But, mate or not, Sarah was a real-life person, who had a life before him. It was physically painful to think that there was someone else in her life. She didn’t confirm it, but didn’t deny it either, but it sounded like there was someone else that she cared deeply about. And while the thought of that made him want to tear something apart, he had to respect that she was her own person and that even though she was his fated mate, he couldn’t just take something that belonged to someone else first.
Now, here she was, like fate dropped her in his lap—again. She wasn’t attached, a fact that made his heart nearly burst out of his chest. Which meant he could still find a way to woo her and make her stay and be his mate. He didn’t want to blow this chance to show her they were meant to be together.
But first … He glanced down the hallway, in the direction of Damon’s office. He had to take care of this first. Not sure what he was going to say to his friend and boss, he straightened his shoulders and strode toward the chief’s office.
Being the type of person who preferred to rip off a Band-Aid, he grabbed the door handle, yanked it open and strode inside. “Chief, first of all let me—what the hell are you all doing here?”
It wasn’t just Damon in the office, but Gabriel and Anders were there as well, standing by Damon’s massive oak desk. “Chief, I need to talk to you, alone.”
“Were you going to mention your wife at all?” Damon asked, hands folding over his chest.
“It’s not what you think,” he said.
“Why don’t you sit down and explain.” Damon waved him over and motioned for him to sit. “Let’s talk. As friends. What’s going on?”
His instinct was to turn around and run; this was his workplace after all, and Damon was his boss. But he reminded himself that he had gone through the punishing training camp with these three men, and they had forged a bond no one else would understand. So, he walked over and sank down on the chair. “She’s mine,” he said with a sigh. “My mate.”
“Sarah?” Gabriel gaped. “Your wife? She’s your mate?”
“Jesus.” Damon looked flabbergasted.
“Fuck me,” Anders moaned. “Not you, too. All right, I’m out.” He threw his hands up in the air and pivoted on his heel, walking toward the door.
“Where the hell are you going?” Gabriel called. But the door had already slammed shut, and the tiger shifter was gone.
“Leave him alone,” Damon said. “You know how he is about women.” He turned back to Daniel. “So, you married your mate.”
“That’s kinda like cheating, isn’t it?” Gabriel asked. “I mean I had to kidnap a gnome to get Temperance to go out with me. And we only got engaged last night.”
“What do you mean kidnap a gnome?” Daniel asked.
“He’ll explain later. But, hey, congrats, man.” Damon clapped the lion shifter on the back and pulled him in for a quick hug.
“Thanks. I came here to tell you, but then I ran into Sarah.” Gabriel’s golden brows furrowed together. “So, Rogers, tell us what happened.”
“I’m not really sure. I can’t remember,” Daniel said sheepishly. “But here’s what I think did happen.” He told them about the night of the bachelor party, how he was drugged by the guy who was harassing the stripper. “I drank the gin and tonic, and then … I must have bumped into Sarah. Their group was next to us at The Pink Palace. She remembers that much at least. We left and then … it was kind of a blur from there for both of us. I remember bits and pieces.” His cheeks warmed at the flashes of tawny skin and sweet, plush lips. “We must have gone to the chapel at some point. And then I woke up alone at the motel.”
“Only you would get drugged, then marry someone, Rogers,” Gabriel said with a chuckle. “But you gotta admit, it makes it easier to convince her to be with you.” He paused. “I mean, that’s what you want, right?”
“Of course it is!” His grizzly gnashed its teeth at the implication they would want anyone else. “But … she came here to ask me for an annulment.” He continued his story of how Sarah showed up yesterday and asked him to sign the papers and he tried convincing her to keep up the charade. “She said no, of course, but then she came here this morning to tell me she changed her mind. Something about protecting her family and her business.” He was still confused about it, but he wasn’t about to let this chance get away.
“So, what are you going to do now?” Damon asked.
“Well, I was hoping you guys could help me out. I mean, you two are mated to humans. What do I do?”
Damon and Gabriel looked at each other, a silent communication passing between them. Finally, Gabriel spoke up. “There isn’t any formula or steps in claiming your mate.”
“It was different for me,” Damon said. “I fought with my bear because I didn’t think I deserved Anna Victoria. I tried keeping her away, but I ended up hurting myself and her.”
That definitely sounded like the closed-off, broody chief. Still, Daniel saw the changes that Damon had gone through after meeting his mate, and he was happy that the chief was finally living his life to the fullest.
“And I went after Temperance the moment I met her, but she didn’t want anything to do with me at first. Not