having allegedly promotedthe immigration of eastern Jews into Germany.—On this important figure see Berlinin Geschichte und Gegenwart. Jahrbuch des Landesarchives Berlin 1983 (Berlin, 1983); Hsi-HueyLiang, Die Berliner Polizei in der Weimarer Republik (Berlin, New York, 1977), 61, 75, 177; andBernhard J. Weiss, American Education and the European Immigrant 1840–1940 (London/Univ.of Illinois, 1982), and now the scholarly study by Dietz Bering, Kampf um Namen. Bernhard110 GOEBBELS. MASTERMIND OF THE THIRD REICHWeiss gegen Joseph Goebbels (Stuttgart, 1992), drawing on Weiss’ family and official papers.Weiss’ own CV is in his files in the Zentrales Staatsarchiv (ZStA) Potsdam, file 21,344; seetoo the article, ‘He Rules Berlin’s Finest,’ in The American Hebrew, Jul 17, 1931, and obituariesin e.g., Tagesspiegel, Jul 31, 1951; Cronica Israelitica Aug 1951.27 Qualification report 1912 in personnel file on Hptm. Weiss (BayerischesHauptstaatsarchiv, Munich, OP 51Ê 391; cit. Bering, 41f.)28 See the remarks of his predecessor Ferdinand Friedensburg, Lebenserinnerungen (Frankfurt,1969) 175 (his papers are in BA: NL.114); Bering, 84f.29 ‘Der mächtigste Mann in Gross-Berlin /Das ist der Isidor Weiss. /Doch Joseph Goebbels,der “Oberbandit”, /der macht ihm die Hölle schon heiss,’ etc. Bering, 20; Bering shows thatthe Berlin communist Otto Steinicke (later a Nazi and editor on Goebbels’ Angriff) had firstdubbed Weiss ‘Isidor’ in Rote Fahne No.152, as early as Jul 5, 1923; and see May 16, 1924.30 Interpol figures, in Deutsche Nachrichten-Büro (DNB), Jul 20, 1935; and see K Daluege,‘Judenfrage als Grundsatz,’ in Angriff, Aug 3, 1935 (Hauptamt Ordnungspolizei files, BA:R.19/406); on the criminal demimonde of 1920s Berlin see Paul Weiglin, UnverwüstlichesBerlin. Bilderbuch der Reichshauptstadt sekt 1919 (Zürich, 1955) and Walther Kiaulehn, Berlin:Schicksal einer Weltstadt (Munich, 1958).31 Muchow report, No.1.32 Case against the vendor Zawitalsky, Landesarchiv Berlin, Rep.58, item 367.33 Zöhrgiebel to Landgericht Munich I, Jun 1, 1927 (ibid.) The editor was acquitted by theMunich courts.34 Item 24, vol.v, 4; similarly in vol.i, 21, and vol.i, 44.35 Angriff, No.18, Oct 28, 1927.36 Ibid., No.15, Oct 10, 1927; Landesarchiv Berlin, rep.58, item 24.37 His de-registration (Abmeldung) with police in Elberfeld was dated Nov 22, 1926: Angriff,Oct 30, 1936.38 Police file.39 Daluege was born Sep 15, 1897, and hanged by the Czechs in 1945. See his handwrittenmemoirs on NA film M.1270, roll 3.40 Gau circular No.1, Berlin, Nov 9, 1926 (NA film T581, roll 5; BA file NS.26/133, andSchumacher collection, 199a).41 Spandauer Volkszeitung, Nov 15, 1926; cit. Reuth, 113.42 Police file, Dec 26, 1926; Muchow report, Dec 1926; and see JG’s references to theLeague in NS Briefe No.31, and Diary, Nov 21, 1928.43 Horst Wessel (Oct 9, 1907–Feb 23, 1930), manuscript MS, 1929, originally inStaatsbibliothek Berlin, now in Uniwersitet Jagiellonska archives, Kraków, Ms.Germ.Oct.761, microfilm No. 5668, 1988. Son of a priest. See NSDAP Hauptarchiv file on him,BA: NS.26/1370a, and Thomas Oertel, Horst Wessel. Untersuchung einer Legende (Cologne,1988).—Wessel’s mother had handed the MS to JG (diary, Mar 24, 1930) and it was evidentlypublished as his bequest (diary, Apr 26, 1930).44 Muchow report.45 Police report, Feb 12, 1927 (NA film T581, roll 52, BA file NS.26/1224).46 Wessel MS, 1929.GOEBBELS. MASTERMIND OF THE THIRD REICH 11147 Muchow report No.8, Jan 1927; and an anonymous history of the gau by an S.A. manborn 1906 (NA film T581, roll 5; BA file NS.26/133), cit. hereafter as Gau history.48 JG to Otto Strasser, Feb 8, 1927 (BDC file, JG; Heiber, 130ff).49 O Strasser memoirs, Mein Kampf (loc. cit.) and statement, Nov 24, 1959 (IfZ).50 Muchow report No.9, Feb 1927; and see Wilfried Bade’s account in Angriff Oct 30,1936.51 Albert Tonak (1905—1942 ) joined the NSDAP on Apr 9, 1926 (BDC file, Tonak).52 VB, Mar 10. Detective Inspector Rühl (of Section Ia) reported on Mar 28 that the appealraised ‘big money’ for the Party: police file.—See Heiber, 117ff. The clinic was pictured inthe party’s Illustrated Beobachter, Mar 15, 1927.53 Gau history; diary, Mar 16-18, 21, 1930.54 NSDAP archives file on Maikowski (BA file NS.26/323).55 Police file.56 Muchow report No.9, Feb 1927; JG, Kampf um Berlin, 50. The gau’s other officials nowwere: deputy gauleiter Daluege; manager, Dagobert Dürr; press spokesman, Karl Kern;propaganda director: Werner Studentkowski.57 Erich Koch, who had it from JG’s arch-foe Elsbeth Zander, wrote to Kampf Verlag aboutthis on Jun 13, 1927 (BDC file, JG)58 Police report, Mar 21, 1927, in Landesarchiv Berlin, Rep.58, item 302, vol.iv.59 Landesarchiv Berlin, Rep.58, item 302, vol.ii, 63.60 Testimony of Erich Timme, a neutral witness, ibid., 195.61 Police report in Landesarchiv Berlin, Rep.58, item 302, vol.i.62 Muchow report No.11, Mar 1927, and his special report on this incident (both on NAfilm T581, roll 5; BA file NS.26/133); also gau history. The Nazis rampaged downKurfürstendamm, burst into the Romanisches Cafe near the Remembrance church andmanhandled Jews; the Berliner Tageblatt used the word pogrom for the first time. For twelvevols. of court documents arising from the Lichterfelde battle see Landesarchiv Berlin, Rep.58,item 302.63 Wessel MS, 1929.64 ‘The result was,’ complained JG in a letter to Hindenburg and Grzesinski on May 6,1927, ‘that our comrade [Kleemann] was besieged in his apartment for several days and hadto be liberated by a major police operation.’ (BA: Schumacher collection, 199a).65 Rühl report, Mar 28 (police file); JG had to make a statement on Apr 25, 1927 (ibid.)66 VB Mar 24, 1927.67 Which Hitler denied: VB, Jun 25, 1927; for the ‘Jewish’ character of these newspapers,see Bering, 116.68 Otto Strasser, Mein Kampf. Eine politische Autobiographie (Frankfurt, 1969).69 Police file.70 JG to Dr Eugen Mündler, publ. in Die Zweite Revolution..71 Hess to Ilse Pröhl, Apr 25, 1927; W R Hess, Rudolf Hess. Briefe 1908-1933 (Munich,1988), 379f. Hitler spoke in the Krupp Saal on Apr 27 to mounting applause. Hess, 380;Dokumente, 258.72 With both of whom JG had been compared before: diary, Mar 26, 28, 1925.112 GOEBBELS. MASTERMIND OF THE THIRD REICH73 Article in Berliner Arbeiterzeitung, Apr 23, 1927; andDer Nationalsozialist, No.17, 1927; ingeneral, JG to Hitler, Jun 5, 1927 and minutes of supreme party court (OPG) session of Jun10, 1927 (BDC file, JG: author’s film DI-81).74 Koch to JG, Apr 26, 1927 (BDC file, JG); Heiber, 120f.75 For the history of Angriff see Hans Georg Rahm, Der Angriff 1927-1930. Dernationalsozialistische Typ der
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