found out when we went to get Cutter. We haven’t been able to meet about it until Tech had grabbed and sorted out all the information that he could.

“Alright, let’s start. What we found was fucking shocking. These guys ran this plan deep. We didn’t realize it until we went to that house, but what we found was not at all comforting. It looks like they had a man planted in every club. As you know, Cutter has been a part of the club for years and we had no idea that he was leading a double life. That’s what they all did with minimal communication. They were able to dig up a crazy amount of information from each club. We killed most of them, but three were left alive; one of which was Cutter. We will each get a chance to show him what it’s like to betray the club. They may think of the Vicious Snakes as pussies, but we are about to show them that we are anything but,” Prez says and I nod my head. I stumbled on the information when I went in to kill anyone in that house.

We didn’t know how deep these guys got until we found all this shit.

“I’ll be contacting the other presidents after Church to discuss the information that we found. We need to do everything we can to make sure that this doesn’t happen again. The first way that we will do this is by making an example out of Cutter. Every brother is going to know what happens when you betray the Vicious Snakes,” he says, and there are a lot of grunts of agreement.

“The lockdown is officially over. We can send the women home. We don’t need them to see or hear what is about to happen next.”

The men with Old Ladies and kids in the club head out to send them home so that there are only brothers in the club.

We feel that it’s safe enough for our women to be home while we teach Cutter a lesson.

The prospect that was with Sophie and Krista heads back to the club too. It’s important that everyone sees what kind of example we will make of a traitor.

Within an hour, the main room is full of brothers. Cutter and two other men are tied to chairs. We moved shit about so that we can make them scream.

“For the prospects that don’t know, this here is Cutter. He pretended to be a brother while planning to kidnap not only our princess, but also several friendly clubs’ princesses as well. All while working for the Devil’s Souls. I’m sure you all know the new woman that I have taken under my protection, Camilla. She was dating this traitor, and he had sold her to the Devil’s Souls where she was held for months with unspeakable things being done to her.”

The rage builds around the room, and every brother is looking at Cutter with complete and utter disgust.

I crack my knuckles thinking of the damage I could do to him. He doesn’t deserve to suffer an easy death.

He’s glaring at everyone and not showing a hint of fear, but that will change very soon.

The prospects all watch as every one of our members takes a turn on the three men. As much as we would love to hear them keep screaming, we have to gag them because it was getting ridiculously loud. I’m sure that they would be begging for death right about now if it wasn’t for the gags.

Once we are done playing with them, we have their bodies disposed of.

I have a hot shower before I go see Krista. She may know what club life is like, but there is no reason that she needs to see me covered with blood.

We need to concentrate on getting Bullet better and moving both his and Krista’s stuff into my house. Now that the lockdown is over, we can make plans to do that. We need to make the house into our home, not just mine.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Four weeks later.


I’m pacing the bathroom back and forth. It’s a good thing that it’s big because I have plenty of room to do just that.

Right after Blake got released from the hospital, Declan made plans with a few brothers to grab the rest of our stuff. Blake was going to take a few weeks to heal, so he had some Wicked Dragons pack up our stuff while the Vicious Snakes rented a truck to grab it.

Once we were officially moved in, I could finally make the place a home. I was going to do my best to decorate it to reflect a complete mix of all three of us.

It really felt like home. I spent my time taking care of Blake. I had plans to head to the hospital to ask for my job back, but I wanted to wait until I knew that Blake was better before then.

I was able to get so much closer to everyone in the meantime since I knew that I wasn’t going back home.

Camilla went back home after the lockdown was called off and Cutter was caught. I made sure that she had my number to call me if she needed anything.

She only lived a town over, so she wasn’t far if she ever wanted to hang out or needed me or the club.

After that, I watched as Torch withdrew more. I had no doubt that he was still healing from Stacey’s death. He only came home to help while the club was in need, so I heavily believed that it was only a matter of time before he left again.

Stacey’s death really fucked him up, and to see him go from the fun-loving guy to a man who tries to find happiness at the bottom of a bottle

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