was saying to stop any strong feelings being emitted.

“I know it all must sound insane to you."  he said much more calmly.

“But it makes sense.  There are people out there who believe in me already, and recognise our potential as Sensorians.  I know that in the Sensorian community there are like-minded people, fed up at being so tightly controlled and always feeling frustrated.  Our country would be so much better organised with us leading it, and we wouldn't have to be hiding all the time, scared to be discovered.  All we need to do is work together and free ourselves from Markus and the leadership."

I felt I could chip in here.

“But how do you propose to do that?  It doesn't sound particularly democratic.  You can't expect our fellow Sensorians to just jump ship and follow you.  Most of them actually really believe that the way it is, is the best and only way.  They believe they do matter; that they make a difference to the world by fighting crime and helping achieve justice.  Most Sensorians I've seen seem perfectly satisfied and fulfilled with the lives they are leading within the community, not frustrated and angry.”

I was trying to stay calm, but I didn't like the sound of it one bit.  However, he was my father and his intentions were seemingly for the good of everyone.  Though, I feared the way he was going about trying to achieve his goal were sinister at best.

“Democracy is overrated."  he sighed,  shrugging his shoulders dismissively.

"Sensorians are better evolved human beings and therefore should be leaders.  Trust me Lizzy, slowly but surely we'll win over most of the Sensorian community.  Who wouldn't want the chance to make the world we live in a fairer place? We have that power, we must use it.  It would be a crime not to.”

Rick's idea of a just society was tempting, but I didn't like his belief that Sensorians were somehow superior human beings.  We had a gift, but as any human; we weren't infallible nor perfect.

I was acutely aware, if Zack and Markus got to hear about his rather despotic ideas, and the fact he'd already told several people outside of our community about our existence, that my father's fate would be sealed.  It would mean the most severe punishment for him.  Having only just met him I didn't want to lose him already, and I was racking my brain as to how to prevent the worst outcome.  I was lost for ideas though, but I tried a last ditch attempt to somehow change my father's mind.  I was going to try and reason him out of it.

“I see what you're trying to achieve, dad.  But there must be a different way of going about it.  How is using illegal methods a solid start for a new society? Do you have to be involved in these criminal activities and maybe even resort to violence to bring about the change you want?”

I watched his reactions carefully to tune into his mood.  He hadn't shut the door yet.  He was still willing to discuss things.

“I'm only bending the rules at the moment because I need the money.  When we overthrow the current system, there's bound to be violence as they won't want to give up their power. There will be resistance but  once everything is in place, we won't need that anymore.  I have people in some very instrumental places already, to help it go as smooth as possible.  It won't be long.  This is just a phase, Lizzy.”

“So, am I right in thinking you are actually running this whole thing? Is that it?"  I asked, maybe a bit too incredulously as I saw his mood and demeanour change instantly to a much more guarded one.


He looked out the window, avoiding eye contact.

“You don't approve.”

It was a statement, not a question and I struggled to keep this conversation going the way I wanted.

“I don't think Mum would.  Especially using the money from drug dealing and the violence.  It goes against everything she stands for."  I tried again, from a different angle.

I could see he was trying hard not to show that it bothered him, justifying his actions once again.

“Lizzy,"  he sighed, still looking out the window.

“Even your mum knows that sometimes the goal justifies the actions.  Once we've established our rule, all these things will become a thing of the past.  I can atone for my sins then.”

It almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself, rather than me.


I touched his face and tried to get him to look at me, with limited success.  He half turned, but wouldn't look me fully in the eyes.

“Is there really no other way? You could try and reform the Sensorian Community from the inside, without resorting to violence and criminal activities.  Maybe there is a way to live within the community and still fulfil your potential”

I tried to sound as confident as I could to portray that as a viable option, but my father was tuned into me too.

“Lizzy, it doesn't even sound like you believe yourself that's an option anymore."  he said shaking his head.

“You're going to have to make a choice, baby.  You're either with me or choose them."

I didn't have to answer.  He knew what I had chosen, though my choice was full of pain.  The familial bond was strong and pulling at me, trying to change my mind, but it failed.  My loyalty to Zack, Zaphire and the whole Sensorian community was strong too.  They'd helped me to become me again, a stronger and more confident version at that.  Rick's face changed as if a mask had been pulled across it.

“I'm sorry, Eliza.”

I grabbed his hand and I jolted.  Just for a fleeting second I saw myself as if through Rick's eyes, a look of disbelief covering my face.  Then it disappeared as I felt my hand being pushed away.  I shivered and shook my head slightly.  Rick looked at me very oddly for a second but then

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