surprised, they’re vindicated.

Life was all cream or crop, whatever words

were shored against the deal, the cream can prove it.

The crop exult to see all questions bubble

up to a retort, that quibbling teacher

dying on the state somewhere can suck it.

The cream will dance grotesquely and confirm

it’s champion to behold, they know the crop

don’t like life to be anything but champion.

The cream will fan the cards and let the crop

pick, the card they pick’s the card the cream

wanted picked, whatever card was picked.

The crop have been believing for so long

they don’t believe, they know, have known so long

they act, their deeds were done before you shared them.

The cream throw up their hands, but who are they

to tell the crop their cream from crop? The crop

are down with that, whatever shit-bird said it.

The cream deny they did, they’ve got appointments.

The crop are gathering for a final question

everything is hanging on, they won’t

stand much longer either and why should they,

the answer’s been in place since there were questions,

and waits with arms akimbo, like equipment.

The Forecast

A day of rain

they forecast came

and thrown along

the window pane

was every drop

that couldn’t stop

but dabbed across

the light in step

until like life

all slackened off

whose time was up

who’d toiled enough

so that was that

no matter what

the forecast said

they forecast what

they thought would be

were wrong like me

a fraction out

so utterly.


He seized the day and shook it as it passed.

And so it passed and so he seized the night

and as he shook it cried I seized the night!

and so it passed.

He took an ancient play and moved the pieces

here and there until he’d made a play

about a man who took an ancient play

and moved the pieces.

It was his year, it was to be the year

it all took off, he had a brilliant spring

and wrote all summer of the brilliant spring

he had that year.

A song was playing which would always now

remind him of those days, when it came on

tonight he said it used to, whack it on

it doesn’t now.

I love it though, he said when it was done.

I always will and all the stars looked down

as they’ll be doing when you set this down

and that’s that done.

Poem As Harbour

Home to this after time away

he was greeted like he never went,

no matter the sights he says he saw,

no matter the days he claims he spent.

The whiteness smiles a smile as wide

as all the seas he howls he sailed

and holds his lone indignant cry

where lone indignant cries are held.

Milestone Song

for Geraldine

Make light of this number,

reduce it to rumour,

outlast it in summer,

outgun it with humour.

You do that whatever

gets hurled in your general

direction, you ever

made shit so ephemeral,

shabby and local,

so easy to figure,

so pitiful, fragile,

framed as a picture

or family portrait

or gossip or x-ray,

you sail on beyond it,

your yay to the naysay,

lighter than numbers,

wise to your sorrow,

kind to your yesterdays,

up to tomorrow.

The Ledge

for Alfie

Woken again by nothing, with this line

already at my back, I thought of you

at twenty, as you are – which passed somehow

while I was staring – thought how yesterday

you said you wanted to be young again,

which left me with this nothing left to say

that’s woken me. You are, you are – what else

does father wail to child – though wailing it

he’s woken with six-sevenths of the night

to go – you are – look I will set to work

this very moment slowing time myself,

feet to the stone and shoulder to the dark

to gain you ground – if just one ledge of light

you flutter to, right now, rereading that.

Daylight Saving

for Jim Maxwell (1928–2016)

Sib, they’re considering doing away

with daylight saving. I wanted to tell you

in one of the fora

we wander together,

neither one literally here. Anyway

I don’t know the reason. The folks of the morning

and folks of the evening met at a table

and at the same moment

rose in agreement,

doing away with daylight saving

and nor was I there to say hold your horses

as you would have said and so would your father,

we three in a line

having doubts at the same time

wasn’t to be, no one sat in our places.

No one spoke up for the scent of the hedges,

our marathon hide-and-seek going on

when the sun should be set

and we shouldn’t be out

and the ribbon of light down the curtains for ages

infinite really in that there’s no ending

anyone’s showed me. No one spoke up

for the thrill of the way

the last shreds of a Sunday

clung at the gate like their father was coming

to ferry them home. All gone if you look

but no one is looking. No, Sib, they are thinking

of doing away

with daylight saving,

won’t miss the beetling advance of the dark

on your boys standing up in our bikes heading home,

they won’t miss the witches just missing the trees

when it’s not even five,

for whatever they save

they will lose as they do, it’s not going to be Time,

who knows why they hàd daylight saving at all?

I’m just glad we had it. I’m sure you explained

you’re explaining now

and I’m listening how

I have generally listened and largely will

for the love in a sound. They are doing away

with daylight saving and where shall we meet?

now God I don’t think so

is shutting those windows

and locking the house like a yesterday . . .

We shall meet where the light and the clock are askew

and the language has scrambled to say what that’s like

and it’s thinking it might

let the space play the light

and it might let the space play the other thing too

the what-was-it-called, two hands in a ring

and one pointed to there and one pointed to there,

there-there was its point,

who knows where it went?

howls the language again and goes back to its darning

and back to St Francis we go, you and I,

where we voted that second last time you went out.

Won’t say how that went,

there’ll be time better spent

and light better shed to go wandering by.

The Light You Saw

Short, and to a point I shan’t foresee.

This poem ends, you can see if you dip your eye.

Dip it and lift it again and be here with me,

knowing it’s got to, pocketing goodbye.

Think what form it takes, the light you saw.

Will it darken with

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