killed. After that, maybe we can try and come back for you. A life without meat sounds like a sad one.”

“If you can make it back, we’d really appreciate it.”

Joe, who was still looking at the magnetic doors, had to ask, “So, you guys use those on all the different doors to keep things closed?”

“I’m an engineering major. I rigged it up just as soon as this happened. So long as no one raided it, that science building should have what you need,” Pete explained.

Joe leaned over next to Ellie and asked, “I don’t know what you got going on at that base but is he something we might want to have around?”

Ellie shrugged, “Can you really have too many smart people around you?”

Joe said, “You feel like a change of location?”

“Sure, I mean is it safe?”

“Safer than Chicago.”

“I don’t know what that really means.”

Ellie cut in, “Yeah, it's probably safer than you’d be here. The problem is we still haven’t gotten what we need, and I’m sure that having the Turned pounding on the door isn’t doing anything but making this place more dangerous by the moment.”

“Can you fit all of us in your car?” Pete asked already pretty sure that, short of a bus, would not be capable of getting them anywhere all at once anyways.

Ellie looked at the number of people and said, “We could take you, but you’d have to come with us while we collect stuff. If you can stay alive, then we can be back at our base in less than a few hours, I bet.”

“I’d very much like to not die. You aren’t filling me with a lot of confidence.”

“That isn’t really my strong suit. But I am a survivor and you could be too if you come with us. We can always come back later for the others. If they aren’t literally starving and have food, then they just need to keep this place buttoned up.”

Bethany said, “Christ, go. If this could give us the hope to end this then why wouldn’t we want you to go? We’ve already got your nerd magnets and that’s going to keep those things outside, just where we want them to be.”

“You’re sure about that? I mean once I’m gone it isn’t like I’ll have my moped to ride back to you guys.”

“You really are a nerd, Pete. Just be careful and don’t forget how to get back here.”

“I can handle that, Bethany.”

Pete looked at the group. Minus Joey, everyone was packing heavy. He optimistically asked, “It looks like you guys have plenty of guns at the base. Can I use one of those while we are out collecting? I’d like to be able to protect myself.”

“This isn't on the job training, and I don’t want you making any mistakes with a gun you don’t know how to use,” Kya said.

“I’m not going to shoot myself. I’m pretty sure I’m older than you and you have one.”

“I could care less if you shoot yourself. What I’m worried about is you shooting one of us. I get to carry one because people who have more experience than you could ever have taught me how to use it. On the job training isn’t going to be happening today,” Kya said, not giving any more info nor did it seem she was open for debate. She walked towards the stairs sign, disappearing around the corner.

Pete looked at the rest of the group, trying to keep some hope that there was someone there that would be on the same page thinking everyone needed a gun. Not a single face gave any sense to the fact that they were going to hand over anything to him. Pete said, “Well, thanks everyone, I feel like I’ve made some really strong friends here today.”

Joey put his arm around him, pulling him forward. “Don’t worry about it, Pete, you got me as a friend. I won’t hold you not knowing how to survive as something against you. I mean you probably should learn though, because otherwise one of them zombies is gonna pull your head off, and I don’t think you’d like that.”

Pete stopped walking, not sure what to say. He watched as his new group walked up the stairs, leaving him feeling like a naked kid up in front of everyone during a school speech. Bethany yelled, “Don’t get left behind. Don’t forget to come back for us. You don’t forget that and don’t die.”

Pete was going to say something intelligent, something to try and make them feel better, but he didn’t think there was anything he could say, could do, to make people feel confident. He wasn’t the type to make speeches; he was a thinker and a worker and falling further behind by the second. He started running up the stairs, catching up to them eventually and slowing down, trying to think on the fly what, if anything, that he could do to try and help but decided right now just guiding them to the chemicals which they needed would be more than enough.

When they got out to the roof, the group looked around, trying to see if the ladders mentioned were still intact. Pete pointed, not wanting to say it but knew he was making himself half sick thinking about falling. While he was rushing up the flights of steps, he was confident they had to be four or five different floors up. Pete said, “Guys, the building we want is three over. If we can get in there then we can see how bad it looks. I’ll even let you go first...since none of you seem to have the mindset of letting me carry something that can kill one of those things.”

Pete walked over to the ladder; he was doing calculations in his head as he looked at Joe and Joey,

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