and brush my teeth.  Ready in a minute."  changing the subject, willing myself to ignore Zack's grumpiness.

I had to focus now, regain control over my senses and think positively.

“I can do this."  I desperately tried to encourage myself.


When Eliza finally appeared looking just about smart enough, we made our way up to Markus' office.  I wasn't particularly looking forward to this meeting.  I was going to try my damned hardest to turn the meeting into planning our next move, rather than going over yesterday's events again.  I knew I was going to be scrutinised as Frank would have given Markus a detailed report on my actions.  I felt fairly confident about my decisions, but there were a couple of things that could've gone better and I knew Markus would damn well pick me up on them.

“Come in."  Markus answered my knock on the door immediately.

“Eliza, you go with Frank first.  He's just going to go over your statements from last night and check them with you to see if there's anything else you remember."

Eliza was ushered to the little room on the side and I felt her anxiety rise.  At least there was a window, so I could keep an eye on her body language and I gave her a nod and a smile, as she was looking back over her shoulder for my encouragement.  I heard Frank making some small talk to make her feel at ease, all designed to get the most information from her.  At least he would do it gently and she wouldn't feel so harangued.

“So how do you feel the mission went overall, Zack?"  Markus started.

I couldn't make out his mood completely, but something was bothering him so it didn't bode well.  I steeled myself and answered.

“It was a partial success.  We know Rick's plans and that it's of the utmost importance we find him and deal with him.  I would've liked a less dramatic ending and some way of being able to track where Rick is now.  Also, I would've preferred Kas to have been detected earlier so he could have been dealt with before he arrived at the cafe the other day.  Most importantly, I would've liked Eliza not to have put herself in danger."

I paused there and tried to gauge his reaction, which was difficult as he was heavily cloaking.


Still not giving anything away.

“Frank said he was impressed with you.  You had to make some difficult decisions and you kept in control.  Well done for that.  However, when I first heard about the Kas situation, I was furious with you for missing it.  It could have blown everything.  Frank said you dealt with it well and the only way you could have given the situation, but it was risky and could have been prevented.”

“I had words with the surveillance team about it, Sir.  It shouldn't have happened."  I tried to defend myself.

“I know you've bollocked them, but they came to me and said you hadn't given them specific instructions to look out for Kas, so the buck stops with you, Zacharya.  Though, I told them in no uncertain terms not to try and shift blame and they should have thought about it themselves.  I didn't want to undermine you.  However, you need to learn from your mistakes and always look for every eventuality yourself.  You are not to rely on others when you're in charge.  You're ultimately responsible.”

He was stood behind his desk, leaning on his arms with a grave expression on his face.  Imposing and in no mood to be argued with.

“Yes, I know.  Sir.  And I apologise for that mistake.”

I was about to attempt to move the meeting on to what to do next, but he wasn't quite finished with me.

“You need to talk to your team again.  Tell them you are aware you should have given more specific instructions, but that you expect more from them too.  They knew the score, they should have used their initiative."  he carried on.

“Yes Sir."  I said simply, hoping we could now get down to business, but he still had more questions.

“How are you going to deal with Eliza?  She put herself and others in danger, even though you ordered her to bail if that was going to be the case.  I know she got valuable information from doing just that, so were you wrong to give the order or was she wrong to defy you?"  he challenged.

I feared he'd ask that question.

“Sir, I have to be honest and say I don't know.  I can't have been wrong to try and keep her and everyone else safe.  She didn't follow my order so there has to be a consequence for that.  Had she listened to me we still may have been able to follow Rick and keep him under surveillance, but it was a hard call to make for her and she thought she was doing the right thing.  So, I don't want to be too hard on her.  She's already hard on herself, feeling she has failed anyway.”

Markus slapped his hands on the table.  He wasn't happy with that answer.  I didn't have to be a Sensorian to work that one out.  His frustration seeped through every part of his body and he wasn't cloaking at all.  It hurt.

“Zack, you have got to stop making allowances for her!"  he growled, barely keeping his voice under control.

“She disobeyed you.  You said yourself we could still be in a position of knowing where Rick is, had she listened.  She has got to learn to follow orders, and that's the end of it.  She's not experienced enough to make a decision to disregard an order!”

“Yes Sir, I know but...”

“No.  No buts."  he interrupted.

“You are the mission leader and her trainer.  Deal with her.  Don't get me wrong, she did her best and we're grateful for the information she got.  I'm impressed with her courage and improvisation.  One day she will be an asset to us, but it's up

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