Clary looked back and smiled, like there was definitely something he knew which Scott did not. Minus day one and a quick rescue of Earl and Joe they hadn’t had much real-life experience with them. The safety of the CDC building had ensured that. Clary exited, walking to the back and a second later set an Igloo cooler on the ground along with two wood poles and some rope. Earl asked, “Yeah, this is great sittin’ out here in the middle of a damn field and all but uh, what the hell is he doing? Is there some fishing gear that I don’t see and a pond that I really don’t see? Please tell me he has beer.”
Greg opened an ammo box, pulling out a chain of fifty caliber bullets, “Oh, he’s going to make sure we aren’t bored too much longer.”
“Well, if you put it that way, then I feel even better, thanks for that detailed explanation, Greg. I’m not the easiest guy to keep as a friend, there are a lot of people who aren’t zombies calling if you know what I mean. You better play your cards right, or I’m not going to deal with your teenage attitude,” Earl said as he crossed his arms and attempted to look uninterested in what was happening.
Shaun turned around and explained, “I figured out a little trick with the Turned a while back. We knew that they were blood hungry and the smell of it would bring them in.”
“Shoot, blood, huh? Well I’m sure the super doctor over here would have figured it out eventually. I mean, if they ever left that building besides when they came to help us out.”
“Right, well he’s going to draw in more than we probably want if he has blood in that cooler,” Shaun explained.
The four watched Clary as he pounded two stakes into the ground. His hammering was not very impressive as he was still learning that he was a one-eyed soldier. He managed to get both of them in and used a shoelace to tie a bag of blood between the two stakes. He nicked the tip of it with the blade of his knife and watched as a few drops of blood began to fall onto the ground. Clary had a knowing look that he gave to the two newcomers with them.
Earl watched in awe waiting for something to happen. Scott was impressed because Earl almost made it to the count of thirty before he started asking, those in the car, “Hey, so when do ya’ll want me to get the zombie annihilater ready to rock and roll? This is a precision instrument and it needs time to get ready to kick ass.”
Chapter 5
Ellie watched as they drove away. She couldn’t justify why she needed to go. Greg was better with the mounted gun and Shaun seemed to be the mediator between the veterans at the base and those that were new there. She was pretty confident that the new guy, Earl, was going to potentially get killed by Clary if he spoke too much.
They had gotten the base back to normal and refortified after the attacks. Luckily, there weren't a helluva lot of concerns to worry about, so long as they followed rules trying to keep any reason for the Turned to have any sort of reason to make their way to the base. They didn’t go out of their way to make loud noises any more. They’d made the north field an impressive field. Nothing that would feed everyone but it was enough to add things to the food that they did have. They knew after some time that the supplies would run out and that they would need to figure out something, but for now, things seemed good. The fact that they weren’t solely reliant on a non-replenishable stock of food was a blessing.
Ellie had been working with Lou before he had been lost to one of the Turned. It hadn’t weighed well on her shoulders given the fact the only reason that anyone left was because of her losing her shit. In her defense, she’d thought Shaun had died and with it all logic had gone. She had been in a frantic rage and didn’t know what to do and going for him was the only thing which made any sense to her. She knew now it had been a mistake, but with the loss of Lou, Aliyah, and so many of the new group they’d taken in, she tried her best to not think about her mistakes but to be sure she did not make them again. Regardless of if she didn’t try to think about it, she still knew her memories would be waiting for her in her dreams. After a few hours, she couldn't handle anymore sitting around and headed to the infirmary.
Ellie kept stats on the blood that they had collected while Lou had been around. She’d watched every YouTube video on veins and proper techniques that she could. There had been frustration like not many things else before it. But like most things, with time they had gotten better and now when she was drawing blood on a rotation schedule that kept her pretty busy a few days a week, she was able to not be known as the painful blood taker like when she’d first started doing it.
She was checking her schedule, trying to see what time the next donor was going to be coming in. She was trying to ignore them, but Joey and Timmy were walking slowly side to side in front of the door. Ellie knew that Joey could absolutely do this forever. He had little to do at the moment and without Clary here to try and assist, he had a plethora of time that needed killing. It would seem his new friend