access and cell reception was sketchy at best. She passed through the den, heading into the kitchen. The cookies Davis brought by were still on the bar but she didn’t have much of an appetite. She opened a small drawer and there they were—the pack of cards she’d seen earlier. A game of solitaire would keep her mind occupied for a while. She sat at the bar, shuffling the cards. As she cut the deck, a knock at the door caught her attention. Startled, she stood and tip-toed into the living room to peep out the window. Davis! He’d actually come back.

“Just a minute!” she called out, running to the bedroom. She slipped her shirt off over her head, grabbed a fresh bra and put both items on in record time. “I’ll be right there!” She ran to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and swished with mouthwash. Giving herself a once over in the mirror, she pinched her cheeks and licked her lips before hauling ass. After pausing for a moment to calm her breathing, she opened the door.

Davis was dressed in a similar but different shirt, still plaid but thicker and he’d added a jean jacket. His butt-hugging jeans looked about the same but were a touch darker, and he still had on his trademark hat. “Hey there, did I come at a bad time?”

Nervously, Scarlett smoothed her damp hair. “No, I was actually just bored enough to start playing cards by myself. I’m glad you stopped by.”

Davis’s face lit up and he shuffled nervously. “You think you might be up for going for a ride with me?” He moved to the side, pointing out a quarter horse hitched to a shiny-red sleigh.

She laughed, covering her mouth as her heart fluttered beneath her breast. “What kind of fool would I have to be to turn down a sleigh ride at Christmas? Can you give me a sec to dry my hair and throw on some heavier clothes?” She stepped to the side, motioning for him to come in and take a seat.

“Yes, ma’am, take your time,” he said, removing his hat as he entered.

“Just have a seat anywhere,” she replied before scurrying off to get ready.

* * * * *

Bundled up in her navy-blue wool coat with matching gloves and scarf, Scarlett rode shotgun next to Davis. Flowing from beneath her light-pink, button-billed, cable-knit beanie, her hair fluttered with the motion of the sleigh. The cool air was sharp but refreshing and her close proximity to Davis had her pulse racing. “So where are we headed?”

Davis held the reigns as the handsome brown horse trotted ahead, pulling them along with relative ease. “Supply run and pick-up for the shut-in. Except for special occasions, Gram won’t leave her perch from up on high…says she feels closer to Grandpa there but she’s expected at the house tonight.”

“Wait…so we are literally going through the woods to Grandmother’s house in a one-horse open sleigh?” Scarlett’s jaw dropped. What kind of magical, holiday snow-globe dimension have I fallen into?

Davis nodded with a laugh. “Yeah, I guess so.”

She snickered once and paused, giving another stifled laugh before descending into a fit of giggles. Davis turned his head to meet her gaze, smiling at her lively reaction.

“Sorry…sorry.” She choked out her words between dwindling laughter. “I’m just not use to being in a Winter Wonderland.”

Davis grinned, leaning to playfully nudge her with his shoulder. “Yeah, I reckon it’s pretty scenic around here at Christmas time.”

“Well, it’s certainly beautiful. How long have you lived here?”

“All my life…my family is close knit. Most of the houses up on Horse Mountain are owned by relatives. We leave the mountain for school and shopping and the like but this is our land, has been for generations.”

Intrigued, Scarlett listened quietly, hoping Davis would tell her more.

“Just to warn you… Gram can be kind of…blunt. Try not to take anything she says too personally. She’s not great around…new people.”

“Aw, are you worried about me?” She snuggled closer to him, a smile dangling on her lips as she threw him a flirty look. “I’m a grown woman. I think I’ll be okay.”

Glancing her way, Davis nodded, pulling the reigns to slow the sleigh. “Whoa, girl! Whoa!” His voice was commanding but gentle…just like his presence. “We’re here.”

The horse slowed to a stop in front of a small house. Something was familiar about the place. The porch was different but the wood-stained logs and decorative, peaked, overhanging roof was just like her rental. “It looks like the cabin I’m staying in.”

“It should. The same man built it. My great-grandfather had four sons and two daughters. The men in our family are very protective of their daughters, sisters, aunts and nieces. So Great-Great-Grandpa put his sons to work and each daughter got a love nest as a wedding present.”

“Wow—and one of them right next door. That’s a lot of togetherness,” Scarlett said, raising her eyebrows and biting down on her bottom lip as she tilted her head to the side.

“I imagine so but as the story goes, Great-Aunt Tilly was reluctant to leave her mama, but back then a proper young lady got married. I understand it worked out pretty well though.”

“Interesting,” Scarlett said as Davis helped her out of the sleigh.

Missing her footing, she stumbled, smacking right into his brick wall of a chest. His huge, masculine hands grabbed her shoulders, steadying her as he pulled her in closer, snaking his arms around her waist. Removing her forehead from his pectorals, she lifted her chin, looking up at him.

His green eyes met hers, knocking the breath out of her with their gleaming intensity. She used her hands to steady herself, her palms pressed against his chest as she lingered longer than necessary, breathing in his fresh scent. The pounding sensation of his heart flowed through her hand

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