“How long will it be until we know if they will look alike?” Rosie asked.
Ivy nodding her head added, “If they don’t look alike will they know they are twins? People know Rosie and I are twins.”
Katie smiled at the solemn faces staring up at her. “I don’t know how long it will take. The girls are only two weeks old. We can tell right now that they have dark hair and I was told their mama had dark hair. When they are old enough to understand we’ll tell them about their mama and papa.”
That satisfied the girls for the moment, and Katie told them to change out of their nightdresses, and they could help feed the babies. Two sets of feet padded across the floor and a matched pair of voices giggled and chatted on the way to their room. A few minutes later, Ivy and Rosie returned ready to help. Katie lifted a baby in each arm, and the sisters made their way down to the kitchen.
Katie was surprised to find Miss Edie and Miss Ethel in the kitchen warming milk for the babies and making breakfast.
“Good morning,” Katie said. “You two are certainly busy this morning.”
“Of course, dear,” Miss Edie answered. “You have a big evening in front of you. You could be meeting your husband tonight. You need to appear rested and happy.”
“But caring for the children makes me happy, Miss Edie. You know that,” Katie countered.
“Yes, but it also makes you tired. I want you to look your best.”
“Humph,” Miss Ethel said. “The man may be a friend of Michael’s, but we don’t know a thing about him. Men can have dark hearts. We’ve seen it right here in Silverpines. Con-men, scoundrels, and worse. You be careful, Katie, don’t trust anyone until you get to know them, and you certainly can’t do that over one supper.”
“I know, Miss Ethel, but Ella Grace told me that Michael said he’s a good man. I’ll be careful, but it can’t be any more dangerous to meet a friend of Michael’s than it will be when strange men answer my ad if they do answer.” Katie bit her lip wondering once more if sending an ad was the best idea.
Miss Ethel nodded slowly,” Perhaps, but if you think he’s worth getting to know better, ask him for dinner in two or three days. That’s enough time to see if you kept his interest and dinner here will be enlightening for him. He’ll see what life is like with a house full of females and how quickly I can shoot a rifle at anyone who hurts one of my girls.”
The rest of the girls quickly filled the kitchen, and while Katie and Miss Ethel fed the babies, Miss Edie served breakfast. Maybe Miss Ethel was right about any young man who might be interested in her should come and meet her sisters. After all, life at Howard House was not the norm, but it was her life and any man who wanted to share her life would also have to share life with all her sisters. Katie hoped a house full of little girls didn’t scare off any prospects she might have.
As soon as breakfast was over, the girls scurried around doing their chores and Katie readied the babies for the day. Mid-morning found Katie gathering baby things for the laundry when she heard Ella Grace’s voice. “Yoo Hoo, anyone home?”
A chorus of small voices called out, “Ella Grace, Ella Grace, come in. We miss you.” She was encircled by young girls and more hugs than she could count.
“I just saw you yesterday,” Ella Grace laughed.
“But we missed you at breakfast. We miss you every morning,” Julia, the oldest of the younger girls at fifteen, answered.
“I miss all of you, too, every day. You know you can walk down and visit me whenever you want. Maybe we’ll have a picnic one day soon.”
Shouts of excitement filled the parlor and Katie hurried in to hush them “Quiet, you’ll wake the babies.” The shouts died down to whispers and giggles.
Katie smiled at Ella Grace. “You can keep me company while I wash the babies’ things.”
The two walked to the small washroom at the back of the house. While Katie pumped water to heat for the laundry, Ella Grace commented, “I forgot how many things a baby uses each day, and you have double.”
“You’ll find out soon,” Katie answered.
“Yes, but Clara works for us now, and I know she’ll help. If not, I can have Michael take the laundry to the hotel. As soon as he found out about the baby, he insisted I stop washing clothes and takes them to the hotel. I can’t say I argued much. It’s one chore I gladly gave up.”
Katie nodded in agreement. “What brings you here so early?”
“I came to help you get ready for supper tonight.”
“It isn’t noontime yet. I have a day’s work ahead of me.”
Ella Grace explained, “Oh, no. I spoke to Miss Edie when Michael first told me his friend was coming today and suggested we all have dinner together. She agreed you need to come over to my house for the day and rest, so you look your best tonight. She is a true romantic.”
“I agree,” Katie said, “But I’m going to do the babies’ laundry first. I don’t want any of the younger girls to struggle with the laundry if they are going to help with the babies all day.”
Ella Grace headed for the kitchen and called over her shoulder. “come an have a cup of tea before we start the laundry. We can talk about your new beau.”