My interest was piqued. Curse me for being a foodie. “Eat. Eat what? And don’t say pussy.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Damien’s lip quirked upward at the corner. “Actually, that’s a lie. I frequently daydream about eating you out. It’s somewhat of a fantasy of mine.”
“I can tell.” He’d eaten me out twice now, and each time was more mind-blowing than the last. “Seriously, though, food?”
“Food.” He strode to the bedside table and picked up the phone then hit a button. “What do you want?”
“What do I want?”
“Decisions, decisions. Come on, Haze, make one. Christmas is coming.”
I stuck out my tongue at him. “It’s difficult to think when you’re wearing…”
Damien chuckled and turned around, presenting me with his muscular ass. “Better?”
“Yeah, hi,” he said, into the phone. “I’d like to order room service.”
“Burgers and fries,” I replied. “Oh no, uh, sushi! Wait, um… what about cheesecake?”
“Give me, two cheeseburgers and fries, large plate, yeah, and then some sushi. And a cheesecake.” Damien covered the received. “Fridge or baked?”
“Fridge! No, baked!”
“One fridge cheesecake and one baked cheesecake,” he said.
My stomach did pirouettes. “Damien, that’s too much.”
“And Veuve Cliquot.” He hung up then fetched his pants from the corner of the room where we’d discarded them earlier and tugged them on.
“That’s way too much food.”
“As with money, there can never be too much food.”
“You sound like Marie Antoinette. Let them eat cake,” I parroted.
“Except I have a massive cock,” he replied.
I choked on saliva, even though there was no good reason or it. I’d already had him inside me in several different ways, and his lower half was finally clothed. Damien sauntered over and took my hands. He lifted one and kissed the inside of my wrist. “You smell like sex and perfume. I love it.”
Whoops. Love and Damien? Does not compute.
“So, what, we’re just going to eat our bodyweight in food and then what?”
“Then we’ll have enough fuel for rounds two through five. We’ll eat again before rounds six through ten.”
“Realistic.” He kissed me, sending another wave of heat searing through my stomach, and I leaned into him.
If this is whoring, then I don’t want to be right. Wait, no, that doesn’t make sense. But the thoughts were washed away by the kiss and the smell of his cologne, and how tall he was, towering over me, and how tiny I felt in his arms.
The kiss went on for ages, until we were on the bed, and his fingers were between my legs again, and I was aching, dripping, crying out for him, and—
A knock at the door brought me back with a polite bump. I pushed myself upright and ran hasty fingers through my hair. “The room service.”
“Damn, should’ve put the ‘do not disturb’ thing on the door.” Damien got up, sporting a massive erection, and grabbed his jacket. He put it on, buttoned it to hide his boner, then went to open the door.
“Is this the new fashion?” Seth leaned against the doorjamb, arms folded, biceps pronounced even under his suit. “Because I’m not feeling it, brother. No shirt? I can see your nipples.”
“What?” Damien looked down at his chest. “Fucker. No, you can’t.”
“Made you look.”
“What do you want, twelve-year-old?” Damien asked. “I’m kind of in the middle of something here.”
Seth’s cool blue gaze, still degrees warmer than his father’s, found me. He offered me a smile that wasn’t cocky, but it made me squirm, regardless. The Woods men clearly knew their power and just how to use it. “I see. That explains the fragrance you’ve got going on.”
I made a choked noise in my throat.
“He’s kidding,” Damien said. “The room smells fine.”
“Can we please stop talking about it?” I asked.
Seth laughed, a rumble that was slightly higher pitched than his brother’s. “You’re going to have to get used to our special brand of humor, Hazel. You can’t join the Woods family without giving as good as you get.”
“Oh, trust me, she gives as good as she gets,” Damien growled.
“Ew!” I threw a pillow at him and he caught it, the bastard.
“Is there a reason for your visit?” Damien turned to Seth. “Don’t get me wrong, bro, always happy to see you, but I’m sensing this is less social and more ‘oh fuck, help me, our father is being a prick again.’ Am I inching toward the truth with that statement?”
“Right on the money.” Seth swaggered into the room and eyed the torn piece of cloth that had once been my underwear. He dismissed it and seated himself in one of the comfy, jacquard armchairs around the glass coffee table. “Father is putting pressure on me, thanks to your stunt at lunch.”
“It wasn’t a stunt.” Damien opened the curtains, bringing a view of the sky, slowly bruising from orange to purple along the horizon. A golf course spread below the window, the last of the golfers for the day heading back to the clubhouse in their carts, like snails migrating in lazy circles up a wall.
“Well, it certainly didn’t impress him.”
“Tell me something I don’t know,” I replied.
“He wants you to go golfing with him tomorrow.”
“And he couldn’t tell me this himself? He had to send you?” Damien asked, his teeth gritted, now.
“He didn’t send me. He strongly suggested I tell you. Look, Damien, I know you and the old man don’t see eye-to-eye, but this is my ass on the line too. If you don’t become Daddy’s little CEO, I have to drop everything to come here and do it. Neither of us wants that. You don’t want to get disowned either.”
Damien walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and leaned his forearm against it, staring out at the course. “You could not do what he wants.”
“Then I get disowned instead. The last thing I need is Dad making my life hell. He knows everyone, everywhere. The big wigs at the airlines too.” That last part was for my benefit.
Damien was quiet for a few minutes, still as a Grecian statue chiseled from marble.