thought it was like a sleepover or camping.

After the drama of the kidnapping, I’d been holding Tiff closer and spending more time with my parents. They seemed to have been more than happy having us around, so I didn’t see any real reason to go home. I still went there when I absolutely had to, but only to the office. And if I knew I’d have to be alone at my house, I made sure Mom planned to stay with Dad and Tiffany, and I called Kara or Abby to meet me at the office.

Walter was in jail. They’d let Mary out after Jury and Maddox told the judge she hadn’t been a willing participant, but she never went and bailed him out. Even knowing he was behind bars, I was terrified all the time. Someone else could’ve decided they wanted to hurt us, and how could I stop them? I was powerless, as was proven quickly by Walter.

Saturday, nearly two weeks after the kidnapping, my mother opened the guest room door. “Morning, sweetie.”

I stretched and smiled at her. “Morning. Did you make breakfast?” She’d been spoiling us by making breakfast every morning. When I eventually went back home, I sure would miss it.

“Yes, but I wanted to talk to you first.”

I sat up in the bed as she climbed up beside me and crossed her legs. “What is it, Mom?” She seemed concerned, but not overly worried.

“I want you to call up your girlfriends or that Maddox and go out tonight,” she said.

Recoiling against the headboard, I gave her a confused look. “Why?”

“As much as your father and I love having you and Tiff here all the time, it’s gone on too long. It’s not good for you to stay here this long. You’re hiding.”

I huffed. “Mom, come on. I’m not hiding. I’ve been having anxiety.”

“Well, you’ve got to face it. So, your father and I decided we’re keeping Tiffany tonight and you’re going out.”

Her words sent a wave of worry down my spine. “I’m not comfortable being away from Tiffany.”

The thump of her hand on the mattress as she slapped it made me jump. “Do you think it’s my fault that Tiffany was kidnapped?”

I shook my head. “No, I don’t. It could’ve just as easily happened to me.”

“Then leave her here. We won’t go out, not even to the back yard. And if anyone knocks on the door, we’ll call the police.”

I chuckled at her overreaction. “Thanks, Mom.”

“You can’t live in fear. But I also don’t want you to go back to the person you were before you met Maddox. You came out of your shell with him. It was like you bloomed.”

I tugged at a stray thread on the bedspread. Thinking about Maddox made me feel like a total tool. I should have shown more gratitude towards him, but I was embarrassed by the way I’d treated him, only for him to be the one to save my daughter with his “abilities”. I wanted to apologize to him, but somehow the words never would come. I’d never screwed up so bad I couldn’t find a way to say I was sorry. Not until I messed up with Maddox.

“Okay,” I said. “I’ll go out. You’re right. I have to live my life.”

Mom patted my hand. “And you’re not doing it here.” She walked out of the room. “Come eat.”

I sent a text to Abby first. I need a drink. Go out with me tonight?

After a shower, I checked my phone to find a reply from my friend. Hell, yes! I’ve got all the girls ready. See you at about eight.

I smiled at her. Of course she did. It would probably be every girl I’d ever met in my life.

A couple of hours before I was due to meet her, I kissed Tiffany and hugged her extra tight, then put her in my Dad’s lap. “Not one toe outside, okay?”

Dad saluted. “We’re going to hang out in here and watch a movie, don’t you worry.”

I had to kiss her three or four more times, but I finally made it out and headed to my house to get ready. Since it was girls’ night and not a date, I didn’t spend too much time. After running a brush through my hair and a quick mascara and lip gloss application, I was good to go.

Abby picked me up. She’d texted a little bit ago and promised to be the designated driver.

I squealed when I saw the car full of people. She’d driven her SUV, and Harley was in the back seat with Kara. They’d left the front passenger seat open for me. I hopped in and grinned at my friends. “Hey!”

“Let’s do this!” Harley said. “I’m ready.”

Abby reached over before putting the car into gear and hugged me. “I was so glad to hear from you.”

She’d tried texting me a few times after the kidnapping. “I’m sorry I’ve been standoffish. It wasn’t intentional. I’ve just been kinda wrapped up in staying alone and protecting myself.”

“That’s understandable,” Kara said. “Who wouldn’t react that way?”

“But you’re not alone, you know?” Abby put her hand over mine on my leg. “We’re all here for you. And when Ava found out we were going out, she wanted to come and bring Charlotte. I told them to let us have tonight and see how you were, but you’ve got a support system, whether you realize it or not.”

I squeezed her hand. “Thank you. I realize that now.” Glancing into the backseat, I repeated my thanks. “I love you guys.”

We made it into the bar and had our first drinks before anyone asked. “So,” Harley said. “Have you spoken to Maddox?”

It had occurred to me during the time after I rejected Maddox that Abby and Harley were in deep, committed relationships with Kingston men. Well, Stefan wasn’t a Kingston, but he might as well have been. They must’ve known.

But Kara wasn’t, so I had to watch what I said. “No, not really. He found Tiffany, and I

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