pleased about it.”

I blinked. “Avery wanted Kyle?”

“Is that the kid’s name?” Yvonne shrugged. “All I know is threats were exchanged. And now one of them is dead.” She waggled iron gray eyebrows. “What do you think of that?”

I thought it was highly suspicious. And I’d bet anything the police would, too. Except I had no intention of telling them. Not until I did a little more investigating myself.

“LET ME GUESS.” LUCAS sounded amused. “We’re off to question one Avery Andrews.”

“Naturally. She just shot way up on my list of suspects.”


I stopped to stare at him. “What? You don’t think she could be guilty?”

He shrugged. “Anyone could be guilty, but as a motive for murder, trying to steal someone’s boy toy is pretty weak, don’t you think?”

I snorted. “Clearly you don’t know women.”

“Would you murder someone for trying to steal your boyfriend? Or worse, kill another woman to get her boyfriend?” he asked, seeming more interested in my answer than I would have thought.

“No,” I admitted, “but believe me, there is a type of woman who would.”

“And you think Avery is that type of woman?”

“That’s what I’m going to find out.”

“Mmm.” The sound was noncommittal in the extreme. It made me want to slug him. Instead I gave an exasperated sigh and marched off in the direction of the main resort building. There were more lectures going on today, and Avery was giving one of them. Wouldn’t hurt to hear what she had to say. Afterward I could question her. Subtly, of course.

The little computer screen outside the Seabreeze Suite listed Avery’s name and the time of the lecture as well as the title: Being Number One: Getting on Top and Staying There. Interesting, seeing as how Avery had been number two until the day Natasha died. Fascinating foreshadowing there. Wishful thinking? Or had Avery already had a cunning plan to bump off her rival?

I slipped into the back of the room. Nobody paid any attention, their eyes were glued to the small stage up front. Couldn’t say I blamed them. Avery was a stunning woman. More than that, she was charismatic without needing the diva attitude Natasha had been so infamous for.

Avery was wearing a bright-red dress that hugged her voluptuous form. Her mink-dark hair was swept up on her head in an elegant roll. She wore cute little black-rimmed reading glasses that made her look sexy rather than frumpy, and she clutched a laser pointer in one hand, which she used to highlight points on the overhead projection.

“Of course, I can’t promise that what I did will work for you,” she said with a warm chuckle that made everyone in the room smile, “but I can guarantee that if you do nothing, your results will be zero.”

The room nodded as one. A few of the attendees scribbled madly in notebooks. Others tapped away at computer keyboards, trying desperately to capture Avery’s wisdom in hopes that they could miraculously boost their own sales. Maybe they could. That wasn’t why I was there.

As the class wound down, Avery assured the listeners that she would happily stay behind and answer questions, then she dismissed the class. She was immediately mobbed, most of them asking the same questions over and over again as if somehow that would produce some magical new information. It was a little like weight loss. Everybody wanted a so-called “perfect” body, but nobody wanted to put in the hard work. They were all looking for a miracle pill.

I waited, albeit somewhat impatiently, until the last person drifted away, leaving Avery alone to collect her things. Then I made my move.

“Interesting talk,” I said cheerfully.

She arched a brow. “I noticed you missed most of it,” she said. There was no accusation in her tone, merely observation.

“Ah, well, the beach called, you know.”

She laughed. “Believe me, I get it. I’d have been out there, too, if I didn’t have this talk to give.” She said “talk” like one might say “circus” or “lunatic asylum.”

“I’m sure everyone appreciated your time.”

She sighed and tucked a laptop under one arm. “I’ve no doubt. I’ve also no doubt that most of them won’t do a single thing I suggested and they’ll get mad because I didn’t fix things for them. I swear, this is the last time I do one of these talks.” She laughed. “But then, I said that last year.”

“I’m sure you helped someone in that crowd,” I encouraged her.

“Hopefully. Plenty of room for all of us, I say.”

That had me raising a brow. That was definitely not the impression I’d gotten from Yvonne.

“You’re surprised by me saying that, aren’t you?” Avery asked. “Well, it’s true. Something Natasha never seemed to grasp.”

“But now she’s gone...” I let my voice trail off.

“And I’m number one. Believe me, the thought has crossed my mind. And Detective Costa’s mind,” she said dryly. She snagged her cobalt handbag off her chair. I had a moment of bag envy.

“Would you like to grab lunch?” I asked, hoping that she’d open up over food. Most people did, in my experience.

“That’s sweet, but I already promised Piper Ross I’d have a lunch meeting with her. You know, talk over how she can help me grow my business. Now Natasha’s gone, she can’t get in the way.”

“Really?” I was surprised she’d be interested in hiring Natasha’s former assistant. “Not Greta Morris?”

Avery waved her hand dismissively. “Greta isn’t the one that helped Natasha climb to the top. Piper is. Believe me, she’s responsible for a lot more of Natasha’s success than she’s been given credit for.”

“Really? I’d no idea.”

“Exactly,” Avery said darkly. “That was how Natasha preferred it.”

“But what about, you know, Piper stealing Natasha’s husband. Aren’t you worried?”

She laughed. “I don’t have anyone for Piper to steal. Besides, men don’t get stolen unless they want to be. Believe me.” She sounded like she spoke from experience. I couldn’t help but think of poor Melisande Donovan.

“Well, good luck,” I said cheerfully.

“I don’t need luck, honey,” Avery said with a smile.

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