amongst us. With his slim frame you could mistake his abilities but he’s solid as hell. It’s just a shame his head is fucked up. He doesn’t seem to understand that people fucking lie all the time and he can quickly be manipulated.

So, I decided to make it my responsibility to guide him in the right direction. Now, he can defend himself and have people backing away in fear. Although, his personality and hatred for cussing doesn’t seem to have changed. Which matches his curly brown hair and slim frame if we’re stereotyping.

It just doesn’t really match the fact that he has tattoos on his hands and a mean right hook.

“Yo Rome, did you see that? I need me some.”

The sparkle in Oscar’s eyes tells me that’s the truth all right, always thinking with his dick. I’m surprised it's not fallen off.

“What did you say to her? You just let her go into Ace, man.” Confusion is in my tone because Oscar loves explaining the hierarchy to everyone, seeing as he’s high up. It doesn’t make sense to me, unless she’s actually meant to be here. But what bloodline?

“Bro, she’s got three bloodlines and her major will be Steele.”


Who the fuck authorized that?

I asked for an extra skill set, but even with my father’s connections it was declined instantly. Then the fact that she’s majoring for Steele? Fuck. This could all go to shit for us because there is no way in hell that is possible.

“Oscar, what were the other names?”

From the smirk on his face I know I’m not going to like what he’s about to say.

“Hindman and Gibbs.”

My brain mulls this over for a beat.

“Hindman and Gibbs? As in Gibbs being another Ace bloodline? Meaning she just sauntered in there and took two Alpha names and you just fucking let her?”

I’m raging, some bitch is going to walk in here claiming names that sure as shit aren’t hers.

“And Hindman, that’s only a step down to Diamond Block, somebody better get me some fucking answers.” I’m close to yelling and I’ve risen to my feet.

Parker squeezes my shoulder reminding me to reign it in. I instantly sit back down and force myself to relax, but this girl just casually walked in here like it might not fuck all my plans up. I’ve worked too hard for it to go to shit now.

Oscar just winks and saunters off like he has no cares. He probably fucking doesn’t, but he should.

I’m ready to get out of here, I need to figure this out in private.

The shrill cries from the water get louder and I hear my name.

“Roman, what are you doing? Stop ignoring me. Get over here and help me out right now!” The fury in her voice is laughable, while she’s flapping around in the water like a seal.

She started the whole argument then went into bitch fight mode, who does that?

I think the girl's posture caught her off guard. It surprised me for sure, in the blink of an eye she was defending herself and pushing Wren into the water. Part of me wants to be impressed but she’s a complete unknown and I can’t have that.

“Sort yourself out, Wren. You’re a fucking mess.”

I’m standing and looking for Kai, who’s sitting around the other side of the table, in the shade as always. He meets my eyes and gives me a nod. Clearly, he heard what Oscar just said and is already researching like I need him too. He’s our tech expert so whatever there is to find on this girl he’ll get it.

I head into Ace and offer a slight smile to Thomas as I pass. I opt to take the stairs instead of the lift, even though I’m on the fourth floor. I can always get a minute to myself this way. The stairs are for the staff really so it’s basic green handlebars and magnolia walls, but they serve their purpose.

There are six blocks which form an order for how shit runs around here. Ace is for everyone representing the bloodline that runs The Ring. Followed by Diamond, Hearts, Spades, Clubs and Jokers. In that order. Jokers are at the bottom of the barrel. I don’t interact with anyone lower than Diamond, but I get why they’re here.

I mean we need minions to do the shitty skills because you won’t catch an Ace doing them. Then, each building has rooms allocated to bloodlines based on importance. All the blocks are the same size, they just have less and less people in them the higher up the chain you get.

For instance, Joker Block holds up to sixty attendees, all room sharing, and a couple of communal bathrooms on each floor. Whereas Ace holds eight, that’s eight fully equipped, top of the range condos. No apartments on the ground floor, that’s for our private gym/training area, garage and private chefs. You then have three condos on the second and third floor, and the top floor holds two apartments. I had the privacy of the top floor at Featherstone High and that’s how I liked it.

Now, it seems I’ve gone and got myself a fucking neighbor.



This place is crazy. Thomas walked me to my room yesterday morning and I haven’t had to leave since. I’m going a little mad here and I know I need to get out for a bit at some point, but I just needed time to gather myself, to figure out a plan. It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep yesterday, once I saw the level of security for my room, and arranged some of my own, I felt a little safer.

Thank god Rafe sent my ‘moon bag’, because it wasn’t safe enough to sleep without my switchblade under my pillow and one of my guns under the comforter, but enough for me to relax and let sleep take over for a while.

Once I woke I took the time to check out my new living space. The

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