She coughed on the sip of coffee she’d just taken. “Incubus? In your…strip clubs?”
I should have suspected she had no memory of any type of demon or supernatural entity, but perhaps I could help jog her memory. “Yes, strip clubs. I own many of them throughout the city catering to all sorts of different themes and kinks. They allow the Lilim to safely feed on humans without hurting them, and thanks to their gifts, the humans are immensely satisfied. After all—” I leaned closer to Hannah and dropped my voice. “I like all of my customers to leave my establishments satisfied. Including you.”
She watched me from under her dark lashes, the suspicion in her gaze increasing as she flicked a glance between the direction of her bedroom and the main doors like she was calculating an escape. She could look around the penthouse all she liked. There certainly wasn’t any escape for her. The men outside the door would see to that if she tried, and Azazel was certainly very good at her job.
“Lilim?” she asked after a few moments, obviously choosing to ignore my question.
Damn. Nothing I said seemed to be sparking any memories. “The collective term for succubi and incubi. They’re a type of demon that feeds on lust.”
“Uh-huh.” She sipped her coffee, disbelief heavy in her tone like she was merely humoring the crazy billionaire. “There’s only one problem with what you’re saying. Brandy isn’t the type of person to go to bed with a man she just met in a bar.”
"She's human." I shrugged. "She wouldn't be able to resist an incubus no matter how hard she tried. Especially one as old and powerful as Asmodeus—he can enchant a human female without the slightest effort. But the problem is that he’s missing too.”
“Do you think he took her?” she asked, obviously ignoring the parts about the demons and focusing on Asmodeus's disappearance. There was a fierceness in her crystal blue eyes, and I had no doubt she’d try to take down anyone she thought might be a threat to her friend, even though she had no chance of actually injuring a demon like Asmodeus.
“No, I can’t imagine he would do such a thing.”
“Then we need to find them. We should go looking around, or question some people, or—”
She’d let go of her robe in her excitement, revealing why she’d been clutching it closed so tightly. The fabric was so frayed that the knot at her waist kept loosening, and her cleavage pressed against the edges of the collar enticingly, baring the sweet curve of her breasts. I’d barely heard what she said as my fingers itched to touch that soft, smooth skin.
“Hannah.” I rested my hand on her knee, making her freeze. “There’s nothing more we can do. My best people are looking for them now. I have every confidence they’ll find your friend soon.”
Her shoulders fell. “We can’t help?”
Samael’s people would find Brandy, I was sure of it. Nothing on Earth or in any of the other realms was as important to me as the woman sitting beside me, clutching her robe. We had a deal, and I’d hold up my end. I always did.
I shook my head. “If we get involved, we’ll only slow them down. Let them do what they’re trained to do. This isn’t Samael’s first time heading up a search and rescue, and the best thing we can do is go on about our lives. In fact, I have something planned for today that I think will keep your mind off of things.”
“Day? I thought we were only doing nights.” She blew out a long breath. “What’s today’s sin?”
“Greed.” I gestured toward her room. “There’s a fresh outfit hanging in your closet in a black garment bag. Please wear that today.” I tried to keep my smile subdued, but the idea of her wearing clothes I’d selected for her sent a possessive streak of lust through me. My woman. Mine. I hadn’t felt like that since… Well, since the last time.
“What are we doing?” There it was again, that suspicion threading through her tone. It was one of the reasons I liked her. She never did let me get away with anything.
“Shopping.” I deliberately kept my voice casual, and she lifted her chin in question. “We’ll be purchasing some new clothes for you.”
She groaned. “What’s wrong with my clothes?”
I stared pointedly at her threadbare robe. “Everything.”
She crossed her arms. “Excuse me for not realizing I’d be playing the role of billionaire’s mistress this week.”
“Exactly. You need a wardrobe suiting your new position at my side.” I looked back down at my newspaper, effectively dismissing her. My feigned disinterest wasn’t because I was finished looking at her, but because if I continued to watch her, I’d want to touch her, to kiss her, to possess her, and she wasn’t ready for that…yet.
She huffed and then turned on her heel to head back to her room, hopefully to get ready. I glanced up and caught sight of her perfect ass and the swish of her long golden hair. She looked different from before, but there was no doubt of who she was. The tug inside me, the rapidity of my heartbeat, and the twitch in my cock… Every part of me knew exactly who she was.
She must have felt it too—the pull, the longing, the need. The unbreakable connection between us that stretched back for all eternity. But it must be buried deep this time.
It was an exquisite torture to know the truth about us, and to be the only one who remembered. I wanted to tell her, but I’d