and why the Fairy King admitted Ronodin to the Fairy Realm. What do you think happened? Do you expect to learn more about that in the next book?

13. Why was getting his memories back torturous for Seth? Do you think he can ever forgive himself? Why might that be hard to do? How have you forgiven yourself after making a mistake?

14. Why do you think the dragons were merciful to Knox and Tess? What methods besides fighting could help you deal with an enemy?

15. This story left many questions unanswered. What would you like to see explained or resolved in the final book? What would you ask the author if you had the chance? Would it be better if he told you the upcoming secrets or kept them to himself? Why?

About the Author

BRANDON MULL is the #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Fablehaven, Beyonders, and Five Kingdoms series. A kinetic thinker, Brandon enjoys bouncy balls, squeezable stress toys, and popping bubble wrap. He lives in Utah in a happy little valley near the mouth of a canyon with his wife, Erlyn, their eleven children, and a dog named Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Brandon loves meeting his readers and hearing about their experiences with his books.

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