not waiting or looking back at her. Her feet remained rooted in place. She had married a mad man. There was no way she was going on this expedition with him. This wasn’t what she had signed up for. A quiet life being a wife is what she wanted. Not some adventure seeker. No! Esther stormed over to where he stood, about to open her chest. She pushed the lid shut.

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“You have two options, either stay here unprotected or come with me. We have renegade Indians and ruffians in the area and there ain’t no protection against them. Or you can come with me and be protected.” He shrugged his shoulders as if he didn’t care which option she chose. He would leave her there unprotected. Her eyes narrowed at him. What an arrogant man. She had to see if there was a way to get this marriage dissolved and marry someone else. “What makes you think you can protect me?” she spat at him.

He looked her dead in the face without any expression. He leaned in too close for her comfort and whispered. “I’m one of them — Indians.”








Chapter Two

Obadiah relished the shocked look on her face when he said he was Native American. It wasn’t a lie. He was half Indian and half white. His Ma had married a white man, which wasn’t a common thing and she took a lot of heat from the tribe, but he proved himself trustworthy to the chief. His new wife, Esther, didn’t look like the delicate type and truthfully he was thankful for this because he needed someone who didn’t mind getting dirty and sometimes in trouble by his side even though his brother would like him to settle down instead. Maybe once he caught the man who had killed their Ma, he could.

Placing her hands on her hips, she stared him down. On the inside, he jumped for joy because she had some moxy and this is what he needed right now. They could dissolve the marriage once this expedition was over. With a heavy sigh, she answered him. “Fine. Turn around so I can grab a few things.” He tossed her the bag and then turned around.

His proper and holy brother helped his new bride in the wagon and started on their new life. He didn’t have time for God in his life, no matter how many times Jedidiah tried to force his faith on him. His faith died the day Ma was killed.

A movement to the left caught his attention. Two men came with equipment for camping. It must be the men they were to meet up with. Obadiah decided to walk behind them to watch their moves. These expeditions weren’t always safe and this is why he took a bride. He’d have leverage if something happened. Many of them wouldn’t hurt a woman, so they’d be safe. Safe to carry out his plan. Justice, money, and revenge all wrapped up in one.

They nodded at one another as they passed. Obadiah pulled out the telegram paper with the details. They would leave soon.

“I guess I’m ready.” Esther’s words interrupted his thoughts. This marriage thing would take some getting used to. He only hoped she wouldn’t slow him down.

“Are you going to tell me what this is about?”

“Work. They need some men and a woman to come and explore the land. Map it.” He shrugged his shoulders not sure what else to tell her. He wasn’t even sure himself. His instincts with mother earth would help him with the journey more than the other men. If he got a chance to kill the man, then no one would question. A lot of times men didn’t come back from these expeditions. Bears got a lot of them and if they didn’t then a mountain lion. This time he wouldn’t go to jail though.

He took the bag from her as they began the walk to where the other men were waiting. The man in charge had grey hair, balding on the top, and wore a black suit with straight lines ironed down the pants.

“I’m glad you men and the ladies have decided to come and help my company out. We’re also helping our nation.” A cigar hung out of his mouth, bobbing up and down as he spoke. Obadiah didn’t trust him. The sly look in his eyes told Obadiah to keep an eye on him and make sure he paid the amount they had all signed on for. He’d need this money to help start his family. He didn’t want to tell Esther that they had no money to their name. A man should provide for his family. His Pa always told him and Jedediah this fact.

“I’ll meet those of you who survive the journey in two months.”

A gasp came from Obadiah’s left. His wife couldn’t keep it in. He gave her a sideways glance, raising a brow. She must keep her emotions hidden or they’d never get through this. He needed a tough woman by his side. A soft one would crumble with him as a husband. Grabbing her hand, he squeezed to try and tell her. He didn’t expect her to understand as they didn’t know each other very well at all.

The way she clutched his hand surprised him. Warmth flooded him. Her small hand looked so big in his. Tan and creamy white side by side. He’d never touched a woman before. Why did he want to protect her? It had to be because of how small she looked beside him. He jerked his attention back to the boss as he talked to each person going on the journey.

“I see you brought your little woman along.” The boss stopped in front of Obadiah and Esther.

Her nails dug into his palm.

“Yes, sir.

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