Did I go back to the party and get security, or did I go after East and capture him myself? I knew what I needed to do. What the smart choice was. But in that split second, the decision was made for me.
East, ran.
And I chased. Because what the hell else was I supposed to do?
Oh fuck, he was fast.
Of course, I already knew how fast, but I’d run track and field back in secondary. I was quick, too. I'd even been offered scholarships to go to some unis in the States. Given enough time, I could catch him.
And I knew every exit out of this place.
I had researched the blueprints just in case something went wrong. Given my evening gown status, I could just feign that I was looking for a bathroom if I got caught, but God, why did it feel like East knew this place as well as I did?
Who the fuck is he?
A thread of something pulled at the back of my mind, but I didn't have time to examine it at the moment. We rounded a corner with him ahead of me by some twenty-five or thirty yards. But my heels slipped on the marble. When my hand caught the edge of the door to stop myself from taking a tumble, it was as if he heard me almost fall, and he slowed, turning slightly. Our gazes met, and when I saw the moss green of his eyes, I knew for certain. I knew it was him. "Whatever you're stealing, give it up."
This time instead of a smirk under his mask, I knew it was a full-blown grin, and that was all the confirmation I needed. I kicked off my shoes, bent down to scoop them up, and sprinted.
His eyes went wide, and he ran literally like he stole something. He exited through one of the side doors, into the gardens, and I was on his tail.
I knew this side of the property led to a massive downward slope and a maze of gardens, lush greenery, and a massive koi pond. Like something on Pemberley.
Apparently East knew it as well as I did, because instead of taking the steps that led down to the gardens, he bolted down the hillside.
I gave chase, giving up no quarter.
I was gaining on him. Closer, closer. And then from the higher vantage point, I launched myself at him. And just in that moment, he turned, his eyes wide. And he stopped running.
My heart stuttered and stopped. I was going to collide with him.
When I slammed into his body, he caught me easily, wrapping his arms around me, and we rolled together, his body taking the brunt of the impact as we rolled through the field of the flowers.
When we landed, I groaned. My bones felt like they'd been shoved into a bag and shaken around. I tried to reach for his mask, and he angled his head away from me, one arm locked around my waist, the other trying to control my two hands. "Take the mask off. I know it's you, East."
We both stilled, and he blinked at me. "Agent Kinkade, what were you doing in the hallway?"
"Says the man who is dressed like a thief?"
"For all you know, this is the latest in black tie," he groaned as he shifted.
"What did you steal?"
He shook his head and tried to stand.
"Oh no you don't." I started to pat him down. And then realized, to my chagrin, that I was sitting astride him, my hips locked over his. And to any passerby, it would look like we were… Oh, God.
I tried to shove against his chest and stand over him, but something stopped me. And it wasn't his arm around my waist. Something tugged at my dress, and there was a tearing sound.
We both glanced at where we were joined. He had some kind of hook or something, and it was latched into the knot of my dress. I tried again to free myself, and the dress tore again.
I glanced down, realizing that the knot of the dress was basically what held the whole damn thing together. If he tore it, my dress would be slit open and my tits would be flapping in the wind.
He must have realized the same thing that I did in that moment, because he grinned. "Oh, what a predicament. If you move, I see your tits." He licked his bottom lip. "And I can tell you that I have been having some very dirty fantasies about what they look like up close. Are you going to give me a show? As you know Agent Kincade, I do like to watch."
His voice was low and husky and sexy, and what the fuck was the question?
My eyes opened wide as I became even more hyper-aware of where else we were joined.
His chuckle was soft as he laid back down on the grass. "Don't mind him. He can just feel how warm you are. And I can't help but imagine you being wet and all the other ways and reasons we could be in this position."
"Shut up, you oaf. You have to unlatch me."
"I don't have to do anything. If you stand up, your dress tears open. And then, well, I'm still clothed, and you're not. So you'll have a lot of explaining to do. And I'll be out." He wiggled, and I heard more tearing sounds. I clapped a hand on his throat. "Stop fucking moving."
He chuckled. "Ooh, kinky. I think I like it. Squeeze tighter, love."
My hands were small. I would need two hands to choke him out, and it wouldn't be for fun.
"You’d like that, wouldn’t you?"
"I would."
"You're a thief."
"No, not really," he mumbled.
"You're dressed in a balaclava, and you look like you've stolen the fucking crown jewels. What else could you be but a thief?"
"That answer's a little complicated, and I'm not going to tell you."
"What the fuck were you doing in Walter Jameson’s office?"
"Again, princess, my lips are sealed."