“Holy cow, Tess. You scared me.” Tony was sweating and gasping as if he’d been the one choking.
“Jesus,” Gran muttered. “Now I need another drink for sure. Tess, Let me die first, will ya?”
I was coughing and gasping, happy to feel the air finally coming back into my lungs.
“Thank you,” I wheezed at them.
Tony grinned, looking pleased with himself, and took the chair next to me as Gran sank down and dropped her head into her hands.
“Fuck,” she mumbled, lifting her head to finish off her own drink.
“Sorry, Gran,” I said.
“I’m glad I was here,” Tony said, clearly congratulating himself.
“Me too,” I told him.
“Why?” Gran shrieked. “If it had been just the two of you, you’d be dead on the porch by now. Haven’t you ever taken a first aid class, you redneck?”
Tony’s jaw dropped open and I frowned at Gran.
“He just saved my life, Gran.”
“Bullshit,” she said, shaking her head. “I saved your life.” She stood up, picking up her shaker and empty glass. “Don’t get old,” she said. “No one gives you credit for anything once you’re old.” She shuffled inside, shaking her head.
“Thank you,” I said to Tony, meeting his eyes and immediately wishing I hadn’t. There was so much longing and adoration there, it felt like a heavy coat someone had tossed over me that I couldn’t get off. It was smothering. And now that he’d saved my life? I’d probably never get rid of him. I realized I could never be the girl he wanted me to be and he’d never be the guy I wanted.
We sat for a little while as I regained my breath and let the adrenaline fade. Finally, I stood, thinking maybe I should try to give Tony a real chance. The guy had just saved my life. I shouldn’t make rash decisions in the aftermath of almost dying. Maybe if we spent more time together feelings would kindle.
“Tony, I probably do need some help, out here in the tent.”
I led Tony across the lawn and into the tent, where centerpieces needed to be arranged and placed, and place cards needed to be put in their correct locations according to the table map I’d spent hours making. I tried not to think about the last time I’d been in the tent, about the way Ryan had nearly kissed me in the doorway. Trying, however, was not doing. And my skin prickled and warmth rushed between my legs as I thought about the night I’d spent in Ryan’s arms.
Tony. I shook off my illicit thoughts. I needed to focus on Tony.
“Thanks for the help,” I said as we worked. “I really appreciate it.”
Tony grinned over the tables at me, his eyes shining. “Tess, you know I’d do anything for you.”
I did know that. And I willed my stomach to flip when he smiled at me, willed my blood to heat like it did when Ryan came near. But it wouldn’t. Of course it wouldn’t. Tony was just Tony. No matter how rational I wanted to be, my libido seemed ridiculously won over by the fact that Ryan was a movie star.
That’s all it was.
And of course I’d known Tony far too long to have those crazy feelings for him. It was unfair to expect them.
“Do you need a date for the party tonight?” Tony asked as we finished up inside the tent. “I’m going to head back home to get dressed, but I’d love to be your plus one if you’re up for it.”
I smiled at my old friend, torn between telling him the truth and potentially leading him on just to save his feelings in the moment. “That’d be great, Tony. I’ll see you in an hour.” It would be easier to see Ryan and my sister together if I had a fake date too.
He leaned down then and kissed my cheek, a sweet gesture I hadn’t expected. I smiled up at him as he stood back up, the smile I’d known since childhood on his handsome face. “See you soon,” he said, squeezing my hand and then turning to stride long-legged across the rolling green of our back lawn. My stomach churned at the hope in his face.
“You’re screwing it all up, Tess,” my grandmother called from the porch, where she sat with her second Manhattan of the afternoon.
Shit. Gran was going to be drunk, and I was screwing it all up.
Beside her, Ryan and Juliet stood, the camera crew just ahead of them and the reporter waving her arms and directing them to sit with Gran. Juliet’s eyes were on the reporter, her movie star smile glowing at full wattage.
But Ryan’s eyes were on me, and I felt my blood rushing inside my veins under his hot gaze.
Chapter Nineteen
I watched from the back porch as some tall guy emerged from the party tent out on the lawn with Tess, kissing her on the cheek and holding her hand before he left, sending a yearning gaze her way as he crossed the lawn back to wherever the hell he came from.
When Tess turned and saw me watching her, her eyes snapped quickly away, and she went back inside the tent, leaving me with a swirling ball of energy building inside my chest, making me unsure about anything. I didn’t even know what this feeling was exactly, but there were undeniable elements of jealousy and anger. And confusion—had I so totally misread the situation? When she’d pushed me away the night before, had it been for some reason I wasn’t aware of? Something more than I’d thought?
Because I’d thought she was just a little scared. Maybe a little worried about trusting something that was happening so fast. Maybe a tiny bit unwilling to believe I could be falling for her.
But I was. I had. Maybe at first sight.
“Ryan,” Juliet whispered, her breath a tickle under