Maybe it was the artwork on the walls. Maybe it was the plush carpeting under my stacked-heel boots. Everything about the place exuded the wealth of the London Lords.
"Very nice, Mr. Hale," I murmured to myself. This was my third visit to the offices, and I couldn’t help but feel as if I’d missed my calling. I should have been a billionaire.
Next life maybe. I’d like to think I would do billionaire right, but knew I’d somehow still insist on keeping my job. Bad guys always had a way of leaving a bad taste in your mouth. There was no way I’d be able to rub elbows with them. The corruption would drive me mad.
The elevator dinged and slowed to a stop. When the doors opened, I stepped out into the top floor of the London Lords offices. And while I was used to going left to speak to Bennett Covington and the women who worked for him, Olivia Ashong and Jessa Ainsley, this time I went right. Because this time I was going to see a different billionaire altogether.
When I was shown into East Hale's office, I had to bite back my gasp. Two walls of his office were completely glass. It looked like we were sitting on a ledge overlooking London.
East Hale strode out of some sort of office chamber or something, perhaps a bathroom, and my breath caught. Charcoal Briony suit. Moss green tie to bring out the color in his yes. Crisp white shirt. And his hair. Lord, his hair was messily styled but so artful that it couldn’t be by accident. It was pure mussed sex hair. I had to work hard at the whole in-out even breathing thing.
"Agent Kincade, what a delightful surprise. It’s almost like you knew I was thinking about you." He shook my hand. His grasp was warm, firm, and completely enveloped my hand. The spark of electricity stung my palm, and I swallowed hard. I didn't jerk my hand away though. Just waited patiently for him to release me. When he did, a slow, smug smile lit that perfectly full mouth. He felt it too, and the idiot wanted to remind me about just how close we’d come to shagging alfresco.
I took a seat, but instead of doing the same, East leaned on the edge of his desk instead of sitting behind it. Was it a power play? It had to be, because he made it very difficult for me to concentrate. "Mr. Hale, why don't you take a seat?”
“I’m good here. Besides I like flirting with trouble.”
“I’m not the one who’s trouble.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. “Aren’t you? You’re the entire reason I didn’t sleep a wink last night. If I can unsettle you just a little, payback will be complete.” His gaze searched mine and he licked his lips. “I must admit, I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again so soon, but I am delighted. I have a bet with myself that you can’t possibly taste as good as I’m remembering.”
The way he spoke to me, Christ. I felt like I was an ice-cream he wanted to lick. My skin was prickly hot, but I refused to look away from him. I had a job to do and I needed him to answer a few questions.
He had to know he was too close. I could smell him from such close proximity, and he smelled like leather and something musky. He smelled… absolutely delicious. It swirled around me, entranced me.
His voice was a low, coaxing rumble, and I could feel myself softening, my posture changing, my lips wanting to curve into a smile. That was the danger of this man. He knew his effect on women and wielded that power expertly.
“That’s interesting. I haven’t really given you much thought.”
His grin was quick as a flash and just as devastating as that low purr of his. “You really don’t have to play hard to get with me, Agent Kincade. I assure you, I’m already quite enchanted. Matter of fact, I think we should have dinner. You know, to get to know each other better before you accompany me as my date to Ben and Livy’s wedding.”
“I already told you, I’m busy.”
Another grin from him, and there went my panties. Eviscerated into the ether. “You don’t know when it is yet.”
“And I will always be busy. I don’t date bad boys.”
“Said no woman ever,” he said with a laugh.
“When will you give up?”
“As soon as I can forget that that little whimper you made at the back of your throat and once I can erase your taste from my tongue. Dinner. And I promise by morning you’ll be more than happy to be my date.”
“Morning. My, my. So sure of yourself.”
His eyes danced, and I could see he was having fun. Sadly so was I.
“Let’s just call it hopeful. Besides, I said dinner. I didn’t say what time zone.”
“Ahh, flexing those billionaire muscles. Sorry, but it’s still a no. I also don't date dodgy men with secrets. You tell me you’re not a thief, but yet I caught you up to something.”
“All these rules. Tell me, Agent Kincade, have those rules ever gotten you kissed like last night? My guess is no.”
A pulsing heat concentrated between my thighs. Time to bring it back, Nyla. Focus then get to safety.
I cleared my throat. I had to right this ship, or I’d become a cliché by shagging him on his desk. “I want to ask you a couple of questions."
One side of his mouth quirked upward. “Fine. Business before pleasure. I can respect that. I do have to tell you I’m not going to answer any questions about last night. Anything other than that is on the table.”
Of course he