the table. Normally, she wasn’t a big eater, but after an evening filled with boozing and debauchery, there was nothing like a big, greasy breakfast. “You know what would make this breakfast better?”

“I can’t think of anything.” Tommy managed to speak between swallowing and stuffing a forkful of eggs into his mouth.

“I’m thinking a pot of grits, gravy, some hash browns, and about half a pig’s worth of sausage.” Trisha rubbed her tummy with one hand before taking a bite of her toast.

Tommy laughed, and Ken lifted an eyebrow. “That would be more fat grams than you’ve eaten in the last two months.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” Trisha frowned. “I want to scarf down comfort food without any thought of what it’s doing to my body.” Both men smiled as Trisha took another bite of bacon. She swallowed her food and took a sip of coffee. “You know, I’m proud of you two. You jumped right in and gave me exactly what I wanted. I hadn’t imagined you guys would be”

The two men exchanged uncomfortable looks before concentrating on their food and continuing to eat. Trisha glanced from Ken to Tommy and back to Ken. They both had red faces and jittery hands. “What aren’t you two telling me?”

“Nothing,” Tommy answered a little too quickly.

Trisha narrowed her eyes, leaning back against her chair as she folded her arms across her chest. While surveying the two like a lion circling a sickly gazelle, she keyed in on the weak link. “Ken...”

He flinched, dropping his fork in his plate but still refusing to meet her eyes. “Look at me.” While his gaze remained focused on his eggs, Ken threw Tommy under the bus. “He burst in on me during my private time and forcibly sucked my dick!”

Trisha’s jaw dropped and Tommy jumped to his feet, shrieking. “, what happened at all. I did not suck his dick!”

Her eyes widening as a huge smile spread across her face, Trisha tilted her head and clasped her hands in front of her. “Soooo, what did happen?”

Tommy opened his mouth, grunting out a few unintelligible sounds. “I was looking for my lotion when I walked in on this guy lubing up his pole with it while he’s watching porn and using his body like an amusement park.” Ken threw a small corner of toast, hitting Tommy on the shoulder. “Oh, mature, Ken, very mature.

“No one told you to sit down and join me. You could have left.”

Trisha gasped, her eyebrows rounding as she clapped her hands inaudibly “Sounds hot! Were you watching man-on-man porn?”

Ken dropped his fork again. “Fuck no! I don’t have any gay porn.” He nodded his head to the side toward his friend. “He might.”

Tommy scoffed, balling up his napkin and throwing it at Ken. “No way... At least all of my porn is live-action, not animated.”

Before Ken could retort, Trisha said, “I like Asian hentai movies, especially Yaoi.”

“What’s Yaoi?” Tommy glimpsed at her.

You really don’t want to know.” Ken shook his head before focusing his silver-gray eyes on Trisha. “You’re more perverted than I ever dreamed.”

She lifted her eyebrows and widened her eyes as innocently as she could manage. “Is that bad?”

Ken took a sip of coffee before setting his mug down and swallowing. “I’m happy with it.”

Tommy pursed his lips, repressing a snicker. “Me too.”

Her hands fidgety, she picked up a napkin, wringing the square of paper. “So... where does this leave the parameters of our friendship?”

“I don’t think there are any boundaries anymore.” Ken wagged his head and shrugged. “We pretty much shot any constraints all to hell.”

“So, where does that leave the three of us?” Her voice cracked as she spoke.

Tommy shot her an incredulous look. “Together... Come hell or high water.”

She released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “Good, I don’t know what I would do if you guys were suddenly not in my life anymore.”

“Never going to happen.” Ken reached over to run his fingertip along her arm. “You fucked up. Now you’re stuck with us.”

Her heart thumped hard as she choked up. She glanced from one gorgeous man to the other. “You know it won’t be easy. There will be a lot of obstacles to a relationship like ours.”

“Don’t care.” Ken’s reply came without a pause.

Tommy reached over and took the napkin Trisha was pulverizing. He set the ragged remnants on the table before taking her hand. “Look, I can’t promise we won’t struggle, but we will talk everything out and work through any issues together. We all love each other.”

Ken placed his hand on top of theirs. “Yeah.”

“The three of us will take care of each other no matter what. That’s a promise.” Tommy squeezed her fingers.

As her heart swelled, Trisha nodded.

Ken swallowed his last bite of eggs. “I might have a lead on that.”

“Oh?” Tommy turned his head in Ken’s direction.

“I finally finished the code for the software you wanted.”

“Say what?” Tommy’s jaw dropped and his cup almost slipped out of his hand, splattering droplets on the table as he fumbled.

“You know, the program you said would make your summer job at your dad’s clinic a lot easier. I finished it. Tedious as hell, and kind of a bitch, but you should be able to export all that medical data, and then matching the codes for filing health insurance will be a breeze.”

Tommy gasped. “Ken, you realize I was joking—I never expected you would actually... There is no way...” The blond’s eyes were so wide, his irises were completely visible. “Wait... Really? Do you have any idea...”? He trailed off as he looked off to the side.

Trisha raised an eyebrow, glancing at Tommy and then over to Ken. “What am I missing now?”

“Ken’s a fucking genius.” Tommy lifted and shook

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