Much love to my first readers, Tena Redenbaugh, Erin Jacobsen, Kelly Irwin, Darci Webster, and Mary Potter. I cringe when I remember the rough drafts you had to read. Your ideas and encouragement ultimately made this story into a novel. Thanks also to Allison Jones Choate for being my character psychologist and plotting czar.
For my family, without whose support I may have given up long ago. My mom, who provided me with the resources I needed to keep writing and is now as excited as I am that I finally got published. My dad, who always believed in me, even in the early days. My in-laws, Lloyd and Bunny Hartzler who love me like their own and encourage all my creative endeavors. Nick and especially Lindsay Hartzler, I love having another YA reader in the family to discuss books with. Brett and Joan Nelson, for understanding the writing process and taking beautiful author photos. Thanks for making me look good.
I’m blessed with such fabulous forever friends like Allison Jones Choate, Kelly Irwin, Allie Peak, Sarah Atkinson, and Tena Redenbaugh. Walking alongside you in this journey has been a joy. Thanks so much to my CBC buds who got excited about my early work and inspired some of my characters. A big shout-out to Rachel Pyles Worley, who read the early chick-lit short story and was the first to beg for more. To Michael “Boston” Brown, for lending me his sister’s name for one of my favorite characters, and to his sister Shanda, who unwittingly is the coolest girl in this book. For my drama teacher, Glenda Mohr, thanks for believing in my writing from the get-go. The tortoise girl is finally in the zone. Also to my Called to Write crew, Corrie Lawrence and Carol Sharp, for taking the time to encourage me right when I needed it.
Many thanks to ACFW for being a place that nurtures budding writers. If I hadn’t finally joined, I know it would’ve taken me a lot longer to get here. Finally and above all, my heart belongs to the light of my life, my Father God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am humbled by the call you’ve placed on my life, and pray every day that I will live it out in a way that pleases you.