the rules go?” Lucas’ gaze dipped down to my lips, and he leaned in closer.

“Yes.” I wrapped my hand around his tie and whispered over his lips. “Those are the rules.”

“When exactly do you want to make us official?” Lucas asked.

“Right now. Right here,” I whispered.

Lucas sucked in a breath, and his fingers trailed up the side of my leg, sliding up the hem of my gauzy gown.

Public sex was a naughty way to start a committed relationship, but the roof was dark, and there was no way that anyone could see us here from the street. Knowing that it would take forever to lift my dress off, I reached up and pulled the ribbon at the back of my neck.

The fae dress came apart, sliding off my body to pool on the couch and revealing my nakedness beneath.

Behind us, the music missed a beat, and I glanced back only to remember that there was one other person who could see us here. Chad grinned wide at me, and then he returned his gaze to the guitar and continued playing.

“Teagan,” Lucas whispered, and when I turned to him, his gray eyes were filled with longing. My core slickened with heat. There was something so erotic about having a mature man dressed in a tuxedo looking at me that way while I sat before him, naked.

I tightened my grip on Lucas’ tie and climbed onto his lap. “Can I tell you a secret?”

His hands wrapped around my bare hips. “I want to know all of your secrets.”

Still gripping his tie, I pressed my lips to his sweet mouth, delighting in his wine and chocolate taste. “You’re the first werewolf who I ever trusted to give me orders. I think… I think I was meant to enjoy being dominated. We’re connected in the most intimate way, but werewolves have always misused my omega powers. You’re the first person to use your authority on me with my consent. You’re the only werewolf in the world I completely trust to do it because I know you’ll never use it without my permission.”

“I avoid dominating other wolves.”

“I know… I’ve felt it inside me, and that’s what makes me trust you so much.” Everything about this man turned me on. I loved the soft yet firm way he always took care of me when he was treating me or working the tension out of my muscles. When his emotions flowed through me, I could feel how sincere he was.

His hands squeezed on my hips, and his gray eyes landed on mine. There was a question there, and I knew what it was before he spoke. “Do you want me to give you an order?”

My core clenched at the very idea. Usually, the idea would terrify me, but with Lucas, I’d only ever felt comforted and safe.

“I’m not sure how long I could handle it,” I admitted. “Or even if I could. We’d have to start slow.”

His hands ran up to my waist. “I’m willing to give it a try, but only if you want to.”

“Okay.” I lifted up, giving Lucas the room to unzip his fly and push down his red silk boxers. His hard length sprang loose, and I gaped down at what he revealed. His cock was long and thick. “Wow.”

Lucas’ dark brows rose, and he chuckled. “You know what they say about shy men.”

“I don’t know what they say, but I can guess.”

Lucas’ fingers combed through my hair.

“Teagan, kiss me,” he said.

His dominance pressed down on me, and a tide of emotion swelled through me. I felt Lucas’ heady lust and growing need, and under it was tenderness and affection and joy.

I pressed my lips into his and reveled in his kiss as his order released. I’d never thought that there would be a day where I enjoyed following an order, but my whole body was shaking with lust for him.

Breaking off our kiss, I tugged on Lucas’ tie once more. “Please order me again.”

“You sure?” His gray eyes fell on mine, and when I nodded, he said, “Teagan, slide down on my cock.”

A whimper escaped me as his anticipation crashed into mine. My whole body ached to obey Lucas, and everything in me rejoiced as I positioned him at my entrance and slid down.

We both moaned as our emotions and sensations tangled together. His girth stretched me, and I almost felt too full as I took Lucas’ length deep inside.

Our lips joined as Lucas’ hands gripped my hips. He set our pace, lifting me and thrusting up as I descended onto his cock. Sensation crashed into me, building fast, and I gasped onto his mouth as my core squeezed.

“Not yet,” Lucas said with a gasp. “Climb off me, Teagan, and grab onto the back of the couch. I want to make this last.”

The order rolled over me, and even though I didn’t want to climb off Lucas, I craved obeying him and seeing what would happen next. With a little whimper, I climbed off Lucas’ lap and grabbed onto the backboard beside him, squeezing my fingers into the soft material. My heart skipped a beat as Lucas slid in behind me.

“Lift your ass, Teagan.”

I sucked in a breath as his order pressed me to obey. The moment I lifted my butt in the air, Lucas’ thick cock slid into my pussy. His arms wrapped around me, one hand cupping my breast and the other my mound. He pulled me tight against his chest, and his mouth closed over my neck. The bristles of his beard tickled over my skin mingling with a much more intense sensation as Lucas’ fingers rolled over my clit.

“My wife,” Lucas murmured tenderly onto my neck as he slid in and out of me slowly.

My whole body felt like a live wire of

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