his many travels to other parts of the continent and during his time with the Freedom Force. Thanks to the genetic-alerting stew unleashed on the planet by the mix of massive amounts of radiation with chemical and biological agents, mutants were as common as ordinary animals used to be. There were so many, Blade had sometimes reflected that ‘mutant’ was the new normal. In all his travels, though, he’d never run into anything quite like this. “Are you saying that you have feelings like we do?”

“If by feelings you are alluding to human emotions, then yes, I can,” A.l.v.i.s replied.

“Fascinating,” Tesla said.

“You should have been born with pointed ears,” A.l.v.i.s said.

“I beg your pardon?” Tesla said.

“A little humor,” A.l.v.i.s said. “I am well versed in all aspects of human pre-war culture.”

Hickok turned to Blade. “Do we shoot this critter or not?”

“Can we trust it?” Geronimo threw in.

“I have a name,” A.l.v.i.s said. “And I give you my word I pose no danger to any of you whatsoever.”

“The word of a talkin’ bullet,” Hickok said.

“Would you please elaborate?” A.l.v.i.s said. “I am unfamiliar with the context in which you have used that word.”

Hickok plucked a cartridge from his gunbelt. Holding it out, he said, “Do you know what this is?”

“Scanning object,” A.l.v.i.s said, then, “You hold a handgun cartridge. Specifically, .357 caliber.”

“Specifically, 357 Magnum,” Hickok amended, and smirked. “Looks like you don’t know everything, Chuckles.”

“Chuckles?” A.l.v.i.s said.

“Your new nickname,” Hickok said. “I’ve just…what did they use to call it with ships?.....christened  you.”

“I much prefer A.l.v.i.s, sir.”

“Chuckles it is,” Hickok said.

The thing made an odd whirring sound and it’s red eyes swiveled to Blade.

“Is your companion serious, sir?”

“Hardly ever, Chuckles,” Geronimo said.

“Oh my,” A.l.v.i.s. said. “I knew humans are prone to erratic associations, but this is quite inexplicable."

At that moment the new Family Leader cleared his throat. “We should stay focused on the matter at hand.”

“True,” Tesla said. He started to exit the elevator but Blade thrust out an arm, stopping him.

“Warriors first,” Blade said. “To be sure it’s safe.”

“A wise precaution,” A.l.v.i.s said. “My Master devised several nasty surprises, as he called them, to deal with intruders. Are you, perchance, impervious to laser fire?”

“Was that more humor?” Tesla said. “You must be well aware that we are composed of basically flesh and bone.”

“My sympathies, sir, at your misfortune,” A.l.v.i.s said. The self-styled butler glided back a couple of feet from the elevator and an opening appeared in its side.

In a twinkling, Hickok had a Python pointed.

“Wait,” Blade said.

A metallic appendage much like a thin human arm telescoped out of A.l.v.i.s and one of three digits pointed at the floor. “Should you step on the concealed trigger pad there, lasers in synchronous function with heat sensors will fire from the ceiling and, as human parlance would have it, kill you where you stand.”

“How do we know you’re not making that up to try and gain our trust?” Geronimo said.

“I suppose you could have the one in buckskins step on the pad to prove my assertion,” A.l.v.i.s suggested.

“Why me, you metal runt?” Hickok demanded.

“It was only a suggestion, sir, based on my initial and admittedly cursory surmise of the intelligent quotients of the individuals involved. Of all of them, you would appear to be the least essential to whatever your mission might be.”

Geronimo laughed.

“Did he just call me dumb?” Hickok said in disbelief.

“And then some,” Geronimo said. “A.l.v.i.s, something tells me you and I are going to become good friends.”

“Why, thank you, sir,” A.l.v.i.s said. “I have looked forward to having someone to play three-dimensional chess with.”

Hickok snorted. “Chess? ‘Go Fish’ is more his speed.”

“Blade?” Socrates said. “Do we have time for these shenanigans?”

“No,” Blade admitted. They didn’t. “A.l.v.i.s, can you disarm whatever lethal devices your master left?”

“With consummate ease, sir. I have the codes stored in my database.” A.l.v.i.s tilted slightly toward him, as if bowing. “Consider me at your complete disposal. You have only to ask and I will grant your every wish.”

“Good,” Blade said. “Once it’s safe, you can show us to the time machine.”


Surrounded by computer consoles, the time machine sat in the middle of a spacious room. It looked like a cage without a top. The bars of the cage, each about the thickness of a pencil, had been twisted and curved into an array of arcane symbols. Symbols whose meanings had been lost in the mists of time save to the few, like Thanatos, who dabbled in darker dimensions beyond the mortal pale.

Hickok ambled up to it and gave a slight shudder. “This contraption gives me the willies.”

“I don’t believe it,” Geronimo said. “You admit there’s something you’re scared of?”

“I’m scared of a lot of things,” Hickok said. “My missus when she’s in a bad mood. Spiders in my soup. Being bored out of my noggin.”

“Spiders in your soup?” Geronimo said.

Tesla moved to a computer bank, his face lit in rapture. “Look at all this!” he marveled. “Imagine the genius that went into its creation.”

“I don’t have to imagine it,” Hickok said. “We tangled with Thanatos face to face. You say he was a genius? I say he was fruit-loops.”

“I love it when you talk Old West,” Geronimo said.

“Seriously,” Tesla said, and reverently placed a hand on a panel. “This is more than I conceived. I only hope my initial surmise is vindicated.”

“Say that again in small words,” Hickok said.

      Tesla pulled out a chair on coasters, and sat. “Simply put, I don’t know if I can do it.”

“We might have come all this way for nothing?” Geronimo said, sounding more than a little peeved.

“We don’t know that yet,” Blade said. “Let him work it out.”

Just then A.l.v.i.s floated over to the console.“Perhaps I can be of assistance, gentlemen. I’m familiar with the design and function of everything in this chamber.”

“Then you must be able to operate the time machine?” Tesla said.

“Assuredly, sir.”

Now it was Blade’s turn to shudder, at least inwardly. All too vividly, he remembered how he and his friends were pitched into the

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