“In the pit! In the pit!”

“I hear you, and you will all be freed before the sun rises,” Mike replied.

* * * * * * *

Chapter Nine

Pueblo State Park

Pueblo, Colorado

Mike met back with the new leader for a private moment.

“They, your brothers, will meet me in the pit. Should they be victorious, you will banish them from this lake, never to return. The women will be set free tonight, and the men who traded some for freedom will be banished as well. My group will move out tomorrow regardless of tonight’s outcome, and you will be left to lead. No mistakes and no second chances. Am I clear?”

“You are.”

“Good. Have your men lead your brothers down to fight. No guns or any other weapons,” he added, handing the new leader his pocketknife. “I want this back; my brother gave it to me.”

* * * *

The torches were lit, and Mike walked the dirt trail down into the earth for the second time that night.

There were no drums this time, and only the torches showed something was off.

“Something is going on over there. Something different,” I told Joy.

“I hope Mike is okay,” she added.

Mike touched the new leader’s swollen eye before descending.

“You remember this if they come up alive. What I’m trying to give you tonight is a gift, and in this Next-World you only get one of those.”

* * * *

Mike slowly descended as the three met in confidence, like a football huddle.

“It’s not the plan, fellas; it’s the execution,” Mike said aloud, popping his knuckles.

He paused for a moment, bowing his head. “Lord,” he whispered, “watch over Sheila and Javi and those on both sides of this lake. I’m working my way towards you, zig-zagging all over, I know. These people need to not be afraid anymore. I hope you count this one as a zig…

“Shoot anyone who doesn’t fight!” he yelled up to the new guards, stealing a line from his last encounter.

“Let’s go, boys; I’ve got an early morning tomorrow,” called out Mike.

They came out of the huddle with a plan of sorts. The lead brother, with the mouth, came out swinging wildly, letting haymakers fly both left and right. Mike dodged these with ease, hardly trying. He let a couple land just to feel it.

“Your shots—they hit hard but too wide,” he said, driving one straight onto his chin and shaking his hand as the man fell. “Next, you fellas,” he said casually. Both came at him, screaming and grabbing at his arms. He fought them off, shaking one first and then the other. “So, you guys like to traffic women, I hear?”

“It’s just a business,” spat the lead brother, picking himself off the ground and wobbling like most of Tyson’s opponents over the years.

“This little business of yours is officially closed,” said Mike, hitting him harder than he could ever remember striking another man. This time he fell straightaway and didn’t make a sound.

“Oh my god! Is he…is he dead?” asked another, breathing heavy.

“That’s right,” said Mike. “Get mad, boys. Get your revenge!”

They came at him again, and this time he struck both at the same time, dropping them to the dirt.

“All right, I’m done,” said Mike, “unless you’re planning on getting up again?”

Neither man spoke through heavy breathing. Mike walked up the embankment to the waiting successor and his men.

“The rest is your choice,” Mike told him, walking past. “I’ll be back in the morning to talk to the group.”

* * * *

He walked away, back towards camp, wondering what his new leader would choose.

“Ready…aim…fire!” he heard faintly, followed by seven, or maybe eight, shots.

“You’ve chosen well…that you have,” said Mike aloud.

It was after one in the morning when Mike reached the camp.

“You boys aren’t waiting up for me, are you?”

“It didn’t seem fair to be sleeping while you were out there doing the dirty work by yourself,” I said. Lonnie, Vlad and Jake nodded in agreement.

“There were a lot of shots,” said Mitch.

“Yes, that’s true,” replied Mike. “But the good news is we can move on tomorrow after a meeting with the new leader and his group. And Mitch, you can start fishing in the morning.”

“Really?” he said. “So, it’s okay now…I mean, are things truly different?”

“The snakes have lost their heads,” replied Mike. “The old regime has been removed from power. Now, I’m going to get some sleep. Just don’t tell me I’m on guard duty tonight.”

“Not tonight,” I said, smiling. “I’m out too,” I added, as everyone got up to leave the fire. With all of us minus Mike already completing our nightly guard duties, we headed to bed.

* * * *

Up at dawn, our camp was bustling with questions for Mike that he started to answer before announcing that any adult was welcome to join him at the meeting this morning across the lake, where he would answer all questions at once.

I took a four-wheeler, as did Vlad, and promised to get answers for Joy and everyone else staying behind. Lonnie insisted we go in fully strapped, “because you just never know,” he said.

* * * *

We arrived at the camp to cheers from many who recognized Mike. He was like a hero, with men and women both shaking his hand and hugging him.

“This checks Mike’s biggest fear box right there,” I said quietly to Vlad. To his credit, he let them touch him and cry on his shoulder for several minutes.

“Let’s get this group together for a quick meeting,” said Mike to the new leader.

Men, women and children gathered around, telling each other to shush so they could hear.

“This here,” started Mike, “is the last of the Gatelin brothers,” putting his arm on the man’s shoulder. “From what I have heard, he’s also the only good one of the bunch. As most of you know, the other three are no more.

“This man is your leader now, and his security guards will keep you safe. Those men over there,” pointing to the last security detail

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