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50. Ibid.
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55. Ibid.
56. Jonathan Turley, “He Who Must Not Be Named: How Hunter Biden Became a Conversation-Stopper.”
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Chapter 8: The Cost of Covid
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20. Ibid.
21. Email from Casey Mulligan, July 25, 2020.
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28. Mark McLaughlin, Marc Horne, and Rosemary Bennett, “No Known Case of Teacher Catching Coronavirus from Pupils, Says Scientist.”
29. Ibid.
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35. James Freeman, “The Limits of Anthony Fauci’s Expertise.”
36. Mornings with Maria, hosted by Maria Bartiromo, Fox Business Network, May 6, 2020.
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39. Email from Kristopher Sandlund, MD, Apr. 14, 2020.
40. Eric Morath, Harriet Torry, and Gwynn Guilford, “A Second Round of Coronavirus Layoffs Has Begun. Few Are Safe,” Economy, Wall Street Journal, Apr. 14, 2020, https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-second-round-of-coronavirus-layoffs-has-begun-no-one-is-safe-11586872387.
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Chapter 9: Is Bidenomics Turning Out to Be Bernienomics?
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