undid her. He was so large, always filling he completely and stretching her flesh to the maximum. Locking her legs around his waist she dug her heels into the small of his back and held them tightly bonded together as he set up the thrust and retreat steady movement that pushed her up the erotic wall again. The spasms that had never completely abated inside her pussy grew stronger with each plunge of his cock inside her.

“Hot,” he growled. “She kept up a litany of erotic expression while he continued to ride her, so hot. God, I love fucking you. You’re the best. The best ever.”

He kept up a steady litany of erotic expressions, telling her in graphic detail every dirty thing he enjoy doing to her and with her as he plunged inside harder and faster. Just as he always did, he sensed exactly when she reached the crest, the precipice, ready to fall over. And took her over with him.

Everything disappeared except the intense tremors shaking both of them, the hard clenching of her inner walls around his shaft, the shaking of their bodies as the orgasm claimed them both and shook them like a giant fist.

It seemed forever before everything subsided and her body became quiet again. Her heart was beating so fast she was sure it would shake itself out of her chest and she couldn’t seem to get enough air in her lungs. This wasn’t a new experience. Every climax with Noah was this intense, an experience that reached into every corner of her body and drained her completely.

When she could catch her breath, she eased her legs from around his hips and stretched them out on either side of him. She could feel his heat thumping against her breasts, a steady beat that was her anchor. Sliding his hands up to cup her cheeks he pressed his mouth to hers in a long, slow kiss. She could taste herself on his lips and his tongue. He took his time with the kiss, so thorough about it she was sure it was the most intense kiss she’d ever shared. No, wait, he always kissed her that way after they had sex, as if he was cementing the bond between them.

Finally, with a slight look of regret on his face he eased his body from hers and padded to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. Randi watched him walk away, enjoying the flex of muscle in his very fine ass. She was sure she’d never get tired of watching him, of absorbing the sight of every part of his body. From the very beginning she and Noah Cutler had discovered a connection that only grew more intense every time they were together.

She sighed, hoping that what she had to say tonight wouldn’t permanently change that. Despite the fact that he told her he loved a strong women, that he admired her intelligence and other skills as well as her body, he had some pretty determined ideas that she was afraid were about to be a problem. It was the only thing they’d ever really fought about and she wasn’t going to give in.

“I don’t think I like that look on your face,” Noah said, easing back into bed beside her and pulling her against his side.

Randi leaned against him, sliding her hand across the hard plane of his abs, hoping the contact would ease the tension gathering in her body again.

 “What’s up, babe?” His fingers danced idly up and down her arm. “I can smell something brewing in your brain.” Suddenly his fingers stilled. “Wait. You’re not still thinking of taking that job, are you?” When she didn’t answer him he sat up, pulling her to a sitting position with him. “Randi?”

Oh, god. I knew this would happen.

“You’ve known for a long time, every since I got my EMT certification, that what I really wanted was to be a firefighter.” She studied his face, looking for some clue that he would at least listen to her. “It’s what I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember.”

“And we discussed the dangers of it,” he reminded her. “We talked about getting married, Randi. About having a family. Why would you want to put yourself in the line of fire, literally, when you’re a mother? Or would be.”

Randi could feel the anger boiling up inside her. “You were plenty supportive of me when I got this job as an EMT.”

“Because it doesn’t require you to walk into burning buildings,” he ground out, a muscle jumping in his cheek.

Randi forced herself to remain calm. They’d had this argument so many times, but she thought they’d already settled it. And not once, but twice.

“I will be trained to do it,” she reminded him, a sentence she was getting tired repeating. I will take classes and have drills. Fire departments don’t let you just put on the gear and haul ass into a blaze.”

“Even if they train you,” he persisted, “the danger is always there.”

She looked at him, her temper fraying. “Is that any worse than running all over the globe covering stories in hot spots?” she asked.

“We’ve discussed that.”

His voice had that concentrated patience that indicated she was on his last nerve. Well, fine, he was getting on hers.

“No.” She shook her head. “You talked and I listened. You never heard one thing I said.”

“You didn’t hear what I said, either,” he pointed out. “I explained to you I wanted to do the hot spot stories for a wire service to build up my creds. Then I could be in a position to do freelancing and we could live wherever we chose. That’s what I wanted all along.”

“And what was I supposed to do in the meantime?” she demanded. “Just mark time?”

“I wanted you to come with me, or did you forget that little

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