to control me, she thought sadly. It might have had something to do with nutrition, but for the most part, her mother just liked to deny her things to give herself a power boost.

Sasha switched on the TV and her heart leapt. It was a live feed from Whelon’s clinic on Farthing Street. Her chest tightened as she saw him in the distance, some way from the camera. She knew he’d come to prove himself and no one could argue that the Preor weren’t doing good in the area.

Then she turned the volume up.

Even though the Preor nearest the camera smiled and answered questions in a friendly way, the reporter stated that the warriors refused to let them into the “Preor camp” they had erected. Sasha sat in shock as she watched the broadcast, listening to the newswoman tell the country that the Preor had set up in the suburb without permission to terrorize humanity.

“As you can see, they have set up a series of impressive structures here. We don’t know what they are doing, but it appears they are performing scientific experiments on humans. Obviously, they’ve chosen the poor and disadvantaged among us on which to work their evil. These people have no choice. See how they lure the humans in with food and toys for the children.” The reporter shook her head and peered down at the ground in sorrow. Sasha had to give it to her, the woman knew how to work her audience.

“The fact that they won’t let us any closer speaks for itself,” the reporter stated firmly. “They are hiding something. They are abusing people. We will have more on this story as it unfolds. I’m Sherry Lang, thanks for watching.”

Sasha sat frozen for a few seconds. Her mother and the big talk she had planned would have to wait—she had to get to Whelon. She had to organize her contacts to stand against these ridiculous accusations.

“Mother!” she yelled out, racing into the kitchen on the off chance she was in there and quiet. That’s when she spied the note taped to the fridge.


Work needs to be done and I couldn’t wait for you. I need to help humanity fight off the invaders. You stay home like a good girl and recover from the shock of the abuse you have suffered. I’ll talk to you soon.

Love, Mommy

Sasha tore the note from the fridge in a rage, crumpled it, and hurled the paper across the room.

“I’m not a fucking doll!” she screamed and ran to the front door. She tried to wrench it open, but it wouldn’t budge. She peered through the peephole and found Dave standing on the other side of the door.

“Sorry, miss. I can’t let you out.”

“You can’t keep me a prisoner. I’m an adult, not a child!”

“Your mother has power of attorney over you, Sasha, and you’re very ill. Please get some rest.”

She backed away from the door slowly, as if it could come to life and destroy her. The words sank into her mind, but she still didn’t quite understand their meaning.

How did she get power of attorney? she wondered, in panic. Mother was always giving her things to sign and half the time she never read them.

“Fuck!” She ran her hands through her hair and went back to the couch to see if more news on the situation on Farthing Street was available.

Every channel was about Whelon and his clinic. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The army had been called and they were packing up the clinic and forcing the Preor back onto the shuttles. Whelon turned and looked right into the camera, their eyes meeting as if he could truly see her. She reached out a hand, struggling to stifle the sobs from escaping her chest.

He just wants to help! she thought. Can’t you see that this is breaking his heart?

Sasha watched the military shove the Preor back to their craft and felt an incredible, deep hopelessness about the situation. The voiceover was bringing an update from Congress. The entire treaty was being called into question. The Preor were now only allowed in Preor Tower and nowhere else. No matter what happened now, they would never be allowed full freedom ever again.

“We can’t have aliens wandering around unpoliced,” a local woman addressed the cameras in disgust. “They can’t set up camps and make themselves at home wherever they please. It’s a breach of our trust. It’s not their planet.”

But it is, thought Sasha. The second they become mated, we are one. This is Whelon’s home because it’s mine.

She watched the Preor climb aboard the shuttle, some of them glaring at the armed soldiers with open hostility. The children screamed as the healers were taken away. Humans that had been recruited for the clinic shouted, trying to stop the soldiers from taking the food and supplies.

None of it did any good. It was obvious to Sasha that humans would do the same as they always did—react, misunderstand… and then destroy.

Chapter Twenty-Four

On his ride down to the surface, Whelon had been numb as if he were wrapped in a thick, gray curtain that cut off his senses. Like he put up a defense against the cruelty of a world that conspired to keep him from his mate.

After being “escorted” from his clinic on Farthing Street, he now blazed with emotion. Light seemed to burn into his pupils, the edges of everything around him sharp enough to cut. Every sound burrowed into his skull and his skin burned as if the air was full of needles.

As the short flight shuttle docked back on the ship, he covered his ears with his hands, but it did nothing to block out the noise. Small bumps and clangs he had never noticed before now felt like they drilled through his eardrums.

Every Preor on the shuttle curled away from him, no one wanting to touch him by accident. His dark wings were clenched closely to his back, flexing slowly, and distress was written

Вы читаете Whelon: Dragons of Preor
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