Marissa looked into Phil’s face her heart quivering in her chest. “If you ever want me to take her while I’m here let me know,” she offered, kissing the tiny princess-of-the-range on the forehead.
“I’ll take you up on it,” Phil said adjusting her bundle and heading for the house. God had blessed her bringing her to this place and even living with sleep deprivation for a few months was worth it.
Her heart troubled and her mind full of unsettled thoughts, Marissa headed toward the fence line, and the string of horses nibbling hay in the corral. It was always freeing to come to the Broken J and soak in its history and abidance of the place. It was just what she needed to settle and get her head around her mess of a life.
She couldn’t help but wonder at the changes in Philomena and Michelle. Since they had come to the Broken J, they were so different. It was almost as if someone had switched on a light, letting it shine from within their very souls.
Looking out across the ranch Marissa knew that soon she would have to make some hard decisions, but one thing she was sure of, no one would make them for her. She was her own person and could do what she wanted. She had rights.
On the other side of the sturdy fence, old Butch, the dark mahogany bay stallion of the ranch, shuffled his way across the dusty lot. The horse was incredibly old yet had sired many of the younger horses that were now being trained on the ranch.
The big dude ranch was doing great from all she could tell. Guests ambled about the place taking in the breathtaking beauty of the open range and distant mountains, or chatting about the next planned event.
Kade’s, big red wagon trundled through the parking lot collecting a gaggle of giggling guests from the airport shuttles and bringing them back to the main house and cabins where employees of the ranch would get them checked in and settled.
If Phil didn’t expand soon Marissa was sure that there would be a problem. It already seemed that the place was full.
Turning her back on the ranch house Marissa noticed a cowboy working a bright bay horse on a long line and she relaxed watching the poetry in motion. She loved horses, and now that Michelle was living and working at the ranch, Marissa could indulge in that love. She often booked a trail ride, or a lesson, or just an information session where wranglers and wranglerettes taught horse sense to guests.
There was something so peaceful and relaxing about watching a horse in motion, and Marissa smiled seeing the young horse move from pace to pace as the cowboy patiently moved it around in a wide arc.
Leaning on the railing, she watched the smooth graceful movements of the horse and sighed. If only life was so easy. At the moment, she wished that someone else held the reins to her life directing it, guiding it, and watching over each move, but she was alone and whatever happened was on her shoulders.
She was still surprised that she hadn’t cried over her break up with Ray. She was more angry and disappointed than anything else. After several years together she had been sure they were ready to move on together, to get on the same page and head for the next level in their relationship. Apparently, Ray was happy with things the way they were and had no desire for something more.
Marissa’s hand dropped to her stomach as she worried over her little problem. She would have to make a decision soon. Again, she felt annoyance at her sister for not telling her she would support her no matter what, but even as she thought it she knew it wasn’t fair.
She had ambushed Michelle who knew her better than anyone in the world. She only hoped that it wouldn’t cause problems with her stay because frankly, she had nowhere else to go right now.
Trace Sparak looked out across the paddock at the pretty young woman leaning against the rail and scowled. He could tell from her posture that something was bothering her, and he hoped that some time out in the green wilds of Wyoming would settle her mind. He always found his center in God’s creation.
Clicking to the little bay mare to cover his distraction, Trace peeked out from under his hat studying the young woman. Her dark, almost black hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and her soft blue top with large white flowers set off her creamy skin. He wondered if her eyes were dark like her hair, but he couldn’t tell from this distance.
Pulling his attention back to the horse who had slowed to a lazy walk, Trace chided himself for looking at the pretty young woman. He had enough on his plate with his sister and his job, not to mention the help center.
Turning his attention back to the horse he focused on finishing out the training session, bringing the mare in for a good scratch once she’d worked through every gait smoothly.
“She’s very pretty,” the young woman said as she made her way along the fence line watching as Trace coiled the rope.
Trace smiled noting that her eyes were dark and mysterious. She reminded him a little of Kade’s wife Michelle, but this woman’s hair was straight while Michelle’s was curly to the point of being unruly.
“Sherri is a sweet girl,” Trace agreed. “She’s eager to please and that makes it nice working with her. She’ll make a good riding horse here at the ranch.”
“I don’t remember seeing you here before,” Marissa said. “I’m Marissa by the way, Michelle’s sister. She runs the print-shop and graphics business down by the mill stream.”
Trace smiled. “Yeah, I know Michelle,” he said. “Kade’s an old friend of my brother. He got me this job.