up, she’s staring right at me.

Pushing my hand inside my sweats, I wrap my fingers around my length and squeeze. My eyelids flutter with pleasure.

I wonder how her tiny hand would feel. How hot her mouth might be?

“Fuuuuck,” I grate out, stepping back from the window when she disappears.

The temptation to follow her into her room and discover the answer to those questions is strong, but I hold off, for now at least. Nothing good can come of me going after her when I’m so desperate that I can hardly think straight.

The second she’s safely in her room—or so she might think—I turn my music on and fall down onto my bed, pushing my sweats from my hips, I take my cock in my hand with images of her hot little body filling my mind.

It takes an embarrassingly short amount of time before I feel the familiar tingles at the base of my spine. Two more pumps and I groan out as I come over my hand.

I’d hoped it might bring me some relief, but even before the high from my orgasm has faded, I know that I need more. And by more, I don’t mean delivered by my own hand.

I need her.

After cleaning up, I slip out of my room and stand at hers, listening for what she might be doing inside.

My hand rests on the doorknob, but in the end, I decide against it.

I’ll leave her stewing a little longer. Plus, it sounds like there’s going to be a semi-decent party tomorrow night. I guess I’ve got a costume to organize because there is no fucking way I’m allowing her to spend the night with any other motherfucker, even if it is her boyfriend that I’ve yet to know exists or not.

I somehow manage to remain in my room for the rest of the night and thankfully after that forced bit of family time at dinner, my dad allows me the evening to hide. I know my time avoiding him is running out though.

He’s wanted me to visit for years and the one time I do, he seems to spend his entire time working. I’m not complaining, quite the opposite in fact. If I get to do my time here hiding in this room and only coming out to torment Ruby, then I’ll head home counting it as a win with no intention of coming back again anytime soon.

Hopefully, Mom will have had a few days break and we’ll just be able to dive back into our normal clusterfuck of a life bouncing from one day to the next and hoping a lottery win might drag us from the hellhole we call home. We can only dream, right?

“Good morning, honey.” Lisa’s sweet voice sets my teeth on edge.

I put off leaving my room until as late as possible in the hope she might have left, seems I wasn’t that lucky.

“Mornin’,” I grunt, walking past her and straight to the coffee machine.

“I can do that if you tell me how you like it.” I look over my shoulder at her and watch as her smile falters at the look on my face.

I’m not sure at what point she decided that I needed her to mommy me, but she really needs to fucking stop.

“I’m more than capable of making myself a cup of coffee.”

“O-okay, well… would you like any breakfast?”

“Do you fuss around your daughter this much?” I ask.

“Um… well… no, but you’re our guest.”

“Pfft.” And doesn’t that just say it all.

This is not my home, and it never will be. My dad handed over his title as part of my family the day he walked away from us and into this irritatingly happy woman’s arms.

“It won’t be long and you can resume your lives as the world’s happiest family without me bringing the tone down,” I mutter.

“Ashton, what makes you say that? We love having you here.”

I spin and rest my lower back against the counter as the coffee machine does its thing.

She swallows nervously as my eyes bore into hers. A small sense of achievement fills me. Good, I’m glad she’s scared.

“Really?” I ask.

“Of course. Your dad told me to tell you that he’s cleared his schedule for the weekend so that the two of you can spend some time together. He misses you terribly.”

“Well he should have thought about that before he started fucking you and left me then, shouldn’t he? Excuse me.” I snatch my mug from the machine and march past her before she recovers from my comment and comes up with a response.

I don’t put my music on to the level that I have the past two days, and I’ve got a very good reason. I’m expecting a delivery.

Once I know that Lisa has left and I’ve got the place to myself, I emerge from my bedroom and make the most of the rest of the house.

Dad’s got a home gym that I use for a couple of hours before spending most of the day on the couch watching their fucking massive TV.

As it starts to creep around to the time Ruby has returned from school the past two days, I can’t help but feel a little excitement start to bubble up.

Only, she never does.

Looks like I’m going to have to take matters into my own hands if I want to see her tonight.



The second Harley looked at me, she knew something was wrong but no matter how much she begged, I refused to tell her what had me running from my own house.

I told her that I’d been working on the outside table and everything blew away with a gust of wind. It was totally unfeasible seeing as there wasn’t so much as a breeze outside, let alone a gust, but she soon realized her pleading was falling on deaf ears before she gave up. That didn’t stop her casting me worried glances every time she saw me at school today.

Thankfully, sleeping with her in the silent bedroom meant

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