flamboyant, stunning female for a sibling?

“What is the other thing?” she asked. “You said there were two topics. And be extremely blunt, for whatever it is, if you don’t inform me, no one else will.”

Libby snorted at that. “I fear this one will generate intense gossip—for it’s very shocking. If you don’t choose to accept my account, I’ll understand, but I hope you’ll at least contemplate the ramifications. No matter what you think, I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t call me a liar. I’ve been through enough of that today.”

“Who has been calling you a liar?”

“Mostly your father and Lord Barrett.”

Penny scoffed. “I’ve stated my opinion about them. If they’ve deemed you a liar, then I’m positive I shall view you as the most honest person in the kingdom.”

“After I reveal my secret, you might not be so convinced of my veracity.”

“Try me. Let’s see what reaction you get.”

Without hesitating, without debate, Libby announced, “I am your lost half-sister, Little Henrietta. I’m not dead, and I’m not missing. I’m right here.”

Penny studied Libby’s features, then said, “It only makes sense, doesn’t it? I mean, look at us! We could practically be twins. It definitely explains the bond we’ve shared from the very start. Have you told Father?”

“Yes, but he didn’t believe me. Neither did Lord Barrett.”

“Ooh, they are such idiots!”

“Your Aunt Millicent was quite incensed too.”

“Then I add her to my list of despicable people.”

“They presume I devised the story in order to extort money from your father.”

“Have I mentioned that they’re idiots?” Penny said.

“I’m not surprised by their rancor or skepticism, but it’s why I have to depart. I can’t tarry when my presence is so divisive.”

“This is my home too!” Penny huffed. “I refuse to let them chase you away.”

“Penny . . .” Libby sighed. “You’re not thinking clearly about this. Imagine how your father feels. Imagine the drama this will stir. I need to absent myself so everyone can come to terms with the news.”

“They might not ever come to terms with it. Your supposed death has shaped our lives. If we didn’t have you to mourn, what would we talk about?”

“My goodness, don’t ever repeat that. I’ve caused enough trouble, and I simply have to leave. I’m incredibly enraged over how I’ve been treated.”

“I don’t blame you, but won’t you delay so I can speak to Father? I’m certain I can smooth things over with him. With Lord Barrett too. I’ll persuade them to apologize.”

“I don’t want them to apologize,” Libby said.

“The afternoon is waning. You can’t traipse off when evening is approaching. That would be very reckless.”

“I can’t bear to dawdle, but this doesn’t have to be farewell for you and me. You can visit me in London. You’d always be welcome.”

“I’d like that! I will visit, and I don’t care how much Father complains about it.”

Libby stood and motioned to her satchel. “Why don’t you let me finish packing? It’s painful for me to linger.”

“All right. I’ll cease my nagging, but I won’t cease being offended about this.”

“It’s nice to know I have one friend in the world, and she’s on my side.”

“I’ll always be your staunchest ally! Don’t allow Father or Lord Barrett to drag you down. They’re not worth it.”

“I’m sure they’re not.”

Astonishing them both, Penny stepped in and gave Libby a tight hug. She doubted Libby had had many hugs in her life. Nor had Penny.

“I’m glad we’re sisters,” Penny whispered in Libby’s ear.

“So am I.”

“I will travel to town to visit you the minute this party is over. Would next week be too soon?”

“No, it wouldn’t be too soon.”

“I won’t say goodbye then, not when we’ll be together again shortly.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Penny smiled with satisfaction, then she hurried out, determined to find her father and inform him just what an obtuse ass he’d become. How could he be so blind about Libby? Penny would set him straight, and she wouldn’t listen to any nonsense to the contrary.

Fish sat in Charles’s bedroom. She was sipping a whiskey, waiting for him, and curious about what would happen when he arrived. He’d invited her to tarry, and she liked loafing. It furnished her with a chance to snoop through his belongings.

Though it was foolish to daydream, she was anxious for Charles to fall in love with her again. It was dangerous fantasizing that would only lead to heartache in the end, but she couldn’t stop herself. Why not wish for the best for a change? What if the best actually occurred for once?

Unfortunately, her brash decision to dawdle had landed her in a precarious spot. His shrewish sister-in-law, Millicent, had stumbled on Fish precisely where she shouldn’t have been. She’d glared at Fish as if she were a thief, then she’d run off, probably to locate Charles and demand to know why Fish was in his private suite.

Fish would like to have been a mouse in the corner during that conversation. She’d warned Charles that Millicent viewed herself as his wife, but he wouldn’t admit she had any designs on him. How had he explained Fish’s presence? He likely wouldn’t have explained it, which would put Millicent in a permanent snit.

If she was enraged, then the house would be pitched into an uproar, so Fish’s sojourn might be about to conclude. The realization was incredibly depressing, but she wasn’t stupid. If her relationship with Charles started to cause problems, he’d ask Fish to leave. She yearned to hope he wouldn’t behave that way, but she wasn’t exactly a female he would fight to keep by his side, despite how they were carrying on.

Finally, she heard him coming. He closed the door and called, “Fish, are you here?”

“Yes, Charles, I’m in the bedroom.” He marched across the floor, his strides slow and measured, as if he was exhausted, and she seized the initiative. “Millicent caught me, and she was livid. Did she find you?”

“Yes, she found me.”

“I’m betting it wasn’t pleasant.”

“As always, Fish, you are a master of understatement.”

He walked over and sat

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