“That’s because they are.” He chuckles and I punch him in the rib.
“Ugh. This was a terrible idea.”
“Want everyone to know that after all these years I finally got the girl.”
“We’ll see.” I can tell he wants to argue by the way the corner of his mouth twitches under his facial hair. “You need a shave. Starting to look like a mountain man.”
“Didn’t hear no complaints when I had my face buried between them legs. C’mon. Let’s get some grub.”
We move through the crowd. James pausing every two steps to bullshit with another club member. Some of them I know. Many of them I don’t recognize. Holy must be new. I’m happy to see Slick is still around after all these years. He’s always been good to me. When I heard the news about Nickel it bothered me more than I expected it to. He was the club VP and always looked out for Wylla and me from afar under James’s orders, but I found comfort knowing I could always call on the man for anything. I hadn’t needed to for some time. Not with Easton Reed always ready to swoop in and save the day for Wylla Mae like some sort of damn hero riding on his Harley instead of a horse.
I should’ve seen it coming. East and Wylla Mae falling in love. The two of them were always drawn together like magnets. Even when she was nothing more than a child they had a bond no one else could compete with. I finally spot the two of them by the buffet style table. East is loading her plate down with macaroni salad. Her hands rests on each side of her baby bump. Their baby girl is due in a few weeks. I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandma. Seems like only yesterday I was pregnant with her. I squeeze James’s hand and motion to our daughter. He gives me a squeeze then a nod.
“You came.” Wylla smiles big and after all these years I’m still never prepared for the pang of guilt that hits me when I look into her eyes and see the resemblance she holds to Rochelle. Like my deceased friend she has her father’s big brown eyes.
“Your dad said you’d be here.”
“I told him to invite you. Grab a plate. Pam will be offended if you don’t eat. She’s been prepping for this all week.”
“Okay.” I don’t think Pam will be too torn up if I don’t pay my compliments to the chef, but I keep that to myself. Link’s woman never has liked me. Always turned her nose down at me because I was the other woman. Old Ladies don’t hold any love for a clubwhore. And though technically I never played the part that’s how she viewed me. I get it, but I never crossed that line. I only ever dated single club members. It was all to get under James’s skin. Not that it matters now. It’s all in the past. “I’ll meet you at the tables.”
East gives me a nod. I’m accepting of him as my son-in-law, but there’s still an awkward tension I’m hoping will fade soon. We never were compatible, and I’m glad my daughter has him. I’ve never seen a man more devoted than he is to her.
I grab a hot dog and squirt some mustard on it. Pam keeps giving me this funny side eye glance. I’m surprised she’s biting her tongue. She’s always been a woman who doesn’t hold back. I know James wants me to fit in and get along, so I make sure I get a heaping pile of her potato salad even though I don’t really care for it. When I get to the end of the table where the coolers are, she approaches.
“Hey yourself.”
“So you and Murder finally stepping out together. Ink isn’t even dry on the divorce papers and you can’t help yourself.”
“I get that you don’t like me. I don’t particularly care for you either, but what happens between Murder and me is none of your business.” I balance my plate on one hand and dip my hand into the cooler for a beer.
“Maybe not but we look after our own.”
“Then you should already know that he’s a man who gets what he wants. For the past eighteen years that’s been me. It’ll still be me till he says otherwise.”
“Be nice, big sister.” Roane’s Old Lady, Jules joins us, holding her boy Jasper on her hip.
“I’m nice,” Pam says with a grin that tells a different story.
“Right and I’m Santa Claus. Alexa, it’s nice to see you.”
“You too. Your boy sure is growing fast.”
“That he is. Big and strong like his daddy.”
I shoot her a friendly smile. “See you around I suppose.”
“We hope so. Don’t we?” I don’t miss the elbow she shoves into Pam’s rib as I move past them to join Wylla Mae.
Chapter Thirty-one
“So you and Dad seem cozy today.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Don’t play dumb with me. I know when you’re lying.” She smirks and shovels another bite of pasta in her mouth.
“We’ve been talking.”
“Judging by that hickey on your neck you’ve been doing more than talking.”
“What?” I gasp, hand flying to my neck.
“Gotcha.” She throws her head back laughing.
“Ugh. You’re grounded.”
“I think I’m too old for that now.”
“We’ll see about that,” I mumble.
“Oh, Mom. Don’t be such a sourpuss. It makes me happy to see you guys together.”
“It does?”
“Yeah. I mean I still have some things I need to work through where the past is concerned, but I watched the two of you as you came around the side of the clubhouse, and well I’ve never seen either of you look so freaking ecstatic. That dark cloud that seemed to hang over Murder’s head is gone.”
“That’s because he finally divorced Ruthie.”
“And he can finally be with the love of his life. That’s what he told me. That you’re the love of his life.”
I let out