My mood improved greatly as I walked through the door for my Italian class. There were only eleven of us in my class. Most students only took the first required year of foreign language and then moved on to other electives, but with Mr. Hastings as the teacher there was no place I’d rather be. Since the class was so small, I was able to sit in the middle of the room while still technically being in the back.
I was only sitting for a moment when Madalynn, Alas, and Melvina walked in. They sat in their normal seats in the front row. Alas and Melvina chatted away with whatever the day’s gossip was as Madalynn pulled out her compact and began adjusting her already heavily applied makeup.
As I bent down to get my books out of my bag, I thought about how even something as exciting as a new student didn’t upset the carefully structured hierarchy of the school. I pulled my textbook and notebook out of my bag and looked up to find Aaron taking the seat next to me. He didn’t even glance at me, so I assumed he hadn’t seen me.
“You shouldn’t sit there,” I said quietly, hoping no one would notice I was talking to him.
He turned to me and I was briefly shocked by the dark expression in his eyes. He frowned at me, seemingly upset that I’d spoken to him.
I was used to people not wanting to hear what I had to say so I continued, “You shouldn’t sit next to me. Your new friends won’t like it. If you want to stay popular you should go sit with Madalynn.”
I pointed to the front row where Madalynn was now fixing her hair. Aaron shrugged and looked away, clearly disregarding my advice.
“Suit yourself,” I whispered as Mr. Hastings walked into the room, timing his entrance perfectly with the bell.
“Happy Friday, everyone!” he called in his usual greeting. He was a tall, average looking man, with well-worn tidy clothes. “Get out those journal entries from last night and let’s have some volunteers to read aloud.”
Hands went up around the room. After three students had read and gotten feedback, Mr. Hastings moved on with the lesson, completely capturing all of my attention away from Aaron, who remained seated next to me.
When the bell for lunch rang, it seemed like class had been only fifteen minutes long. Everyone hurried out of the room, excited to see their friends for an hour.
As I left the room, I saw Madalynn animatedly chatting to Aaron as they walked in front of me all the way to the Dining Hall. I ignored them as they stayed right in front of me throughout the lunch line.
I sat down at my usual table and was relieved when I saw Jaden walk in, knowing I would be much safer with her by my side. We ate in companionable silence before heading off to the remainder of our classes.
That night, Jaden left immediately after eighth period with the promise to return Sunday morning. I ate dinner alone in my room, turning on our small television so the room didn’t seem so quiet.
Not knowing what else to do with myself, I went to the library to get a head start on my homework for the next week. I knew on a Friday night there wouldn’t be anyone there and it would be safe for me to sit for a while and work.
I had a paper for American History due, so I went to the history section to find some books. I turned down an aisle and nearly ran into Aaron, who seemed to have been intently staring at one of the shelves.”
“Sorry,” I said. “Didn’t know anyone else was in here.”
“It’s my fault,” he replied, darkly.
He turned to leave. He’d only gone a few steps before I couldn’t stop myself from asking, “What book were you looking for?”
He turned back to me and I glanced at the floor to avoid making eye contact.
“I’ve been here for three years. I know this library pretty well. The librarian has her own system that doesn’t always make sense. Maybe I could help you find it,” I spoke quickly and realized that I was nervously rambling.
I glanced up and he was giving me a curious look. I instantly regretted offering to help. His face darkened as though he sensed my sudden discomfort.
“It doesn’t matter. I don’t need it,” he said.
“Are you sure?” I asked, unable to stop myself.
“Yes. It’s not important.” He paused before adding. “Have a good night.”
He turned and walked away. Even thought I’d heard him speak so little during his time at Ardara, wishing me a good night was the nicest thing I’d heard him say to anyone.
I found some books for my paper and went to the table where I’d left my things. I settled in for hours of research and managed to forget all about Aaron Tremain.
Chapter 2
The swarm of teenagers who had decided to befriend me, were vapid and cruel. To any observer, it would surely appear that I fit right in with them. Perhaps I didn’t spend nearly as much time, or any really, torturing other students. I did however, appear to have enough disregard for anyone but myself that my place among the elitist group that had immediately adopted me was unquestioned.
What my aloofness and occasional bouts of anger hid was my constant attention to the world around me. My so called “friends” failed to realize that my disinterest included them and their school, but they believed my lie. Everyone did. I impressed even myself this time at the level to which I had managed to convince the world that I was someone I wasn’t.
Attending Ardara Prep wasn’t even my idea.