Christmas was quickly approaching and the warmth that family time brings during the festive period urged Darnell to seek solace from his wife. As did the push from Vanessa who was keen to return to Washington and give up the temporary living space she’d acquired whilst on the Lincoln mission
He knocked on the door of his former home with a gentle and resigned knock. He had dressed down in a simple blue jumper and jeans with a black overcoat, removing the power which he usually carried in his suits. In his hands he carried a bouquet of roses. Jasmine opened the door and what looked like a flicker of a smile welcomed him, before she tried to hide her delight.
‘Darnell,’ Jasmine said before brushing down her flour-coated apron in shame. ‘I didn’t realise you were coming over today. I’ve been baking. You better come in.’
They sat at the dining table and she made them both a coffee.
‘I’m so sorry about the last few weeks, Jasmine.’ Darnell began the conversation. ‘I’ve been such an idiot. I assure you though that there is nothing between me and Detective Jamison.’
‘I know, she came to see me and made it quite clear how much you loved us and how nothing would ever happen between you two,’ Jasmine replied. Darnell appeared both surprised and grateful to his former colleague. ‘But like I said to her, and I’ll say to you too, is this goes beyond just you and me. This is about the boys. I need them to have a father who loves them for whoever they are or whatever they may have done. And you need to sort your anger issues out too. This bitterness that you’ve held on to for the last year needs to go as it’s damaging our relationship. I don’t like who you’ve become.’
‘I know and I’m coming around, I promise. I need you all in my life whatever that might look like. And I’ll do whatever I need to sort this out. Even counselling if you feel I need it. I know I don’t work there anymore, but I’m sure the force will ensure I’m looked after as it was work which caused all these anger issues after all. Just please let me come home and make this right.’
Jasmine slurped her drink, took a deep breath and looked up to the ceiling as she considered her next move. Her shoulders relaxed and she nodded. Darnell’s eyes lit up when suddenly his wife stood up and marched to the hallway before shouting up the stairs.
‘Boys. Come downstairs, please.’
Their footsteps rumbled down the staircase as they followed their mother to the kitchen. Their enthusiasm dampened as they witnessed the guest who had joined them.
‘Sit down, boys, you need to talk to your father.’
‘I don’t have anything to say to him,’ Thomas replied.
‘Yes you do, young man!’ Jasmine snarled, which quietened her son. Thomas was drowning in an oversized Linkin Park hoodie and baggy jeans, while Aaron was dressed tidily in his tartan shirt and beige pants. Thomas’s hair was growing back to the mousy roots which Darnell remembered when his son was still in school.
‘Thomas, Aaron, I’m so sorry for the way I’ve treated you recently. I can only say that I’ve tried my best over the years but I hold my hands up and say that just wasn’t enough. But I will try harder. I love you both so very much. Aaron, I don’t care who you bring home. If you love him, we’ll love him too. I might not always be comfortable at first, but I’ll get there, I promise. Please just give me some time to get used to it.’
Aaron’s shoulders relaxed. He tilted his head and glanced over his wilted father before placing a hand on his and rubbing his thumb over his palm.
‘And, Thomas. I know you didn’t get the best start in life. I’m not gonna lie, I found it really hard when you were born and you looked the way you do. But this, this whole neo-Nazi act needs to stop. Look at your family. We are all African American, even you, even if you don’t look like the rest of us. This is who you are. I will do everything I can to regain your respect but I need you to meet me halfway.’
Thomas hesitated. He stared at his father with a look of uncertainty. His brother nudged him in the elbow.
‘Thomas, show him your arm.’
At Aaron’s request, Thomas took off his hoodie. Underneath he had the same shirt which his father had seen him in just weeks before when he first came face-to-face with the swastika tattoo. He rolled up his sleeve and in the Nazi tattoo’s place was a black olive branch, which had covered the original symbol. His arm was wrapped in clear plastic over the marking.
‘I had the tattoo covered. This olive branch is a symbol of peace. I’m done with those guys down at the Confederate Cabin, not that there were many of them left after the Lincoln case. You soon saw to that.’
‘Well can I offer an olive branch to you?’
‘Sure I’ll take that.’ Thomas shrugged and shook his father’s hand.
‘And you, Aaron…’ Jasmine interrupted. ‘You better not step a foot outta line again after everything you’ve done to your father. Gay or straight, we never want to see you get involved with gangs ever again. You’re lucky you’re not in prison.’
‘I think he’s learned his lesson.’ Darnell raised a peaceful