9 (10 vols.)30 Kaiserhof, Jan 26, 1932; for the trial of the murderers Adam et al., see ibid., item 37 (22vols.)31 Kaiserhof, Feb 4, 1932.32 Kaiserhof, Feb 12, 1932.33 Text in Leipziger Volkszeitung, Feb 8; and see Grzesinski MS and Angriff, No.31, Feb 11,1932.34 JG referred to the dog whip several times in the Reichstag during Feb 1932, as did Hitleron Mar 23, 1933: ‘They even offered to drive me out of Germany with a dog-whip. [Stormsof jeers from the National Socialist benches.]’35 Thus JG was prosecuted for incitement to violence in a funeral eulogy on Jul 25, 1932(Landesarchiv Berlin, Rep.58, item 759).36 Kaiserhof, Feb 10, 1932.37 Police file, Feb 20; Berliner Lokalanzeiger, No.86, Feb 20; Kaiserhof, Feb 20, 1932.38 According to Vossische Zeitung, Feb 23, JG said he was ‘authorised’ to tell them of Hitler’sdecision to stand.—The speech was published as Schluss jetzt! Das deutsche Volk wählt Hitler!Rede im Berliner Sportpalast am 22. Februar 1932 (Franz Eher Nachf., 1932). On Apr 4, the‘Opposition within the NSDAP’ circulated a pamphlet blaming JG for the fait accompli.‘Without being authorised to do so he proclaimed in the Sport Palace at the end of February,“Hitler will be our Reich President.”’ After remarking yet again on JG’s Jewish appearance266 GOEBBELS. MASTERMIND OF THE THIRD REICHthe pamphlet suggested that JG intended to profit either way, whether Hitler won or lost.(BA file NS.26/322).39 Albert Krebs, 167. In conversation with Krebs in May 1932 Hitler exonerated JG bysaying that he had been speaking to a huge audience.—See too Krebs’ diary, Sep 19, 1930–May 30, 1932 in the Hamburg archives.40 Kaiserhof, Feb 22, 1932.41 See Reichstag proceedings, 58th session, Feb 24, 1932, p.2270, and Angriff, Mar 5,1932, for the controversy about his precise words.42 Reichstag proceedings, 57th session, Feb 23, 1932, 2245ff.43 Reichstag proceedings, 59th session, Feb 25, 1932, 2346ff.44 Vossische Zeitung, Feb 28, 1932.45 Historical essay by Kampmann as Gaupropagandaleiter May 13, 1938 (NA films T581,roll 546 and /5; BA files NS.26/546 and /133); JG’s drafts of the posters and leaflets for theMar 13, 1932 election are in NSDAP archives (BA file NS.26/287).46 Kaiserhof, Feb 29, 1932.47 Diary, Oct 31, 1930; Kaiserhof, Feb 29, Mar 3, 1932. The JG film was directed byHäussler. JG to all gauleiters, Mar 13, 1932 (NSDAP archives, NA film T581, roll 29, BA fileNS.26/546).48 Kaiserhof, Mar 6, 1932.49 Ibid., Mar 2, 5, 1932.50 Papers of Deutsche Welle GmbH, Mar 1932 (BA file R.55/1273).51 Diary, Mar 9, 1932.52 Kaiserhof, Mar 12, 1932. This glowed with false praise for Göring’s oratory.53 Hindenburg won 18,651,497 votes, Hitler 11,339,446, the communist Ernst Thälmann4,983,341 and the DNVP’s Duesterberg 2,557,729. In the still predominantly Red capital,the Nazis gained 22.9 percent—well below their national average of 30.1 percent.54 JG to all gauleiters, Mar 13, 1932 (NA film T581, roll 29; BA file NS.26/546).55 Kaiserhof, Mar 14–17, 1932.56 ‘A rain of blows on the defeatists’ (Kaiserhof, Mar 19); JG’s drafts of the posters andleaflets57 Hitler to Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Mar 17, 1932 (BA file NS.26/564).58 JG to all gauleiters, Mar 23, 1932. NSDAP archives (NA film T581, roll 29; BA fileNS.26/546).59 Drafts of his posters for the Apr 10, 1932 election are in BA file NS.26/287; similar filesof his Reich election directorate are in file NS.26/290.60 Kaiserhof, Mar 29, 1932.61 Die Welt am Montag, No.14, Apr 4, 1932 suggested that Hitler had forfeited the right to beleader of a workers’ party, as the Kaiserhof had billed him for 4,408 marks for ten days’ foodand accommodation in luxury suites on the first floor; Kaiserhof, Apr 2, 1932.62 In VB, No.97, Apr 6, and in Angriff, No.64, 66, and 68 of Apr 4, 6, 8. He claimed Hitler’ssuite was on the fourth floor. Die Welt sued Hitler and JG for libel, producing the original bill.Münchner Neueste Nachrichten, No.122, May 30, 1932 (BA file NS.26/1932.)63 Severing papers (Friedrich Ebert foundation, Bonn, file 189).GOEBBELS. MASTERMIND OF THE THIRD REICH 26764 Grzesinski alleged in his memoirs that his political police (Ia) raided a Nazi gau office inPomerania and found compelling evidence of high treason, automatic weapons, and plans byHitler to stage a putsch if prevented from taking office after an anticipated election victory.See Märkische Volkszeitung, Mar 20, 1932; for the Hagen police HQ’s copy of Groener’s telegramtransmitting the ban to all police authorities see NA film T81, roll 90.65 Leaflet drafts by JG are in BA file NS.26/286.66 Kaiserhof, Apr 15–16; Kampmann, op.cit; NYT, Apr 16, 1932, p.4; Goltz MS (BA: Kl.Erw.653/2).67 Kaiserhof, Apr 24, 1932.268 GOEBBELS. MASTERMIND OF THE THIRD REICH
Goebbels18: Follow that ManFOR THE NEXT months Hitler would spend more time in Berlin than in Munich,wheeling and dealing in tandem with Göring in a persistent effort tocover the last hundred yards to power. Goebbels did what he could toundermine Hitler’s trust in Göring. When the aviator started an affair with blondeactress Emmy Sonnemann, a married woman, he lost no time in telling Hitler.1 Inconsequence, Hitler spent more time with the Goebbels’. Besides, he was almostpathological about being recognized in the capital. He would hide his face when thelights came on in movie theatres; one evening, the Goebbels were out when Hitlerreturned to Reichskanzler Platz and he had to wait outside. He asked Darré to standbetween him and the street. ‘Hitler remained standing,’ said Darré, ‘in the corner ofthe doorway with his face turned toward the house until Dr Goebbels got back.’2The Centre party wooed Hitler the most persistently, stating as their only conditionthat he must accept a junior role. There were those, Gregor Strasser amongthem, who felt strongly that half a loaf was better than no bread. But Goebbels insistedthat they hold out for absolute power. ‘Either—or,’ he wrote: ‘Power, or opposition.’3His published diary contains only hints at the part in fact played by Franz vonPapen and General Kurt von Schleicher in bringing about the demise of the System.GOEBBELS. MASTERMIND OF THE THIRD REICH 269Missing from ‘Kaiserhof’ too is the juicy scandal caused when a Munich newspaperpublished Röhm’s homosexual love-letters.4 Goebbels was not alone in his perplexityat Hitler’s indulgence of such perversions; deputy chief