go have a soak in a tub."

I unfolded to my full height and reached for her hand. She didn't take it. Instead, she pushed herself up on her own. But when she made it to vertical, she winced. I reached for her and tucked her against my side. "You're not okay. Why are you being stubborn?"

"Yeah, see, I was trying to do that whole thing where I listen to my body and know what’s going on with it, but I just got my ass kicked.” She waved one hand from her head to her midsection. “All of this hurts."

"I know. Let's go. It's about time we get you cleaned up."

11 Nyla

"So, do you want to explain to me what the hell is going on?"

I stiffened at that. "There's nothing going on."

His chuckle was low as he poured antiseptic onto a cotton ball. Then he leaned forward, and the scent of the ocean assailed me. How could something smell so good and enticing as it pulled me in, tempting me to walk on its sandy shores, to dig my toes in. Come on in, the water is fine.

I shook my head. "I don't know what you want me to tell you, East. I don't know who they were."

"They were looking for something. What were they looking for?"

"Even if I knew, I wouldn’t have the liberty to tell you that. I'm Interpol. You understand that, don't you?"

"Of course I understand that. I'm not an idiot. But I can't help you if you don't tell me something."

"Maybe it has to do with my case. Maybe it's related to the forgers," I lied smoothly. Lying was always a strength for me. It was easy. Blank face. Blank expression. Neutral. I'd been wearing a neutral expression so long that half the time I smiled and didn't recognize my face when it showed emotions. "Look, I don't know why we were attacked."

He nodded then muttered, "I'm sorry." It was so soft, I barely heard it.


And then he applied the antiseptic.

I howled. "Jesus fucking Christ, aww that stings."

"And the lady curses like a bloody sailor. I'm thrilled. Still, I'm sorry. Look, I have to apply this on those injuries, or we could go to the hospital. You choose. I have rudimentary supplies in here, but you might need to see a doctor."

"I don't need a doctor." I tried to wiggle off the countertop, but his stupid big body blocked my way.

His green eyes went mostly dark, and his gaze bore into mine. "No. You, Nyla, will sit here. And you will let me finish taking care of you."

I tilted my chin up. "Well, you'll forgive me if I don't trust you. The last man that promised to take care of me stole my job and rubs his new girlfriend in my face every opportunity he gets. So, I'm not real keen on trusting you to take care of me, even with the simplest things like this." I didn’t understand why I’d said those words to him, but something pulled them out of me.

He winced at that. "Wow, he did a number on you. You know, not everyone is untrustworthy."

"It's weird, because that's the exact opposite of what my father taught me."

He sighed. "Look, in this moment, I'm just here trying to get you cleaned up, okay? I'm trying to hurt you as little as possible. Can we agree on that?"

I shrugged. Oh yeah, petulance, because that's the answer. "Fine."

He nodded. Each press of antiseptic made me grit my teeth and groan. His voice was soft. Crooning. "I'm sorry. Does anything else hurt?"

I shook my head, and all the while the scent of the ocean wrapped around me, and I could almost hear the waves as they crashed upon the shore, leaving seashells and seaweed in their wake. That's what it felt like with him. The crashing of a wave and the end of peace, but also the hint of excitement that the waves promised on a hot summer day.

Jesus Christ, I needed help.

You kissed him. 

No, I did not kiss him, I allowed him to kiss me. That’s different.


Fuck. I lifted my gaze to meet his, and of course, my eyes fell. His lips were so full and still slightly bruised from our kiss earlier.

God, that kiss.

The man’s kisses were like the air that I breathed. Necessary for living, necessary for existing. His tongue sliding over mine had left me with this lingering feeling of awareness. And if I was being honest, the awareness had been there from the moment I'd first seen him. It was an awareness that I hadn't indulged much.


Okay, fine. I had made some good use of my battery-operated boyfriend. Thanks to him, since our stupid fight in the park, I couldn’t help having crazy longings. What was wrong with me? I knew exactly what he was, and I still found him irresistible.

You don't know exactly what he is. You have no evidence. Innocent until proven guilty.

That always irritated me about law enforcement. The presumption of innocence. Men like East Hale didn’t become billionaires by playing it safe—or playing by the rules. And I would do well to remember that. Because if I kept messing with him, I was going to get burned.

But not tonight.






"Holy fuck."

East compressed his lips together. "Sorry. You’ve got a couple of scrapes here. I'm just trying to get them clean."

"You know, you don't have to do this. I am capable of minor field dressing." But I’d stopped trying to get away from his ministrations.

"I'm sure you are.” Beneath his glittering eyes stretched a predatory smile. “Because, of course, you can do anything, can’t you?"

"Yes, I can."

"Well, you're in luck. We're done." He tossed the used supplies in the trash, held up the gauze and bandaged up my jaw that had taken the majority of the scrapes and hits. He applied another butterfly suture to my hand, and then wrapped my right wrist. It wasn't broken. It wasn't even sprained, but it was irritated as hell. So

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