thigh. “I’ve been watching you all week, Sophie. I can’t take it anymore.”

During the week, we had gone on several missions to find Drake. Instead, all we found were bodies. Unfortunately, people had started to take notice. There was only so much Ethan could do as a Mage. Part of his responsibility was to erase the memory of humans who’d been exposed to Witch secrets. Now we had a demonic vampire on the loose.

It didn’t make sense to me. Why would the demon want to kill so many people? What was he searching for?

“Stop thinking so much. Let me distract you,” Ethan whispered, kissing down my neck, gently biting me over the pulsing vein. I moaned, wishing he could sink his teeth into me like I did him. As he moved farther down, he pulled my sports bra over my head. The cool air caused my nipples to harden instantly. His mouth took one in, tongue flicking softly until he heard me whimper.

His fingers moved toward my waistband, inching my pants down. Desperate to feel his skin on mine, I used my feet to kick them off. Ethan chuckled as he undressed, pleased that I was suddenly as frantic as he was. He positioned himself between my legs. I raised my hips to meet him, feeling his hard length.

Pounding on the door made us both jump. Heart pounding, I grabbed a blanket to cover myself. Ethan groaned, sliding off the bed. He grabbed a robe from the couch, put it on, then walked toward the door. Moving as quickly as I could with a blanket tangled around my legs, I ran into the bathroom.

Ethan swung open

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