better make sure she doesn’t get too carried away. Are you sure that you still want her to spend the night with you? She’s going to be bubbling with excitement.”

“Of course we do. She’ll be fine with us.”

“I know she will.” The Judge’s hand briefly touched her shoulder. “Thank you, Serena.”

She stared after him as he disappeared back into the crowd.

“What was that about, love?” John sat down in his place and put his arm around her.

“He seems to think I had something to do with Mars becoming independent—”

“Which you did.”

“—and he said I was welcome.”

“Because you are.” Careful not to disturb their sleeping daughter, John put a finger under her chin and lifted her face for his kiss. His lips teased hers, warm and gentle and infinitely arousing. “You’re a Martian, Serena, just like all of us. We are all family now.”

The tears she hadn’t shown the Judge appeared in her eyes and he kissed her again.

“Now. You have a son who wants to show off for you. And if we want to get any sleep tonight, a young girl to calm down.”


“Eventually,” he said, his eyes warm with promise.

And together they went to join their family.

Author’s Note

Thank you so much for reading The Outlaw Cyborg! Serena’s story was a hard one to tell but it made her happy ending that much more satisfying. I love the way she has developed over the series and gradually revealed more of herself. And of course, I love a big, protective hero!

Whether you enjoyed the story or not, it would mean the world to me if you left an honest review on Amazon – reviews are one of the best ways to help other readers find my books!

As always, I have to thank my readers for taking this trip to Mars with me! Your support and encouragement make it possible for me to keep writing these books. As always, a special thanks to my beta team – Janet S, Nancy V, and Kitty S. Your thoughts and comments are incredibly helpful!

I’m thrilled to announce that all of the books in the Cyborg on Mars series will be available on Audible! The first book, a special edition combining High Plains Cyborg and The Good, the Bad, and the Cyborg, is available now! Click here to order Cyborgs on Mars: Publisher’s Pack!

So what’s next, you ask? Lots of very exciting things!

I’m delighted to announce that Bex McLynn and I are returning to the Treasured by the Alien series in A Family for the Alien Warrior – coming November 22nd!

A grumpy alien warrior. A pregnant librarian. A ready-made family!

Then in December – Krampus and the Crone! A sweet and steamy holiday tale with a determined heroine, an unexpected hero, and, of course, a very happy ending!

And coming next year – a whole new series featuring human women naked, afraid, and fighting for survival on a strange new planet with a hot alien warrior at their side!

To make sure you don’t miss out on any of these new releases, click here to sign up for my newsletter!

Other Titles

The Alien Abduction Series

Anna and the Alien

Beth and the Barbarian

Cam and the Conqueror

Deb and the Demon

Ella and the Emperor

Faith and the Fighter

Greta and the Gargoyle

Hanna and the Hitman

Izzie and the Icebeast

Joan and the Juggernaut

The Alien Invasion Series

Alien Selection

Alien Conquest

Alien Prisoner

Alien Breeder

Alien Alliance

Alien Hope

Cosmic Fairy Tales

Jackie and the Giant

Cyborgs on Mars

High Plains Cyborg

The Good, the Bad, and the Cyborg

A Fistful of Cyborg

A Few Cyborgs More

The Magnificent Cyborg

The Outlaw Cyborg

Treasured by the Alien

Mama and the Alien Warrior

A Son for the Alien Warrior

Daughter of the Alien Warrior

A Family for the Alien Warrior

About the Author

Honey Phillips writes steamy science fiction stories about hot alien warriors and the human women they can’t resist. From abductions to invasions, the ride might be rough, but the end always satisfies.

Honey wrote and illustrated her first book at the tender age of five. Her writing has improved since then. Her drawing skills, unfortunately, have not. She loves writing, reading, traveling, cooking, and drinking champagne - not necessarily in that order.

Honey loves to hear from her wonderful readers! You can stalk her at any of the following locations…





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