“Well, yeah, of course I do. Who doesn’t want to go to Scotland?” she asked. “But I think here is probably the best plan for now. At least until I stop trying to kill you.”
“Whatever my lady wishes,” Rory said. The puppy attacked his hand, and he laughed. “Isn’t that right, Jim? Jennifer can have whatever her heart desires.”
“He’s an unusual dog, isn’t he? What kind do you think he is?” she asked.
“Cute.” Rory shrugged.
“I meant the breed,” Jennifer clarified.
“Maura took him by the vet. They think he’s a schipperke and possibly part something else.”
“Schipperke? I’ve never heard of that kind,” she said. “His face looks kind of like a miniature bear cub.”
“They make great watchdogs and were used to catch rats around barges,” he said.
“Interesting.” She petted Jim’s head. “Did you have to look that up?”
“Told ya we like animals,” he said. “I’ve been around a while.”
“Why don’t you let Jim play on the floor? Then make sure that door’s locked and come here, Mr. MacGregor?” Jennifer grinned. “I can think of one thing this lady desires.”
Rory shot a stream of magick at the door. The lock chain moved on its own, sliding into place. He leaned over the side of the bed to gently lower Jim to the floor.
Rory crawled toward her. His clothes dropped off his body without effort. When he reached her, he was completely naked.
“What were ya saying, love?” Rory kissed the corner of her mouth. “I am here to serve.”
Chapter Fifteen
Being stuck in a room for a day and a half with Rory was as close to perfect as she would ever find, and thanks to his magickal abilities, quickly dressing when his siblings came to the door was literally a breeze. Their clothes blew onto them with a magickal whirl…and then back off again when they were alone.
Actually, every second with Rory could be considered a magickal whirl.
A beautiful dash of destiny.
“What are ya thinking just now?” Rory whispered against her temple. His hand rested across her naked waist. An occasional tingle vibrated her skin where they touched as if his magick flowed just beneath his surface.
The sound of murmuring voices came from the television, but they’d stopped paying attention to the show. They heard Jim’s paws running playfully around on the floor. The dog was obsessed with a squeaky hamburger toy Bruce had brought him.
“All it takes is a dash of destiny, and everything can change,” she answered.
Rory chuckled.
She leaned back to study him. “What?”
“That’s rather deep thinking,” he said. “You’re being philosophical, and I was thinking about…now I’m not sure I want to say.”
“Now you have to say,” she skated her fingertips along his arm, drawing aimless patterns.
He grinned. “How beautiful your arse is.”
Jennifer laughed. “Your arse isn’t too bad, either.”
“I like that phrasing.” He kissed her neck. “All it takes is a dash of destiny.”
“It was the last thing my mother said to me,” she admitted. “Though, I don’t want to talk about her right now when we’re lying here like this.”
“Do ya want your clothes?” he offered.
“I want your kisses before I have to get up and get ready for my shift,” she said.
“Gladly.” Rory leaned over and kissed her.
Jennifer reached for his face. She intended to keep him close, but her fist clenched.
“Oh, ow, love, that—” Rory reached toward where her hand pulled his hair.
Her hand shook, and a white heat ran down her arm. When it hit her shoulder, the sensation exploded into her body in liquid hot rage.
Jim began barking, the high-pitched yelp sounding distressed.
“There you are,” she ground out, unable to stop the words.
An outside force took over her body, causing her limbs to spasm. Jennifer kept hold of him as her free hand slapped against the mattress. Her fingers splayed, searching.
“Jennifer? Love, it’s me. Rory. Ya don’t want to do this.” He dug his hands underneath her grip on his hair and tried to pry them away from his head.
“There you are,” she said through clenched teeth. This was not what she wanted to say. This was not what she wanted to do.
“Jennifer, please,” Rory begged.
Jim barked louder.
“Hey, is everything all right?” Maura yelled as pounding started on the door.
Bruce and Maura charged into the room.
“Jennifer, no!” Maura shouted.
A yellow light flashed. Jennifer’s body began to stiffen.
“There you—”
“Ow,” Rory grunted.
Jennifer became as hard as a statue beneath him at the petrifying spell his sister cast to stop the attack. Her fist still gripped his hair.
“Please tell me you’re not naked under those covers,” Maura said.
“Aye,” Rory answered, trying to pry himself free. “A little help here.”
“Maura, get scissors,” Bruce instructed.
“Aye,” Maura answered. Rory heard her footsteps hurrying from the room.
Rory braced his weight and called forth his magick to clothe Jennifer’s statuesque form. His energy was weak, but at least it worked now that she was immobilized. The second that she’d attacked, he had been unable to fight her.
“So, what did ya do?” Bruce appeared next to the bed holding Jim.
“It’s the spell. It traps me and leaves me helpless to…” Rory grumbled, trying to pull the hair from his head to break free. Jennifer’s face was trapped with a snarling expression. Her eyes were narrowed as if they still stared at him, but he knew she couldn’t see in her current state.
“Helpless to?” Bruce prompted. “I didn’t quite catch that last part.”
“Helpless so she can stab me with a knife,” he answered.
“Knife?” Bruce walked around to the other side of the bed. “Oh, what do ya know. She’s holding a knife. When Maura comes with the scissors, I wouldn’t move around too much. Ya might stab yourself in the side.”
Maura rushed back into the room. “Don’t move, Rory.”
“Oh, aye, I was just about to pop out for a movie,” Rory answered.
“Don’t take your bad mood out on me,” Maura said.
“Oh, wait,” Bruce said, grabbing their sister’s arm as she tried to lean onto the bed. He