“Kid said something was wrong with the machine. Asked if I had cash.”

Even without his smirk, I would’ve known he was lying. He sat next to me and I softly kicked his thigh. He wrapped his free hand around my ankle, his thumb stroking the visible skin there. And I could’ve sworn his eyes heated as he stared at me.

“What do you want to drink?”

“Lemonade,” I answered softly.

He got up after setting the pizza on the coffee table in front of the love seat, and he came back a moment later with two bottles of carbonated lemonade. I took a swig of the refreshing drink and opened the box of pizza. I handed a slice to him and took one for myself. As we ate, he told me about his friends, and I told him about Daphne and our plans for this year.

It wasn’t until the end of the night that I remembered why he was there and panic started to bubble in my chest. I hadn’t slept in a house alone since last week, and now I was scared that, as soon as he left, something else would happen and the feeling of being watched would creep back in.

Kiernan turned off the TV and cupped my cheek. “Are you okay?”

“I’m nervous about being alone for the first time, which is stupid. I’ve lived alone for a long time.”

He shook his head. “It’s not stupid, Caroline. You’re safe though. Want me to run through the system again?”

“No, I’ve got it.” I twiddled my fingers and tilted my head, closing my eyes, enjoying the warmth of his large, calloused hand against my cheek.

“I can stay. Pepper Jack and I will sleep on the couch. I’ll be by the door, and anyone who comes in will have to get through me to get to you. And I swear to you, Caroline, no one will get through me.”

Guilt churned in my gut. He was longer than my couch, and he deserved to go home and sleep in his own bed, but I couldn’t deny that I would feel safer with him here. His presence calmed me, and I knew he’d never let anything happen to me on his watch. I’d only need it for one night. Just once, and tomorrow would be better, I silently swore to myself.

“Would you really do that?” I asked quietly, meeting his fierce gaze. His green eyes stared into mine and, underneath the soft lamplight, I saw more than just the jade green. There were flecks of deep gold and light brown. His eyes were brilliant set against his tan skin and chiseled face. I knew I would never actually stand a chance with a man like him. He was far better looking than my exes, and I hadn’t been enough for them. Why would I be for Kiernan? I knew he had women swarming him. I shook away those thoughts. This wasn’t about that. He was only making sure of my safety because it was his job.

“Yes,” he answered. “For as long as you need. I can sleep anywhere, and Pepper Jack has already made himself at home.”

“It’ll just be for tonight,” I whispered.

“As long as you need,” he answered resolutely. I nodded. “Let’s get some sleep.”

I nodded again and stood up, already missing his hand against my cheek. He stood too and pulled me into his body, wrapping me tightly in a hug. He kissed the top of my head. “Don’t worry about anything tonight. I’ll be here and nothing will happen. Rest, Caroline.”

I leaned back, my arms still wrapped around his waist. “Thank you,” I whispered.

His gaze swept over me and he leaned forward and I met him halfway. Our lips were only inches apart, our breath mingling.. My stomach tightened in anticipation of his lips against mine. Kiernan closed his eyes, clenching his jaw, and cleared his throat, stepping back and breaking our embrace. “Sleep well, Caroline. I’ve got you for tonight.”

My cheeks flushed. Embarrassment and disappointment flooded me. I smiled tightly and nodded once. “There’s pillows and blankets in the hall closet. I’ll see you in the morning. Good night, Kiernan. Thank you for everything.”

I turned toward my bedroom, angry that a flood of tears was filling my eyes. I closed my door, pressing my back against it, and sank to the floor. I wouldn’t cry over this. I swiped the tears away and shook off what I had been telling myself—Kiernan wasn’t attracted to me. And I hated myself a little bit. All the work I’d thought I’d done to let my past pain go and let my family’s comments roll off my shoulders had crumbled so easily.

16 Kiernan

“Pepper Jack!” I called as I shut the front door behind me. I whistled and jingled the keys and frowned. Pepper Jack was usually scratching at the door when I got home. When I pulled into the driveway, I could usually hear him barking, but I hadn’t heard him today. “Pepper Jack!” I called again while walking down the hall and peering into my office.

I’d closed this door that morning. I looked at the knob and sighed. There were teeth marks on it, and a pillow from the couch had been completely shredded. There was even fluff on top of my desk. “Are you hiding, Pepper Jack? Did you do something else? A surprise in each room?”

He’d never acted ashamed of his shenanigans before. I’d always laughed when I saw videos online of dogs looking everywhere but at their owners after they had destroyed something. Pepper Jack usually trotted in front of his massacre like a damn proud peacock.

I backed out of the room and continued down the hallway, glancing into the living room and over the furniture. Nothing had been torn apart, but he wasn’t in here either. I turned the corner, went into the dining room, and froze. “Pepper Jack?”

He was lying on the floor on his side. His eyes turned toward me, but he didn’t move to get up

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