Goebbels13, the very afternoon that the Reichstag is due to swear...ordered to bring him in by force if need be. He takes refuge out at Erika’s forestcottage, armed with a dispensation from his doctor. He hunkers down in the back ofthe Potempa’s car to go to Weimar where Hitler speaks in the National Theatre, withGöring following as a somewhat implausible decoy in the Supercharger. ‘What wizardfellows these fliers are!’, enthuses Goebbels, changing his mind yet again.He drives back from Thuringia that Sunday night in the Schultze-Naumburg’s car,squeezed enjoyably between the professor’s comely wife and her stepdaughter Babette;GOEBBELS. MASTERMIND OF THE THIRD REICH 203he sleeps at the Schultze-Naumburg’s and just as well, for Dr Weiss’s police are meanwhileransacking his lodgings in Württembergische Strasse and lying in wait for him.October the Thirteenth comes. He lies doggo all morning writing up his diary. ‘Inthree hours I am immune again, thank God!’ As Berlin’s Nazis go on an orgy ofdestruction through the West End, smashing the windows of Jewish-owned stores onthe Potsdamer Platz and in Kurfürstendamm—an inspired move by the gauleiter todistract ‘Isidor’—he is driven at breakneck speed over to the Reichstag.‘Portal zwei!’ he shouts. Plain clothes detectives see him hobbling frantically up thelong flight of steps to Door Two, wearing a light raincoat buttoned tightly to his neck,and grab at him just as he lurches through the great doors. The gau official HannoKonopath and a Reichstag flunky get a firm grip on him and bundle him inside.51They have torn off his coat. Beneath it for the first time he is wearing the forbiddenuniform of the Nazi party. He is immune, and he can do and say as he likes.1 Diary, Nov 5, 1929.2 JG’s police file, Apr 5, 1930, 10 (NA film T581, roll 52, BA file: NS.26/1224).3 [Lieutenant of the Reserve Walter Jahn], ‘How it came to the Stennes putsch!’, typescriptin NSDAP archives, IfZ: Fa.88/83. Jahn, the anonymous author, was Stennes’ chief ofstaff. Stennes testified (letter to Prof H Krausnick, Nov 12, 1956, IfZ: ZS.1147) that thedocument was written for internal S.A. use; in fact it was published (with the sub-title‘Adolf Hitler largely to blame’) in consecutive issues of the organ of the Stennes fraction(the NSKD), Wahrheit der Woche from No.7 (Oct 10, 1931) on (BA file NS.26/325).4 Jahn.5 Diary, Jul 28, 1930.6 Stennes MS, Jul 1968 (IfZ: ZS-1147, vol.ii).7 Diary, Jul 21, 23, 29, 1930.8 E.g., Princess zu Wied. Diary, Aug 4, 1930.9 MS history of Berlin politics by an unknown Nazi (NA film T581, roll 5; BA file NS.26/133).10 Diary, Jul 25, 26, Aug 1, 1930.11 When addressing the NSDAP section at Hanover on Sep 5, 1929.12 Diary, Jul 29, 1930; police file.13 Ibid., Aug 4, 1930.14 Ibid., Aug 8, 12, 13, 1930; and Jahn.204 GOEBBELS. MASTERMIND OF THE THIRD REICH15 Ibid., Aug 24, 1930.16 Ibid., Aug 9, 1930; Goltz MS (BA file Kl. Erw. 653/2)17 Diary, Aug 13; Goltz; Angriff No.65, Aug 14, 1930.18 The letter read: ‘From a declaration made to me by Dr Goebbels I infer that he had nointention of personally defaming me personally with the remarks that are the substance ofthe action against him, but was merely acting in his own political interests. I would withdrawmy complaint of Dec 31, 1929 against Dr Goebbels if that were possible at this stage. As it isnot in law possible, I have to content myself with the declaration that I regard the matter asclosed and have no further interest in punishing Dr Goebbels.’19 Court transcript in ZStA Potsdam, files of justice ministry (IfZ film MA.118); diary, Aug14–15; Goltz; Angriff, Aug 17, 1930.20 Court transcript (loc. cit.) and case files in Landesarchiv Berlin, Rep.58, item 25; Angriff,Aug 17, 1930.21 JG was also prosecuted for inciting disrespect for the Reich flag in the NSDAPMitteilungsblatt